Sentences with phrase «in correct position»

Mothers» reports of child injury prevention practices were summed to create a 5 - point index that reflected the presence of a functioning smoke detector (1 point), regular use of a car seat (1 point) in the correct position (1 point), and absence of firearms in the home (2 points) or safe storage of any firearms reported (1 point).
Instead, the charger beeps once to let you know that your phone is in the correct position.
The Note 8 does have a headphone jack (in the correct position: on the bottom of the phone, to the left of the charging port), and Samsung bundles in a set of decent AKG wired headphones in the box.
If you place your iPhone incorrectly, you will hear a signal, following which you can put it back in correct position.
A position bonus is earned by playing a player in the correct position on the pitch.
It works remarkably well, seemingly having you stationed in the correct position often.
You probably wont last long doing the latter as I quickly found out, but I least I got to try the character revival mini game in which you must match a sequence of directional joystick presses and then stop a moving bar in the correct position.
Thank God combos can center enemies directly in front of you, because trying to attack enemies from the side is frankly impossible, and putting yourself in the correct position is frustrating since your movement either up or down is so slow.
An experienced instructor will show you how to take a wide stance, keep your paddle in the correct position and maintain stability in choppy waters.
So, whereas in correction - based training methods, a dog may have receive a leash correction or tug for pulling, in clicker training, the dog is clicked and rewarded when they are in the correct position — next to your leg.
It is thought that when the bladder isn't in the correct position it can cause USMI.
This is what gets their baby teeth out so that the new ones can come in straight and in the correct position.
Also ask your vet about prophylactic gastropexy (a simple specialist surgery involving tacking the stomach in its correct position) when your pet is desexed to reduce the risk of bloat.
That surgery, called a gastropexy, permanently anchors the stomach in its correct position.
If baby teeth erupt in the correct position, good alignment can be maintained for the permanent teeth to follow.
Once in the correct position, methodically «inject» the solution down your dog's throat.
Make sure you always start each sequence with the pup in the correct position, i.e., sitting by your left side.
There is a specific condition where the testicles aren't in the correct position (retained testicles) that often leads to cancer.
Hip problems occur when the complex coordination of this area is abnormal such as from muscles that no longer hold the bones in the correct position.
The reason for this is because the leg will only hurt if they try to put their foot down to walk on it since the ligament helps keep the bones above and below the knee in the correct position for walking.
This would require you to re-place your foot in the correct position wrt the shifter to achieve this.
Even before I set off, I know I'm in the correct position for doing my job.
I do think the career, in the correct position, does help to improve writing and could develop to being an author, in particular, of non-fiction.
The first is find the answers and place in a grid in the correct position.
Students calculate the displayed question nd then display their answer by placing their feet in the correct position; left foot for tens and right foot for the units.
Students then display their answer by placing their feet in the correct position; left foot for tens and right foot for the units.
It is more important to have the full length of both arms outstretched and your hips in the correct position.
This turns an already stellar back exercise into a full body exercise as your legs, lower back, and abs all need to work to keep your body in the correct position during the lift.
But when your pelvis is NOT in the correct position — when it is tipped back (posterior tilt, as seen at right in the photos above)-- the pelvic organs descend right on down through the space that makes the birthing canal.
This can cause pelvic organ prolapse from your pelvic organs (bladder, rectum, uterus) being pushed downward and is compounded by the fact that the structure of your bony pelvis prevents downward descent of the pelvic organs when your pelvis is in the correct position.
In performing a pull up, make sure that you are in a correct position.
When you are in the correct position the space left between you and the floor should form a triangle and then it is just a case of holding the position for as long as feels comfortable.
The erector spinae group helps to keep the spine straight and helps to maintain good posture by holding the head in the correct position and keeping the mid back and lower back in good alignment.
Personal Trainer Tips: During this exercise it is important to keep your lower back in the correct position.
I hate all types of mountain climbers because they don't feel great on my back as I don't think I'm always in the correct position.
Increasing your ability to hold loads overhead properly and with full elbow and wrist stabilization will allow you to set your spine, upper back, and pelvis in the correct position to squat in a vertical fashion.
Pelvic organ prolapse from your pelvic organs (bladder, rectum, uterus) being pushed downward... This is compounded by the fact that the structure of your bony pelvis prevents downward descent of the pelvic organs when your pelvis is in the correct position.
When your pelvic is NOT in the correct position — when it is tipped back (posterior tilt, as seen at right in the photos above)-- the pelvic organs descend right on down through the space that makes the birthing canal.
You can use your opposite fingers to slightly stabilize your shoulder and keep you in the correct position.
You will know you're in the correct position if your top knee is slightly ahead of your bottom one.
If you have a personal trainer or workout partner, they can help to hold the straps so that you can easily get your feet in the correct position.
Another drawback is that you have to hold yourself up in the correct position.
Even when you use the correct weights and execute all exercises with full range of motion, you might still miss on ripping the full benefits of your workout if you fail to keep your torso in the correct position.
The arms can rotate as you progress in reps executed, thus allowing your forearms to be in a correct position under the bar and help with the execution of the press.
Swimming also strengthens stomach muscles, may help align the pelvis, and is often recommended to make sure baby is in the correct position for delivery.
Exercise strengthens muscles, which helps hold your body in the correct position.
If your head and shoulders are in the correct position, your torso and back will naturally straighten to allow you to run in an efficient, upright position that will promote lung capacity and stride length.
For example, here's what she says to keep your upper arm in the correct position while doing a tricep kickback: Imagine you're holding a piece of paper between your upper arm and ribcage; as you do the move, don't let it flutter to the floor.
On the other hand, a weight belt can be a reminder to keep your spine in the correct position when lifting heavy weights.
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