Sentences with phrase «in deep pain»

My work is driven by awareness of what can happen at its worst when a child «falls through the cracks» since I live 20 miles from Newtown, Connecticut, the place where so many children were violently murdered by a young person, undoubtedly in deep pain himself.
If you are an aging parent, you will be in deep pain and stressed when you should be enjoying your twilight years.
Speaking directly to the raw emotions was Rubio, who told Trump, «This is a community and a state that's in deep pain and they want action to make sure this never happens again.»
The idea that The Room's strange and bitter qualities are very personal and rooted in some deep pain is obvious to anyone who's seen the film — except, it seems, to the star and director of this movie.
i know that most of the time i'm messing around on these boards, but i am sincerely sorry to hear about your story... disillusionment — I know, can be a horrible thing and often is rooted in deep pain and disappointment... i have no idea what you must have gone through to get to this dark place but — even now, i'm praying that the God of all comforts would reveal Himself to you... in my dark days and moments I take comfort from Phil 1:6 and Romans 8:28... He has not walked away from you — no matter how you feel, and will complete what He started in you.

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I sat standing 1 foot away from somebody who's been in prison for 15 years of his life and I had 60 seconds to open up to him about something that causes me pain in my life while he stares into my eyes I found myself going deeper than I would with even friends or family.
Practitioners floated in complete darkness and silence in giant tubs of Epsom - salt - saturated body - temperature water, claiming it promoted deep relaxation, better sleep and pain relief.
MONTREAL — Bombardier is implementing one of the deepest job cuts in its history by eliminating 7,000 positions — including more than a third in Canada — though it took pains Wednesday to instead train the public spotlight on a large CSeries plane order with Air Canada.
In their forthcoming book, An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization, authors Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey take a deep dive into several companies where employees are expected to learn about their pain points — and promptly address them.
Keywee draws upon the founding team's deep background in Big Data and Natual Language Processing to solve the most rapidly growing pain in the publishing industry.
This experimental drug is worth a deeper dive right now because the acute pain market is massive (more than $ 11 billion in just the U.S.), and there's a desperate need for viable alternatives to highly addictive drugs like morphine.
You don't have to venture very deep into the heart of your average evangelical Sunday to attend a service that avoids talking about discomfort or pain in life.
Spiritual pain is the deepest of suffering in response to the destruction of goodness, justice and beauty in the lives and souls of individuals and communities.
These were the sorts of verses that many self - righteous and judgmental Christians quoted at me when I was experiencing some of the deep pain and struggles in my life.
I was already in so much physical pain, but now MY emotions were finally, after all these years, cut deep into!..
It is argued then, that the crushing, heart - wrenching pain of watching a child die, and the sense of deep loss that lingers afterwards for days, months, and even years in the hearts of parents, is the pain that God experiences for an eternity over the death of His Son.
The deep pain in the human soul sometimes caused by that which happens to us can cripple a person and destroy a life just as surely and effectively as any physical ailment.
He begins to experience a deep, crushing pain in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with serum, and begins to compress the heart.
You said, «I just realised though that the sense of anger, rage, frustration and stubbornness that people see in gays or others rejected by the church is misunderstood as a rebellious spirit or a refusal to submit to God instead of the byproduct of deep deep pain that it is.»
Unless processed through grief, pain will eventually find a way out in illness or depression, or will lead the griever to avoid all the deep feelings with which it is associated, preventing her from ever again feeling love or enjoying herself as deeply as before.
A certain trust is offered in the conviction that he or she can endure this deeper world of pain, heat and darkness.
The exceptional fidelity, self - sacrifice and affection, as well as the pain, grief and sorrow and the deep spiritual response to the suffering and bereavement that is being expressed, is a sign to the churches of the presence of the Spirit of love in these relationships.
The first and more important is to mediate to the sufferer the abundant and unfailing resources of God for mastering his pain — a sense of the divine nearness, an assurance of divine concern, confidence that in the midst of it all there is a good to be found which, with the help of God, can lead to richer and deeper living.
Pearls are for tears, too, some people find them a sad reference but my tears when I finally had her safely in my arms tell me something so different and deep about our tears and the way we are baptized in them, too, even in the grief and the pain blending with the most powerful love and strength.
What God does see in those moments is our pain and our brokenness, and He desires to reside with us in those dark, deep places.
These «old» pains sprang from having been sexually abused and gang - raped by three men in my youth, experiences I had hidden deep inside my heart.
I guess I would say, I have know much pain in my life & Jesus has been the ONLY One to give me peace & that sense of deep joy — I just feel it deep inside.
I then took that tiny folded paper, which contained more pain and names than I care to share, and wedged it deep into a crack in the ancient red rock where it will disintegrate in time — along with my pain.
Christian and Anastasia (for all the «Fifty Shades» fans) won't discover heart - deep intimacy in whips, chains, pain and sexual intensity.
Even the pain experienced in our self - rejection stems from the fact that it is so deep in our nature to want to be valued and accepted.
for certain it is that to be interesting or to have an interesting life is not a task for industrial art but a fateful privilege, which like every privilege in the world of spirit is bought only by deep pain.
In fact, for twelve years I kept silent about the pain because the «you don't look sick» response confirms a deep fear that I won't be believed and the burden of proof will be on me.
The most remarkable aspect about this reaction is that the Moynihan report itself took great pains to identify white bigotry as the fundamental cause of the breakdown of the black family: «There is a considerable body of evidence,» says the report, «to support the conclusion that Negro social structure, in particular the Negro family, battered and harassed by discrimination, injustice, and uprooting, is in the deepest trouble.»
One minister wrote of his loneliness as a clergyman: «I have driven in the dark in my little silver Accord on more than one occasion, realizing that there is no one within 50 miles of where I live with whom I can share my deepest pain or joy, no place where I can experience the quiet exultation and peace of complete acceptance.»
For example, though it's clear that you say it with deep affection, I would not have written, «Mother was a pain in the ass, but she meant well.»
I'm reformed — but I'm no robot — I love the adventure, the journey, the unexpected turns, the people that come in and out of your life, the treasures you find unexpectedly and the deep learning you go through in times of pain and trouble.
It may be that Mr. R.'s drinking is mainly a response to the pain of a deep, but hidden problem in the R.s» marriage relationship.
Having said that, when I feel deep «pre-verbal» pain I still grapple with it at first and it takes me a while to yield to it and to the work of the Holy Spirit in me — I'm a very «reluctant heroine» at times!
Sometimes when people are deep in pain and sorrow, something else happens, and they find a profound peace, not a denial or a painfreeness, but peace.
Tears of pain and joy openly and unashamedly accepted from time to time, in parents as well as in children, teach a child the value of deep feeling in experiencing life to its fullest.
You must lose yourself, humble yourself, experience deep pain, suffer greatly, be defeated and broken in order to find yourself and truly rise above.
This argument, the cry raised in Soweto and San Salvador, is painfully familiar, and it is impossible to hear it without feeling the deep pain of those who make it.
A vital function of growth groups for all ages is to help people break out of «the heavies» and experience «little moments of ecstasy» — in playfulness, joy, celebration, worship, deep sharing, mystery, and pain.
Really thought these boys were gonna dig deep for this one, am in too much pain to try and make sense in what goes through these players minds.
If you have a yeast infection in your breasts, you may have deep pain, burning pain, or pain that continues throughout every nursing session.
In the case of ostracism, or social exclusion, all kids will initially feel pain, but most will mentally cope and not move onto deeper, longer - lasting stages of feeling hurt.
Thrush is often confused with vasospasms of the nipple (Raynaud's) since both cause pain deep in the breasts as well as in the nipples.
It's a temptation that you can really fixate on when you're in the deepest part of the pain.
Signs: itchy nipples, pink nipples, white patches in your baby's mouth (not to be confused with a milky tongue), and sometimes shooting pain deep in the breast.
There are days when things are a big struggle, but I really feel that something is changing deep within our hearts AND I feel us grow closer together when we choose love, and when in the middle of a tantrum I hug my child and genuinely tell him that I hear his pain and that I'll help him work through it.»
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