Sentences with phrase «in crowded conditions»

These events can be extremely rewarding for travel photographers, but they demand a certain amount of skill: you have to work fast and often in crowded conditions.
The light steering is a boon in crowded conditions but could do with more feel and feedback at high speeds.
As the book points out: «Plants and animals living in crowded conditions, as on reefs and in rainforests, often produce poisons to fight off competitors,» and these poisons can be turned to good pharmacological use.
Lice can not survive in unworn clothing; hence, body lice are most common in crowded conditions like prison camps, where washing is infrequent.
Houston artist Jonathan Leach's Don't Let Go, candy - colored acrylic strips on a plastic box jutting out from the wall, is the best of the weakest genre, abstract painting, which suffers the most in the crowded conditions.
In an emergency, your pet may need to be housed with other animals in crowded conditions; most shelters that accept pets require that they're up - to - date on all vaccinations.
Sitting for prolonged periods in crowded conditions, greatly increases the risk of varicose veins and blood clots, heightens physical and emotional stress, and can exacerbate overall health problems.
But when these strains infect domestic poultry in the crowded conditions found in Southeast Asia and on many big U.S. farms, the virus can become deadly because infected birds needn't be healthy enough to move around in order to spread it.
Brokers often ship large quantities of puppies at a time for long distances in crowded conditions, creating a significant risk for the spread of illness.
Coccidia infection is rare in dogs; most cases involve puppies in crowded conditions in kennels, pet stores, and animal shelters.
In the young, old, or those kept in crowded conditions, fungal infections such as ringworm spread rapidly.
The lining of the respiratory tract can be debilitated through exposure to cold temperatures; dust, cigarette smoke or other particles in the air; stressful situations like travel; and time spent in crowded conditions like those found in many animal shelters and boarding kennels.
Sarcoptic mange is usually spread where large numbers of poorly maintained dogs are maintained in crowded conditions — such as at animal shelters, boarding kennels and pet shops.
For those who have surfed before and have an understanding of how to catch waves and handle a board in crowded conditions, we offer regular epoxy or fibreglass boards.
Along with the vast quantities of waste, the antibiotic and parasite - killing chemicals used to deal with the unwanted disease and infestations that can spread easily in crowded conditions also can end up in surrounding ecosystems.
The increasing concentration and industrialization of the U.S. agricultural sector has resulted in factory farms where animals are raised by the thousands, often in crowded conditions.
Giardia cysts survive in the environment and thus are a source of infection and reinfection for animals, particularly those in crowded conditions... prompt removal of feces from cages, runs, and yards will limit environmental contamination.
Puppies and kittens with diarrhea who are younger than 6 months of age and who live in crowded conditions, poor sanitation, or are under stress due to surgery, pregnancy, or illness are at a higher risk.
However, love is stronger, and once ego and selfishness are overcome, living in crowded conditions can also cause a sense of community and lead to improvements in this area,» the encyclical will say.
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