Sentences with phrase «in consumer technology»

Third, there are attractive deals in the consumer technology sector.
Can anyone ever say with confidence that a company has sustainable competitive advantages in consumer technology?
For over 40 years, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas has been the leading platform for the launch of some of the most influential products in consumer technology, namely the VCR, CD player and the Xbox.
Tablets have been a mainstay in consumer technology for well over half a decade yet surprisingly, they haven't been able to unseat the traditional pen and pad for general notetaking.
CES Asia returns after a successful debut last year, the event shows off the very best in consumer technology and claims to be the only industry event focused on the Asia - Pacific market.
Going corporate In its early days, Instagram's anti-corporate image attracted users «who didn't want to be associated with the giant on the block,» says Brian Blau, research director in consumer technologies at Gartner.
Asked how far out he reckons graphene is from finding its way into real world electronics, he added: «While considerable challenges still exist, some great steps forward have been made over the past year or so and I expect high - tech applications of graphene in consumer technologies to appear in the general market within the next 2 - 3 years.
Neal and Taylor's argument was rooted in math: there were more consumers than there were IT users, which meant that over the long run the rate of improvement in consumer technologies would exceed that of enterprise - focused ones; IT departments needed to grapple with increased demand from their users to use the same technology they used at home.
Since the Apple iPad burst onto the scene last April, tablets have been a highly visible presence in the consumer technology marketplace.
WEARABLES: FITNESS VS. FASHION Wearables have long been advertised as «the next big thing» in the consumer technology market.
Wearables are the next tier for the company in consumer technology.
Piper said Crane's vision for a more localized, personalized energy experience aligns well with broader trends in consumer technology.
The startup was co-founded by CEO Sara Mauskopf, who has worked in consumer technology and product management at companies including Postmates, Twitter, YouTube and Google; along with Anne K. Halsall, CPO, a product designer and developer also with experience at Postmates and Google, as well as Quora and Inkling.
Three years a long time in consumer technology, so you'd expect to see competitors leapfrog past the Retina 5K's quality.
Google Glass is one of the most exciting developments in consumer technology.
Global marketing and product innovator in consumer technology products, healthcare / medical diagnostics and manufacturing.
Utilize my extensive experience in the consumer technology industry, combined with high - level sales and marketing knowledge, deep operational experience, technical savvy and cross-functional communication abilities to drive sales, manage profit margins, manage teams and maximize profitability.
Over the past six months, on these pages, I have been tracking the emergence of a new category in consumer technology devoted to the development and democratization of tools that promote mental fitness.
As always, GoodEReader will be on hand with live tweets and updates from the keynote speeches and presentations, as well as a wealth of articles, interviews, and videos of the next big things in consumer technology.
«I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in consumer technology, if you want to know what people like us will do tomorrow, you look at what teenagers are doing today.
In consumer technology — and increasingly enterprise — the best user experience wins, and it is the best hedge against disruption.
In consumer technology — and increasingly enterprise — the best user experience wins, and it is the best hedge against disruption.
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