Sentences with phrase «in decision making»

You can be involved in the decision making process of selecting the family that would be open to your desired level of communication.
We promote environmental integrity and human rights and empower communities to participate in decision making processes related to climate policies.
Governments in their everyday dealings with us, can build healthy relationships that involve our effective participation in decision making about our lives.
He plays an important role in decision making in regards to policies and procedures of the organization.
He knows how to coach a candidate to succeed in an interview and helps mentor people in the decision making process for their career path.
Is the economic case against breastfeeding a viable case as breastfeeding is not the sole factor in the decisions made by women to reduce their time in the workforce.
The challenge here is that there's no way of knowing for sure if you will get a pay increase and it should not be the influencing factor in your decision making process.
This information is necessary to provide a solid foundation and assist in the decision making process for targeting specific companies within viable industries.
She uses this ecological information to aid in decision making about management interventions.
Our veterinarians play a supportive role in making sure that the family and family veterinarian are well informed and actively participating in decisions made for the pet's care.
Patients should receive all information about their care and should feel involved in all decisions made regarding their treatment.
A full range of parent involvement opportunities including a stronger parent voice in decision making at the school, district, state, and national levels.
A common misconception is that HR plays a major part in the decision making process.
This plays an important role in their decision making as whether to call you for an interview or not.
Unfortunately, the bill does not include any of the key aspects of parent involvement identified as critical by experts, such as a parental role in decision making at the school level.
So how do we as governors ensure young people in our schools are better included in decision making processes?
The body should provide clear reasoning for its decisions and should be explicit about the criteria, rationale and considerations used in the decision making.
Both parents may also share in every decision made on behalf of the child with no parent having any greater rights than the other one.
As the decision - making literature indicates, teachers may experience both traditional and newer forms of involvement in decision making.
I guess it comes down to being ok and confident in the decision you make with the research and intuition that you feel you should follow....
Parents should be invited onto campus and involved in decision making when appropriate.
As a key participant in your divorce, you will want to understand all financial aspects of your marital estate and have an informed voice in decisions made with regard to your settlement.
Clients often find telephone contact helpful in their decision making about whether to seek services.
Looking back on that time period, there are several fundamental issues that I would now consider in my decision making process.
Because my husband totally responds better to analytical data in decision making.
I loved how it involved the whole community in the decision making process!
You might already be doing activities to involve students in decision making or you might like to think of additional ways that you can involve them.
However, in my opinion, it is absolutely essential that the criteria of the best interests of the child remain the primary consideration in decisions made by judges regarding custody.
Any information or data that is available must be distributed to the communities so that they can engage in the decision making process.
There needs to be a higher level of budget transparency and a higher level of consideration of parent and community input in the decision making process.
If your child is old enough to let you know their preferences, then involve the child in the decision making process - especially since the child is the one playing with the toy.
It means that while the parents don't live together, they do share in the decision making and responsibilities for the children.
Good progress has also been observed on forest law enforcement, ensuring participation of all key stakeholders in decision making processes and tenure access and rights.
Your wife shouldn't try to interfere with, or involve herself, in decision making related to him.
We treat the client as our partner in every decision made and with every dollar spent.
Reasons should ensure transparency in decision making, allow for accountability for decisions (through judicial review or just generally) and be accessible to the average reader.
Schools where principals set high standards and involve teachers in decision making are seven times more likely to make substantial improvements in math than schools weak on such measures.
Some councils have tried to engage people in decision making through participatory structures.
It won't change the fact that there are shoulder problems, but it could make a difference in decision making on surgery.
A person who examines the collected data in order to have a conclusion and to support in decision making.
This paper describes the resulting development and testing of a new scale to assess women's autonomy and role in decision making throughout the course of pregnancy.
To build a working knowledge of the regulatory aspects of drug use in animals and instill a strong sense of ethical responsibility in decision making regarding veterinary drug use.
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