Sentences with phrase «in childrearing»

Divorcing parents write a parenting plan that outlines their respective roles in childrearing after divorce.
Early environments and nurturing relationships are essential; both of which are influenced by culture and reflected in childrearing beliefs and practices
Because we know that equality for women requires fathers to play an equal part in childrearing — indeed one of the key policy outcomes desired by many governments including in the UK (and central to the government's current proposals) is increased take - up of parenting leave and pay by fathers.
Courts consider joint custody favorably because it promotes the continuing relationship between the parents and the child, and both parents have joint rights and responsibilities in childrearing.
In early childhood development, early environments and nurturing relationships are essential; both of which are influenced by culture and reflected in childrearing beliefs and practices.
Studies of WIDOWED homes show little difference in childrearing outcomes between these «single mother households» and «intact families.»
Your argument goes on to explain why «fatherless» children, presumably being improperly «socialized,» are at risk of some sort (you hope) even though research into causation (versus bean - counting) indicates that father - presence or absence in and of itself is not a factor in childrearing outcomes.
If the data showed fathers were so valuable, then why haven't feminists been using it when pressuring fathers to participate in childrearing more.
They also tend to make good biological parents because they have already parented, which makes them more experienced in childrearing.
In the video, a treehouse employee talks about how he's able to participate more in childrearing because of having an extra day away from the office every week.
In regard to the Sunday, Oct. 17, article in the Family section entitled «Tossing and turning on the issue of the family bed,» experts in the childrearing field convincingly present their opposing sides of the issue.
Annye Rothenberg, Ph.D., author, has been a child / parent psychologist and a specialist in childrearing and development of young children for more than 25 years.
Traditionally, teen years have always been pegged as the most difficult in childrearing — aside from the terrible twos.
The American College of Pediatricians encourages parents to be deliberate and active in their childrearing efforts.
Tested by hundreds of families worldwide and in every childrearing situation: working families, single & stay - at - home parents, twins and multiples, and children of varying age and temperament, No - Cry Discipline offers thought - provoking advice on the role of parents, ways they can better understand their children, and practical, achievable information that can make life easier.
«It is true that fathers today are more involved in childrearing and do more housework than in previous generations, but the major responsibility for the domestic realm continues to disproportionately fall on mothers» shoulders,» she said.
The popular conception that to have a big, bonny, bouncing baby is the epitome of success in childrearing is misplaced.
Also, this type of custody encourages parental cooperation in childrearing.
the parents» willingness to accept parenting responsibilities and ability in childrearing such as parenting skills and discipline style;
''... the unwillingness to accept the fact of mothers» role in childrearing within the context of custody policy conforms to the popular gender neutral focus at the expense of reality... even if the ultimate goal is gender neutrality, the imposition of rules embodying such a view within the context of family law issues is disingenuous since the effect is to the detriment of those who have constructed their lives around «genderized» roles.»
The associated developmental tasks include joining together in childrearing, financial and household tasks, and realigning relationships in the extended family to include parenting and grand parenting roles.
Worst of all, spanking damages the parent - child relationship, which is absolutely the most important element in childrearing.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) Families were recruited to participate in an intervention aimed at improving father engagement in childrearing.
In other contexts, feminists complain about the cultural assumptions of childrearing putting an unfair burden on women, but when the law tries to redress that burden and demand that parents share in childrearing, then feminists object.
In addition, the potential difference in childrearing attitudes between the anxious parent and the coparent may affect the similarity of their parenting roles — for example, more stereotypic (and thus dissimilar) roles if the mother is the anxious partner.
[jounal] Kalmijn, M. / 1999 / Father involvement in childrearing and the perceived stability of marriage / Journal of Marriage and the Family 61: 409 ~ 421
Since joint custody gives both parents joint rights and responsibilities in childrearing, this routine is deemed beneficial.
Fact: It is fathers» beliefs about roles, and NOT mothers» that influences fathers» participation in childrearing.
Fathers no doubt play an important role in childrearing.
Some historians of education might note that this fear stems from a centuries - old belief in childrearing that untamed children need discipline, not independent thinking.
This is a study of the relation between fathers» high levels of involvement in childrearing and various family outcomes: quality of the marriage, the mother's report of social support, the quality of the mother - child relationship and of the father - child relationship, and the quality of family interactions when the children are in elementary school.
One explanation for this pattern may be based on the different roles fathers and mothers are assumed to have in childrearing.
Controversy exists with regard to the use of corporal punishment (CP) in childrearing.
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