Sentences with phrase «in data collection efforts»

A presentation sharing multiple strategies for supporting home visitors in their data collection efforts.
All schools, regardless of group assignment, will be asked to take part in data collection efforts as part of the Design2Learn study.

Not exact matches

We are being vigilant in our data collection and analysis so that we can make real - time adjustments to our recruiting efforts and our workplace policies so that we don't get behind the eight - ball on these important issues.
«A lot has happened since this data was collected, so putting these findings in that context, and also planning another data collection cycle in the future to see how far our collective efforts have moved us from this baseline, would also be high on our agenda,» says Saunders.
The MomsTEAM staff and I are still digging into the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council's three - hundred - some - odd page report on sports - related concussions in youth sports, [1] but one thing jumped out at me at my first pass: When I did a search in the report for a discussion of impact monitoring devices (a / k / a hit sensors), I found only one brief mention of sensors in the committee's recommendation that the Centers for Disease Control fund large scale data collection efforts for research purposes, including data from impact sensors.
Since joining the Stoneridge Group, he has played a vital role in digital strategy, voter contact and data collection for numerous gubernatorial clients, statewide advocacy campaigns, and even SRG's own marketing efforts.
Until recently, these efforts were slow and painstaking, barely chipping away at the staggering amount of data in collections.
''... the Action Plan places great emphasis on better catch reporting, more investment in data collection and analysis, and extensive observer programs to support the efforts of scientists working in this field.»
This directive lays out the principles that govern the collection of signals intelligence, sets limitations on the use of data collected in bulk as well as creates a process for annually reviewing intelligence - gathering efforts and safeguards for that info.
It also launched an effort to digitize the museum's extensive collections and recruit data scientists to harness and organize the data embedded in the millions of natural history objects that can reveal «critical historical baselines for studies of environmental and evolutionary change,» she said.
Besides calling for more data and better coordination of existing data - collection efforts, the report names more than a dozen «high priority topics that could be explored with significant progress made in 3 - 5 years.»
The bill directs $ 2.5 million to Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative, which falls short of the requested $ 4.4 million intended to establish a clinical data collection system to better match medical devices with patients that would benefit from them.And it makes no mention of $ 75 million in proposed FDA support for Biden's cancer moonshot effort.
The proliferation of new technology has aided in data collection to support these efforts.
As long as research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform efforts.
The first phase of the project (the phase covered by this grant) proposes a large - scale data collection effort in a handful of urban centers and will focus on two goals.
It means carrying out a good - faith effort to implement the new program and participating in data collection to measure its effects - which means collecting data from all participants, both those in the experimental program and those in the control group.
For example, IES provides the foundations of factual information and research with the collection of clear, consistent, high - quality data through the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).1 It is through the efforts of IES, which conducts its work free from political influence, that we are able to understand trends in our student populations, schools and universities, and an array of inputs and outcomes that span early childhood to adult education.
So far, Louisville data collection efforts demonstrate that afterschool programs that focus on enhancing program performance and practices are, in fact, improving their quality.
Second, it is for this nation to decide how PISA fits into the U.S. system of testing and data - collection efforts in which we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars, including, for example, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and student - based longitudinal data systems.
Aadhar leads the Charter Center's data collection and analysis efforts, and provides analyses and guidance on policy issues that affect the charter sector in order to support school staff and inform the public dialogue.
Meanwhile, we began talking with state education agencies (SEAs) and AACTE state chapters and member institutions to gauge their interest in consolidating these state and institution data collection efforts in a national - level instrument.
It will discuss absenteeism including health - related absences as a barrier to learning, share information and examples on data collection and use in identifying and tracking students with chronic conditions and demonstrating reduced absences through efforts that improve student health, and offer guidance to begin work in this area.
She also leads special education data collection and analysis efforts to help strengthen the position of charter schools as well as identify and replicate successful special education models for improving academic outcomes of students with special needs in charter schools throughout the state.
And we look for ways to use our expertise to assist in local data collection efforts.
That's why in recent years, GreatSchools has expanded data collection efforts in every state to include various types of school quality data broken down by student groups, including students from low - income families, diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, and students with disabilities.
In this role, he leads data collection and research efforts, as well as initiatives to increase the fidelity of implementation of the CIS Model and interventions implemented as part of the CIS Model.
The ongoing data collection and analysis helps teachers to really feel confident about what they are teaching, feel confident in knowing that they are really focusing their efforts on the needs of their students within a classroom.
The study found that students who attended schools led by New Leaders principals experienced slightly larger achievement gains on average than did similar students in schools led by non-New Leaders principals.131 While these results are promising, more research and data collection on both new and existing programs is needed to inform policy efforts to improve principal preparation.
In an attempt to enhance data - collection efforts, EBRI and the Investment Company Institute joined forces to allow for expansion of the program activities to develop the most comprehensive database on 401 (k) plan participants yet assembled.
In addition, as part of our 2025 Save Them All initiative that started last year, we launched an enormous data collection effort to examine the country's shelter numbers county by county.
Previously, Best Friends performed painstaking manual data collection that revealed the estimated number of dogs and cats euthanized in the U.S. has dropped from 9,000 to 5,500 per day in the past six years — an important statistic that highlights why a national, uniform data collection effort is so important.
Read the results of the online survey, see what data is currently collected and the effort involved in that collection.
Market - research company GfK has expanded its point - of - sale (POS) pet specialty retail data collection to include the Canadian market, in an effort to provide benchmark data to empower retailers and manufacturers.
He participates in similar scuba based data collection efforts in waters less than 130 feet.
We believe that the increase seen in the graph until about 1995 is explained partly by better reporting of disasters in general, partly due to active data collection efforts by CRED and partly due to real increases in certain types of disasters.
Unregulated Entity: For the purpose of EIA's data collection efforts, entities that do not have a designated franchised service area and that do not file forms listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 141, are considered unregulated entities.
Since the early 1980s, some NMSs, other organizations and individual scientists have given or sold us (see Hulme, 1994, for a summary of European data collection efforts) additional data for inclusion in the gridded datasets, often on the understanding that the data are only used for academic purposes with the full permission of the NMSs, organizations and scientists and the original station data are not passed onto third parties.
The fact sheet further lists ongoing efforts in capacity building, technical assistance and financial support for a number of enabling activities, such as improving data collection systems, institutional reforms and national monitoring systems.
The real issue is that the effort to produce «suitable data» left the «experiment compromised, dropping data is not at all «arbitrary» and it is that in an irregularly periodic process that is Natural Climate Oscillation there is NOT any «bad points» unless the COLLECTION METHOD can be shown flawed as a minimum «initial problem».
In addition, AB 802 expands the Energy Commission's energy data collection authority to improve the development and evaluation of policy and programs, and the state's energy infrastructure planning efforts.
«Empowering» because of numerous examples of how children (and adults) all over the world can assist in data collection as well as the effort to achieve climate stabilization.
Strengthen their commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological and related data and products; Increase the volume of data and products exchanged to meet the needs of WMO Programs; Assist other Members, to the extent possible, and as agreed, by providing additional data and products in support of time - sensitive operations regarding severe weather warnings; Strengthen their commitments to the WMO and ICSU WDCs in their collection and supply of meteorological and related data and products on a free and unrestricted basis; Implement the practice on the international exchange of meteorological and related data and products, as described in Adopts (1) to (3) above; Make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those meteorological and related data and products which have conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside of the receiving country or group of countries forming a single economic group; Make their best efforts to ensure that the conditions which have been applied by the originator of additional data and products are made known to initial and subsequent recipients; *» Free and unrestricted» means non-discriminatory and without charge.
Regulated entity: For the purpose of EIA's data collection efforts, entities that either provide electricity within a designated franchised service area and / or file forms listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, part 141 are considered regulated entities.
In that piece, he implies that, regardless of what his data collection efforts reveal, his mind is already made up: ««The debate is over,» he says.
Commenters also suggested that improved data collection could also be used to curb possible misuse of special enrollment periods, in addition to expanding the Exchanges» use of electronic data sources, and improving education efforts to make sure all stakeholders understand the eligibility criteria for all special enrollment periods.
• Assess the facility's need for staff and indulge in activities to interview, hire and train them • Determine need for supplies and medical equipment and ensure that both are procured in a time - efficient manner • Schedule appointments for patients after appropriately determining medical staff's schedules • Create medical records and ensure that they are managed in a secure and confidential manner • Oversee the collection of bills and make bank deposits • Coordinate efforts with medical insurance companies to ensure that outstanding claims are timely paid • Submit billing statements to patients and indulge in follow up activities • Perform data entry and processing duties and generate inventory records • Educate patients and families in a bid to make them understand and appreciate surgical and medical procedures
• Pioneered in implementing computerized, user friendly client interfaces for data collection that decreased manual effort put in data entry by 50 %.
Conducted interviews with the C - team and VP members of the top 10 key vendors performing the business analysis that led to the innovation and development of the new standardized data collection template and vendor data acquisition program saving the company over $ 360,000 / year in existing data collecting efforts.
Early Loss Mitigation Supervisor (9/2008 — 4/2010) • Managed unit of approximately 8 to 15 collectors while ensuring the achievement of unit objectives and related standards • Compiled and analyzed statistical data relative to unit productivity, monitoring live calls while providing feedback to staff • Provide advice and question resolution concerning collection activities, reviewing the status of severely delinquent accounts and handling all loss mitigation efforts • Advised staff of any changes in policy and procedures, allocated critical resources, and developed work schedules • Train current and new staff members as well as conduct performance reviews, making recommendations as needed regarding corrective actions and suggested dismissals • Assist departmental manager with training course scheduling for entire department • Create and distribute various reports to staff and peers on a regular and ad - hoc basis • Traveled to Chatsworth, CA as supervisor, developing observations and recommendations which led to facility improvements • Acted as representative to the Washington Mutual conversion to early loss mitigation in Albion, NY, sharing best practices from Chase
Finally, while record linkage provides a mechanism to deal with the issues of under - reporting of deaths among indigenous peoples and to help correct reporting in historical data, it is not a replacement for continued efforts to increase reporting of indigenous peoples on administrative health data collections and death registrations.
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