Sentences with phrase «in console gaming»

This is something that has been in mobile gaming for some time and is now more prevalent than ever in console gaming.
PS4 Neo will bring incredible, true 4K gaming to console players and could mark the start of yet another revolution in the console gaming space.
It seems that the idea of third party marketing deals are alive and well in the console gaming industry.
There never was a comfortable console gaming setup, and that might be why I'm years behind in my console gaming.
PS + is easily the best value in console gaming.
What I can say is that we believe the next milestone in console gaming is around true 4K gaming and high - fidelity graphics.
In summary, if you're a big spender and have a long, or new interest in console gaming, I'd look into Xbox One X. However, if you do have the money to blow on a console like this and are either indifferent between console and PC, or prefer PC outright, then I'd say using that money to invest into a PC is
Sony came out of the gate with an incredible system and kicked off one of the most successful system launches in console gaming history.
Develop was able to talk to Crytek UK (formerly Free Radical) studio's managing director, Karl Hilton, who believes the studio will be able to contribute «some critcal elements» and become a key player in console gaming with their upcoming title, Crysis 2.
«Business as usual» at Nintendo is much different than business anywhere else; the company wants to make a profit and stay a major player in the console gaming industry, sure, but not to the point that it's willing to betray its ideals of what a console should be.
But surely, since a game like Destiny is better played with friends anyway, any long - time players will already have encouraged the members of their inner circle who partake in console gaming to get involved in this most absorbing of new pastimes back in September of last year.
The device is much less powerful than Xbox and PlayStation, which are currently taking dominance in the console gaming market.
Their popular Nintendo Entertainment System had swooped in during the aftermath of the gaming market crash in 1983, and had been the undisputed leader in console gaming ever since.
The Zelda series also boasts one of the few modern classics in console gaming.
Once upon a time, in my console gaming days, I first laid eyes on Super Monkey Ball.
«Despite the negative trend in console gaming, respondents demonstrated strong interest in core titles such as Call of Duty and Medal of Honor.»
Scorpio will be a new system, forever gone is the 8 - 10 year wait to have newer system hardware in console gaming, and I say good - ridden.
TERA's True Action combat system isn't exactly uncommon in console gaming.
Star Fox may not have aged as nicely as other classic Nintendo titles, but the technology that drives it was a key step forward in console gaming.
It feels like the tip of the spear, the benchmark of what was happening, especially in console gaming.
Since that time, we have dramatically grown market share in console gaming, reinvented the pre-owned business, built a digital gaming business, launched a mobile business, built an almost 20 million member PowerUp Rewards community, consolidated international businesses and have returned $ 1 billion to shareholders through buybacks and dividends.
«Ubisoft's leadership and expertise in the console gaming space will help support Hasbro's strategy of -LSB-...]
At no point in console gaming history has there been a videogame avalanche of this magnitude.
On the next episode of Super Podshots, Kal El experiments with a new call in podcast, Talks about Fortnite catching Pubg in install base, Forza reversing its VIP DLC, games getting back to being fun & Microsoft trying to kick off the 4k era in console gaming.
Back in 2013, we we're introduced to Microsoft's next evolution in the console gaming world.
But what if the Nintendo NX ends up being the dominant force in console gaming?
Considering Xbox brand controllers are generally regarded as the superior choices in console gaming, this is a nod in favor of the Steam Controller.
But the last few years have seen the country roaring back to prominence in console gaming, thanks in part to the market domination of PlayStation and Nintendo, and seen major Japanese third parties begin to make inroads with disillusioned fans again.
Your broadband plan's download cap is playing an ever more important role in console gaming because of the increase in file sizes of downloadable products, and the tendency for most games to get patched frequently.
Star Fox Zero is wrapped around iconic Nintendo characters and hails back to the glory days when Nintendo practically ruled the roost in console gaming, but for me it doesn't have the Nintendo magic.
His interests also primarily lie in console gaming, currently eagerly anticipating Star Wars: Battlefront and continually playing Disney Infinity 3.0 from Disney.
For me, the Xbox 360 was the console that signaled Microsoft was serious about becoming a success in console gaming.
Microsoft has pitched the Xbox One X as a revolution in console gaming power, making an understandably big deal about the impressive tech under its bonnet.
We stand at a crucial juncture in console gaming history at the moment - right before network services are so fully embedded that they can replace consoles as a game delivery mechanism entirely, and right after phones and tablets have changed consumer expectations about hardware release frequencies.
After all, cross-platform play is one of the most requested additions in console gaming, with everyone from Rocket League to Final Fantasy getting in on the action.
I don't understand how, when digital is becoming the dominant way to purchase games, when Sony is the top dog in console gaming, you can not make your store front the shining example online stores
In summary, if you're a big spender and have a long, or new interest in console gaming, I'd look into Xbox One X. However, if you do have the money to blow on a console like this and are either indifferent between console and PC, or prefer PC outright, then I'd say using that money to invest into a PC is easily a more worthwhile and financially sound investment.
Nintendo's Animal Crossing won three awards, including innovation in console gaming, console role - playing game of the year, and outstanding achievement in game design.
is better played with friends anyway, any long - time players will already have encouraged the members of their inner circle who partake in console gaming to get involved in this most absorbing of new pastimes back in September of last year.
Software sales for PS4 perhaps reveal even more about Sony's dominance in console gaming.
The result was the Sony PlayStation, a device that revolutionized gaming, and that has cemented Sony as the current market leader in console gaming.
I am not worried about the gaming side in any way because i know in that respect the Playstation brand always delivers after all it is still the biggest «name» in console gaming.
That goodwill has translated to enormous sales, and for a generation that many thought would be the final one, we now have a renewed interest in console gaming, and are starting to look ahead toward the future.
My PC gaming has slowed down with the market shift though, and although I have choice games that will ever be on PC, I have found myself in console gaming with a bit of portable gaming in my life.
What they want to do is target the China market and get them interested in console gaming and TV media entertainment using their Tomahawk F1 console.
Still any ex-exclusive coming to psn is Allways good to hear about, why devs / publishers «sell out» in console gaming is a stupid thing, i mean i get it but wish it wasn't happening so much, Uncharted / GoW on my xbox / pc..
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