Sentences with phrase «in damp environments»

Make sure you choose a laminate that is suitable for kitchen use as some are not suitable in damp environments.
The smell is usually caused by the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in damp environments.
Mould lives in damp environments.
Lungless salamanders breathe through their skin, requiring them to live in damp environments on land, not in water, and to move about on the ground only during times of high humidity.
Always dry wet frame and fabrics thoroughly before storing, and do not store in a damp environment or near a direct heat source (fire, radiator, etc.).
If there are a ton of items stored in a damp environment, it could begin to grow mold or fungus.
One of the earliest forms of sweaters for men was created from natural wool by wives of fishermen, to keep them warm even in the damp environment.
Thankfully, the feline herpes virus only survives up to 18 hours in a damp environment, and much less as an aerosol and when dry.
Most common disinfectants kill bordatella, but it remains infective in a damp environment.
Light, made of aluminium so won't deteriorate in a damp environment.
The washable wall paint will look good for years in this damp environment.

Not exact matches

Cover the bowl with a damp towel and let the dough rise in a warm, moist environment for about an hour.
I also found it useful if you live in a low humidity environment to cover the dough in the rings with a very light damp cloth for the rising as I used to do with bread.
Yeast is a fungal infestation in the skin of your baby, which is encouraged by dark and damp environments (ie: diaper area), and should be diagnosed by your pediatrician.
Odor causing bacteria thrives in a moist, damp environment like the inside of your shoe.
Spores from such plants, which aren't limited to permanently damp environments and therefore may have turned down Earth's thermostat even more than nonvascular plants did, show up in the fossil record about 450 million years ago.
The artificial version excelled in both dry and damp test environments, his team reported in April in Biomaterials.
Observations and results Did most of the sow bugs or pill bugs end up in the damp soil environment?
The pathogen, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), is a chytrid fungus, a type that lives in damp or wet environments and typically consumes dead organic matter.
Allergic sensitivities to molds and fungi often develop in those with candida overgrowth in their intestines, and for this reason, some have reactions in damp or moldy environments.
Kapha naturally increases in winter due to the cold and damp qualities of the environment combined with the heavy overcast skies.
Bacterial and viral organisms thrive in wet washcloths and damp environments in the home.
«In the spring the qualities of heavy, dense, damp and cool are in the environment, and because of seasonal effects, we as humans start to accumulate some of those same qualities in our bodies, especially after the wintertime when we've been eating warm, heavier foods that mitigate the cold and dry qualities of winter,» explains Erin Casperson, an Ayurveda Health Counselor and Yoga Journal LIVIn the spring the qualities of heavy, dense, damp and cool are in the environment, and because of seasonal effects, we as humans start to accumulate some of those same qualities in our bodies, especially after the wintertime when we've been eating warm, heavier foods that mitigate the cold and dry qualities of winter,» explains Erin Casperson, an Ayurveda Health Counselor and Yoga Journal LIVin the environment, and because of seasonal effects, we as humans start to accumulate some of those same qualities in our bodies, especially after the wintertime when we've been eating warm, heavier foods that mitigate the cold and dry qualities of winter,» explains Erin Casperson, an Ayurveda Health Counselor and Yoga Journal LIVin our bodies, especially after the wintertime when we've been eating warm, heavier foods that mitigate the cold and dry qualities of winter,» explains Erin Casperson, an Ayurveda Health Counselor and Yoga Journal LIVE!
Regular deep breathing may prevent illness, as the more stale air you exhale, the more fresh air you can inhale, which gets deeper into the lungs and does not give all the little creepy crawlies a moist, damp environment in which to multiply.
Ventilation is the key to improving air quality as dust mites thrive in warm and damp environments.
After the car was standing still for 2 days in a rural area close to a stream (damp environment), the car had issues with being idling.
However, because we've created a more acidic environment in the bladder and haven't resolved the base problem associated with the damp heat, pets have started to develop more calcium oxalate crystals, which thrive in acidic environments.
One of the many benefits of stainless steel, as well as its strength, is that it is rust resistant, so it copes well in wet or damp environments, including damp dogs.
Their double coat is designed to keep them warm and dry in their damp native Scottish environment.
Although the virus can not survive in a dry environment outside the cat for more than a day or two, in damp cool areas it can survive longer.
The most common form of the bacteria causing Leptospirosis is widespread in rats and spread in their urine into the environment where it survives well in damp conditions and in water courses, ponds and lakes.
Bacterial infections and giardia are common issues as they can live in a wet or damp environment for a very long time.
Chinese medicine considers UTIs, urinary crystals and stones to be «damp heat» which upsets the delicate environment in the bladder.
A fragile feeding form, known as the trophozoite, exists in the gut of infected animals, while a hardy cystic form is shed in feces and can survive several months in the environment, particularly in water and damp environments.
A hardy cystic form is shed in feces and can survive several months in the environment, particularly in water and damp environments.
Common environmental causes include perfumes, sprays, cooking fumes, ammonia fumes from accumulated urine in toilet area, fabric softener on bedding, dust, poor air circulation, damp environment and hot environment.
Any symptoms tend to be more pronounced after sleep, in the morning hours or in an environment that was damp and cold.The physical symptoms cause some dogs to behave differently, showing signs of irritability.
In fact, use of wooden flooring is not only illegal (councils regulation and unless sound proofed which is very expensive) but also does not work well in the cold and damp UK environmenIn fact, use of wooden flooring is not only illegal (councils regulation and unless sound proofed which is very expensive) but also does not work well in the cold and damp UK environmenin the cold and damp UK environment.
Populations living in damp indoor environments experience increased prevalence of asthma and other upper respiratory tract symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing61 as well as lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and RSV pneumonia (see Figure 9.7).191
Floods are the second deadliest of all weather - related hazards in the United States.57, 58 Elevated waterborne disease outbreaks have been reported in the weeks following heavy rainfall, 59 although other variables may affect these associations.60 Populations living in damp indoor environments experience increased prevalence of asthma and other upper respiratory tract symptoms.61
Populations living in damp indoor environments experience increased prevalence of asthma and other upper respiratory tract symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing, as well as lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and RSV pneumonia.
A damp environment encourages the growth of mold and mildew, especially in poorly ventilated houses and apartments.
Thirty per cent of children live in environments with serious housing problems including rising damp, cracks and lack of free space.
Basements are in the ground, a damp environment by nature.
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