Sentences with phrase «in court filings»

Silver can appeal, and his attorneys have indicated in court filings that they intend to do so.
Posts from my blog have even been cited in court filings.
For its part CREA said in court filings Realtysellers suspended operations because of impending disciplinary proceedings by the Real Estate Council of Ontario.
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office argued in court filings last month that more sunlight on who funded the group's activities would give the anti-corruption panel a better understanding of how the organization functioned.
Former NASCAR racer Tony Stewart reached a confidential, out - of - court settlement with the family of Kevin Ward Jr., lawyers wrote in court filings.
Ailes» lawyers have claimed in court filings that Carlson's lawsuit is intended to «tar Mr. Ailes» reputation publicly, try this case in the media press, and coerce him to settle.»
The funding spanned trade associations, corporate lobby groups, and industry front groups as well as conservative thinktanks and was exposed in court filings last month.
Update 7: We just noticed that «Client # 9» was the client mentioned in the court filings as «difficult,» the one that self - aware prostitute Kristen was talking to her pimpette, Rachelle, about in our post from the other day.
SEGA even made claims that marketing was also done by Gearbox in court filings which showed SEGA America's displeasure with Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford.
The U.S. government claimed more than a dozen times in court filings that it could open the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone only with Apple's (aapl) help.
In court filings in the Rettenmaier case, the U.S. government has rejected the argument that Best Buy workers are federal agents, and claimed they don't act at the behest of the FBI.
While Trump has weighed in on the matter in court filings, he has not commented on it publicly otherwise.
Boyer's portrait of Callidus as a «poisoned» workplace, whose management style focuses on the «berating and belittling» of employees, is not an isolated one: Two former employees of Callidus» parent company, Catalyst, have alleged in court filings that they had witnessed numerous instances of Glassman being emotionally or verbally abusive to his colleagues.
While the committee grilled Zuckerberg about why he wanted a special class of stock, Andreessen sent the CEO text messages to explain which of his arguments weren't working and why, according to messages quoted in court filings.
Prosecutors indicated in court filings Friday that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months by the U.S. attorney in Manhattan and that a grand jury has been hearing evidence in the case.
If Rosi had taken Meline to the hospital a few miles from her home, the family contended in court filings, «Christopher would have been born alive.»
Transcripts of some of the recordings have already been disclosed in court filings and they have proved embarrassing to Mr. Skelos and his son.
But transcripts in court filings do appear to capture Skelos pressing for a $ 12 million storm - water contract for AbTech with Nassau County.
The city, which maintained in court filings that Krug «without a doubt crossed the line,» does not want to provide legal counsel or pay for a settlement.
The groups intervened in the case to block it, and they have used similar language challenging widely accepted facts of climate science in their court filings.
«Polaroid,» a low - budget horror film from Bob Weinstein's Dimension Films genre division, is listed in court filings among The Weinstein Company's assets, but it isn't listed as an «unreleased picture.»
«TPCi has been and will continue to be damaged, and Defendants has been unjustly enriched, by Defendants» unlawful infringement of TPCi's copyrights in an amount to be proven at trial,» The Pokemon Company stated in its court filings.
Hyperlinks in court filings are very beneficial for court chambers.
The end result was catastrophic for the plaintiff in this case, known in court filings as John Anonymous, as his stored semen is no longer viable.
(CNN)- Prosecutors will seek to put Nikolas Cruz to death on suspicion of carrying out last month's massacre at a Parkland, Florida, high school, they announced in court filings Tuesday.
Worked proficiently in court filings, scheduling depositions and preparation of legal documentation
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Bilingual (Spanish / English) with excellent communication / organizational skills, experienced in Court filings, and administrative office skills.
«[The phone calls] involve discussions between Dean Skelos and Adam Skelos about the ways in which Dean Skelos can maximize his leverage with the Governor during the budget negotiations — the same negotiations during which the Government alleges Dean Skelos attempted to insert legislation that would benefit Adam Skelos and the Environmental Technology Company in the charged schemes,» prosecutors say in the court filings.
The «conduct which led to his conviction was fundamentally driven by Dean's love and concern for his only son and ultimately his son's young family,» the once - mighty Republican's lawyer argued in court filings.
Earlier Wednesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer was confronted by a Fox News reporter during the daily press briefing about how Trump's own lawyers who represented his campaign in Green Party nominee Jill Stein's recount effort wrote in court filings that no evidence pointed to voter fraud existing in the election.
☺») and positive («NOW WE»RE COOKING WITH GAS»), according to texts provided by Facebook's lawyers and cited in court filings.
Cameco indicated in court filings that its external auditor, KPMG, conducted a «transfer pricing study» that validated its approach.
Facebook has argued in court filings that the law, the Communications Decency Act, makes it immune from liability for discriminatory ads.
The chain then filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in March, saying in court filings that «unprecedented» drops in mall traffic led to the company's latest collapse.
In court filings, Jawbone claims Fitbit contacted nearly one - third of its employees this year, some of whom took the company up on its offer.
Even if a jury finds that Uber stole Waymo trade secrets, Uber says in court filings that its engineers have designed around the Waymo technology at issue in the case.
Apple wrote in its court filings: «Apple respectfully requests that the court deny the government's application for an order requiring Apple to perform extraction services on the Apple - manufactured device in the government's custody,»
In court filings, though, Impark reveals parking tickets can be less lucrative than popularly imagined — unless, that is, the meter maids carry big sticks.
In court filings, Zambada has already made the explosive claim that he was working as a secret informant for the DEA.
In court filings, JPMorgan has strongly denied wrongdoing and is contesting both cases in federal court.
A «high percentage» of the victims are beyond retirement age and lost their life savings, trustee Joe Grier has said in court filings.
Total cumulative operating losses for the Canadian operation is estimated to be $ 2.5 billion, or about triple the expected losses for that period, the company said in court filings.
In court filings, Cohen had listed Trump and Elliott Broidy, the Republican National Committee deputy finance chair, as two of his three clients but left one client's name secret.
Monsignor Kieran Harrington, a spokesman for the Brooklyn Diocese, said the documents were released to Mike Mullen, the diocese's attorney in the Florida case, who included them in court filings.
In court filings, Prevezon says the DOJ has no hard evidence to back up its claims.
Anthony Gulino is expected testify at the trial, prosecutors said in court filings.
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