Sentences with phrase «in crucifixion»

Another pastel has him hanging naked from his hands as in a crucifixion.
His works, such as his 1975 self - portraits, evoke the power of individual expressive acts in a photo - saturated culture by reaffirming painterly control over technical images and archetypal symbols, in this instance photographs of the artist in a crucifixion pose, drawn over with manic black marks.
The precise length of Jesus» ministry can not be determined from the gospel materials, though the rôle of Pontius Pilate in the crucifixion proves that Jesus was crucified before AD.
Our attention is drawn to the twofold act of glorification depicted here: God glorifies Christ in resurrection, while he glorifies God in crucifixion.
Jesus» willingness to face death, specifically death on a cross, suddenly looks anything but arbitrary, and much more like the «wisdom of God» that the New Testament so surprisingly discovers in the crucifixion.
Yet the emphasis seems to be on the revelation of God in the crucifixion, that it is on the cross where God is most fully manifested.
But on the whole the film promotes an ideological reaction against all establishments rather than an understanding of oneself as personally, and inevitably, involved in society and its establishments and therefore also in the crucifixion.
It might indeed be seen as reinterpreting the role played in the crucifixion by the Jewish leaders; it seems to present them as implicated not by their Jewishness but by their being the establishment.
As Robert Jenson suggests in his commentary on Ezekiel, also part of the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, this double role is not so much resolved as made clear and explicit in the crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.
Herbert makes it clear that the rejection of Christ in the crucifixion is not able to defeat God's love.
Calvin thus perceived in the crucifixion not only the price of redemption, but also the archetype of faith as he understood it: seeing God even in the midst of agonies of body and soul, when every natural feeling cries out that God must be against me.
But in the crucifixion of Jesus, when Satan tries once again to use violent religion to «cast out Satan,» this time in the scapegoat of Jesus Christ, Satan did not realize that his plan would backfire.
It begins with a massacre of innocent children; it is centered in the crucifixion; it ends with a vision in which the souls of the martyred saints under the altar cry, «How long, O Master?»
The content of revelation includes at its very core the idea of a self - humbling God who experiences suffering and death in the crucifixion of Jesus.
The 54 - year - old Downton Abbey actor travelled through Jerusalem for the American documentary, Jesus: Countdown to Calvary, speaking with academic experts and spiritual leaders to «deconstruct the week leading up to Jesus» death and untangle the complex factors that resulted in his crucifixion».
«14 Israel remembers God's suffering and anguish over his chosen people, 15 a suffering most poignantly revealed to the Church in the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.
And insofar as there was a hint of recognition on humankind's part, in the crucifixion the messiah was being returned unopened to his sender.
His interest in the crucifixion was an interest in anguish.
The theme of Mark's Gospel is not simply the succession of events which ended in the crucifixion of Jesus.
The pain and suffering Jesus experienced in the crucifixion is horrifying and shocking.
Even though Jesus climactically fulfills the Servant figure [of Isaiah 53] in his crucifixion, this does not mean that there is no longer any application of it to anyone else.
A God who deals with sin in the crucifixion of Christ since we could not bear the weight of his law ourselves.
In the incarnation we learn of the love of God for His creation; in the crucifixion we learn of the judgment of God upon all flesh; and in the resurrection we learn of God's will for a new world.
This resulted in his crucifixion.
And the blood was all poured away — it wasn't left to accumulate in the lower part of the body, as in crucifixion.
This participation of God in human pain is characterized by the New Testament as the passion of Jesus symbolized in his crucifixion.24
Do you understand everything that occurred in the crucifixion of Jesus, and how central it is to your life and theology?
But then, we must see what God does with the cross in Jesus Christ, and how God reveals Himself to us in the crucifixion of Jesus, and more importantly, how God reveals us to ourselves in the crucifixion of Jesus.
But something else is going on in the crucifixion.
Jesus suffers and is humiliated in his crucifixion by the Romans but rises from the dead to take his place in heaven.
One hint of his personality is that he seems to have specialised in crucifixions.

Not exact matches

The largest privately owned PR agency in the world, Edelman is currently representing Saudi Arabia as it manages crises over the impending crucifixion and beheading of a young political critic, and civilian deaths in the Saudi - led military intervention in Yemen.
Elsheikh, 29, was said to have earned a reputation for waterboarding, mock executions and crucifixions while serving as a jailer, while fellow guard Kotey was involved in beheadings and known for «exceptionally cruel torture methods», including electronic shocks.
Some of his favorite stories looked at facial bias, the philosophy of Peter Thiel, Chinese ghost cities, self - driving car ethics, the average family on earth, Wikipedia hoax - hunters, income inequality, bleak futurism, cooking with MSG, global communication patterns, Somali pirates, the crucifixion of Tony Stark, and the worst hotel in New York.
David wrote in the psalms of the crucifixion, resurection and ascension.
Jesus foreshadowed the emotional pain of a loss even though you may «know» someone is in Heaven with the story about Lazarus and his sisters; being the one who set the ball in motion for Jesus» crucifixion wore heavily on Judas (if their beliefs were correct, he still had to do with the physical loss of Jesus; had they been wrong about the «divinity» of Jesus, he helped get his friend killed).
In «The Perils of Art,» the speaker turns the pages of a coffee - table book of paintings with his nine - year - old niece, who seems to prefer only «smiling de La Tour» to various crucifixions and Goya-esque butcheries.
The crucifixion was Christ dying in your place.
(Isaiah 55:6) Indeed, even the two thieves on the cross on either side of Jesus at His crucifixion found in those last moments where they stood in terms of their relationship to God: to the one, repentant, «today you shall be with me in paradise»; to the other, mocking and indifferent, Jesus offered no such comfort.
If you believe in the biblical story of Jesus, the crucifixion and resurrection were absolutely necessary to achieve G - d's plan.
Singer / songwriter / poet Leonard Cohen said, «Mankind must rediscover the crucifixion as a universal symbol, not just an experiment in sadism or masochism or arrogance.
The difference in times in Mark 15:25 and John 19:14 are likely because Mark was recording time in a Hebrew fashion (3rd hour from sunup = ~ 9 am) and John was recording the time of Pilates sentence as Roman time (measured from midnight) 6th hour was 6 am with the crucifixion to follow 3 hours later.
«Our Messiah, who came to us in the form of a mortal man, but who by his suffering and crucifixion attained immortality.
But, then they don't have crosses anywhere in their churches because they believe He is alive and don't wish to dwell on the crucifixion and him dying on the cross.
b) Jesus crucifixion was foretold in the book of Isaiah, it was part of God's plan for the redemption of mankind.
Actually, «Aquahealer», we know that some of the gospels were in written form within no more than 20 years of the crucifixion and resurrection because they are MENTIONED in the writings of Jewish leaders who pronounced anathema upon anyone who so much as dared to READ THEM!
He was asked to preach on «the transfiguration» — which he did and then tied it in with the crucifixion.
(Darius was also the first to crucify in great numbers, and could possibly have been the first to use crucifixion as a punishment)
And I fail to see how the crucifixions helped, in any way, to build the roads, aquaducts, etc..
This is a plastic crucifixion aimed to elicit an instant emotional response, which produces in readers self - satisfaction as they arrive at it.
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