Sentences with phrase «in community activities»

Encourage her to find healthy outlets such as exercise, joining a club at her school, or participating in a community activity.
Get your son / daughter involved in community activities for obtaining school and volunteer service credit.
Be responsible to the community and be a contributing part of this environment through participation in community activities.
They remain active in community activities related to adoption and foster care, and use their personal experiences to connect with and support foster / adoptive parents.
If you still have the energy, you can also consider volunteering in community activities.
If you are alone, plan in advance to do something you enjoy or get together with a friend who is also alone or take part in a community activity.
Being involved in community activities make you feel young and energetic which leads to better quality of life.
Examples include learning directly from an expert, participating in community activities, or developing a creative project.
• Provided assistance for persons with disabilities in providing for and living an accomplished and active lifestyle and challenged them to focus on total autonomy and participation in community activities and programs.
But if you want to really want to get yourself known, you'll get involved in community activities or in social causes.
Participating in community activities such as church bazaars will help you get to know your new neighbours and pave the way for your children to start making new friends.
Criteria include family teamwork, encouraging individual growth, and family involvement in community activities.
Barefoot Wines and Surfrider Foundation Barefoot Wine has been involved in community activities for the last 20 years and has donated over $ 250,000 to Surfrider since 1997 when Barefoot Wines launched the Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue Project.
By posting work or engaging in community activities on Book Country, you're affirming that you are of the appropriate age.
A big loss that should be noted here is the lack of proper replays; those included only show highlights of usually your worst moments and the lack of a photo mode which always aids in community activity.
Participation in community activities neatly dovetails with marketing and client origination.
Activities director and youth recruiter for LA Legacy in charge of coordinating community youth to make a difference near their home and branch out, and find unique individuals with a passion to not only better themselves but others around them and make an impact in the community
In many cases community activities show an employer what you've been doing while unemployed, and many people get involved in community activities where they actually use the same professional skills they use on the job to accomplish something noteworthy.
Plays an active role in community activities so as to update and understand the local real estate market
Transported patients to and from different appointments and / or recreation activities in the community
Children with chronic problems had diminished family functioning, more school absences, and less participation in community activities compared with other children.
Total competence, which represents engagement in community activities, social skills, and school, was measured with the CBCL.
Mental Health Community Support Services (MHCSS)-- these are managed by non-government organisations and provide assistance with daily activities and help people with severe and enduring mental illness to live successfully in the community
Not driving a car lowers a household's expenses, and for every 10 minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, they spend 10 percent less time in community activities, Walk Score says.
Catalog your background leading or founding student groups as well as participating in community activities.
Family Involvement - Participation in community activities such as church, volunteering, youth activities, athletics, organizations, or other activities.
On 5th we will join the UNV to celebrate the International Day of Volunteers in community activities.
We become responsible for managing other staff members, delegating, mentoring and taking part in community activities.
More than 30 years ago, Mrs. Graham, who had been active in community activities, including the American Association of University Women and the Campfire Girls, received political encouragement from people she met while taking a Park District scuba class.
The national survey used an index of evangelical belief (as opposed to membership in an evangelical denomination), which showed that holding these beliefs was more strongly associated with the viewing of religious programs than any other single factor, including contributing to or attending church, participation in community activities, income, age or sex.
Robert B. Rosenstein, the founder and the principal of Rosenstein & Associates is actively involved in the community, and encourages all members of Rosenstein & Associates, not just the attorneys, to also become involved in community activities.
It was also noted that more than a third of former patients expressed discomfort about being present for or participating in the programs of the church, nor were they able to participate in community activities.
The national survey used the «literalist / charismatic» index of evangelical belief (as opposed to membership in an evangelical denomination), which showed that holding these beliefs was more strongly associated with the viewing of religious programs than any other single factor — including attending church, contributing to a church, participating in community activities, income, age, or sex.
Maintain communication with school staff and monitor child's coping with demands at school or in community activities
«Family Night Out will be a great opportunity for Lackawanna residents to learn more about what is going on in their community, how they can empower themselves and their families, and ways that they can be more involved in community activities,» said Erie County Commissioner of Social Services Al Dirschberger.
I want children to be involved in outside activities and participate in community activities
«We found that in tsunami - prone areas, people who have participated in community activities are more likely to undertake disaster risk reduction actions,» says IIASA researcher Raya Muttarak, who led the study.
She has considerable leadership experience in organized veterinary medicine (American Veterinary Medicine Association; American Association of Feline Practitioners; Oregon Veterinary Medicine Association), as well as in community activities.
Some doctors search high and low for treatment options, others delve into medical research for answers, they volunteer at shelters, participate in community activities, create close relationships with their clients and the list goes on.
In some communities this activity is actually prohibited for shelters.
Volunteering with animals is a great way to get children involved in community activities.
Without these cookies, some services or features will not be available, such as logging in, participating in community activities and ordering gifts.
A lawyer with the City of Ottawa was active in community activities, and with permission of his employer spent some time on those activities at the office.
Participate in community activities and fundraising events.
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