Sentences with phrase «in deficit reduction»

There are many similarities in the deficit reduction each budget claims.
The comptroller also alleged that, because a substantial portion of Health + Hospitals» revenue actions in its deficit reduction plan requires federal and state approvals, the city would probably have to increase its subsidy by $ 200 million in fiscal year 2017.
And we can see that the public has largely lost interest in deficit reduction from the low priority ascribed to the issue during this campaign.
No: affordability was a problem because whether you believe in the deficit reduction package or not, the truth is we can not have an NHS which only works when it gets 6 % extra every year as it did.
As part of their effort to revive the failed Barack Obama - John Boehner budget negotiations of earlier in the year, the super committee Democrats put forward a $ 3 trillion package in deficit reduction over the next ten years.
When asked if he believed in deficit reduction on the BBC's Today Programme on Thursday, Hammond replied: «Our economy will change as we go forward and it will require different parameters to measure its success.
The Role of Monetary Policy in Deficit Reduction,» C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 66, by David E.W. Laidler and William B.P. Robson (February).
If approved, the health taxes in the Deficit Reduction Plan and Executive Budget will drive up the cost of health insurance for all Business Council member employers that purchase health coverage — from sole proprietors and small businesses to the largest self - insured companies — yet will provide no additional covered benefits or have any effect on addressing the rising cost of health care.
«Typically what you'd see in a deficit reduction plan at this point is one shots, some small revenue items perhaps,» said Lynam, who said it will be hard to «realize significant savings».
This morning's ComRes poll for the Independent shows majority concern even among Tory voters for a pause in the deficit reduction plan.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R - Kentucky, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R - Virginia, both told Sunday talk shows that all issues are on the table in deficit reduction talks led by Vice President Joe Biden intended to reach a deal on raising the federal debt limit.
«Until we go to court, the state work force will not be making any sacrifice in our deficit reduction plan, and I think that's unfortunate,» Paterson said.
Summary and Analysis of Child Welfare Provisions Included in the Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005 (S. 1932)(PDF - 147 KB) Child Welfare League of America (2006) Explains how the reconciliation bill alters eligibility criteria for Federal foster care and adoption assistance (Title IV - E).
The preferential tax treatment now given to CEO stock options and the current inheritance tax structure are not beyond reconsideration for a government interested in deficit reduction.
The team has disagreements — Summers was relatively more interested in stimulus and less interested in deficit reduction than Geithner, for example — but they're not vast.
Obama wants the replacement package to yield a bit more: $ 1.5 trillion in deficit reduction.
This is on top of the $ 2.4 trillion in deficit reduction that has already been implemented by cuts enacted since 2011, including the fiscal cliff deal at the end of last year.
The budget agreement between Murray and Republican House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin eases spending caps for the next two fiscal years while softening the impact of across - the - board federal spending cuts, known as the sequester, on defense and non-defense programs and calling for more than $ 20 billion in deficit reduction.
«Overall, our budget achieves $ 6.5 trillion in deficit reduction, resulting in a $ 9 billion surplus in 2027,» the Budget Committee said in July.
The Building a Better America 2018 budget achieves $ 6.5 trillion in deficit reduction, resulting in a $ 9 billion surplus in 2027, the Budget Committee said in July.
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