Sentences with phrase «in contemporary thought»

One of the basic distinctions in contemporary thought about thinking is between brain and mind.
Any effort to define true community will require the destruction of certain romantic myths common in contemporary thought — myths which have replaced the reality of community.
The accumulation of 6 years of entries creates a living archive of the shape of feminism in contemporary thought.
The Boston Review called Vanessa Place «the spokesperson for the new cynical avant - garde,» the Huffington Post characterized her work as «ethically odious,» while philosopher and critic Avital Ronell said she is «a leading voice in contemporary thought
I'm not necessarily much good at it: RALPHISM, for example, has only caught on among our bloggers and threaders, despite it clearly BEING — both VERTICALLY and HORIZONTALLY on the transcendence - meter — a fundamental alternative in contemporary thought.
Far more leading theologians have allied themselves with analytic, postliberal, and deconstructive movements in contemporary thought than with process philosophy.
Ferrater Mora, José, Philosophy Today: Conflicting Tendencies in Contemporary Thought.
One element in our contemporary thinking, which has helped to make talk of the «afterlife» appear meaningless, is the increasing recognition that there is no such thing as a «substantial self».
The names of Professor Dewey, Professor Wieman and Professor Baker are merely illustrative of what is perhaps the most significant trend in the contemporary thought of the American Protestant community.
Some admixture of the Buchler - Wallack tinge might well be appropriate for a neo-Whiteheadian system which would be consistent with main currents in contemporary thought.
Other essays draw upon process thought to challenge homocentrism in contemporary thought.
His goal, like theirs, was to establish an idea of man, to solve the most important problem in contemporary thought, to discuss what man is in the light of present knowledge of the universe, its magnitude, composition, structure, duration, and changing states.
Closely related to Hartung's recent videos THE BIBLE and The Lesser Key of Solomon, King Solomon's Mines further explores the deep - rooted influence of Abrahamic religions in contemporary thinking and notions of the foreign.
The Boston Review called Vanessa Place «the spokesperson for the new cynical avant - garde,» theHuffington Post characterized her work as «ethically odious,» while philosopher and critic Avital Ronell said she is «a leading voice in contemporary thought
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