Sentences with phrase «in desk drawers»

Frankly, because smartwatches all too often find themselves languishing in desk drawers after a brief period of wear, uncharged and forgotten about.
Many good surveys and data sets have died a slow death on meeting tables and in desk drawers.
One thing is true: Aspiring authors have never had more or better options for self - publishing the manuscripts currently gathering dust in their desk drawers or sleeping in seldom - visited corners of their hard drives.
13 min read If you're a writer anything like myself, you've got a handful of manuscripts finished, languishing in desk drawers, or in your Dropbox gathering virtual dust.
All of your supplies that were in desk drawers will fit with no problems in the fabric pockets of the organizer.
We have no rejected screenplays in our desk drawers.
Small sample jars of paint can be stored upside down in desk drawers.
You're looking in your desk drawers and feel relief when you find a candy bar.
They don't keep sugar - laden energy bars in their desk drawers, they don't sit in front of the TV with a jar of roasted almonds, and they definitely don't give snacks to kids as a way to occupy or appease them.
«Everything in our desk drawers is gone, so that's another thing I need to get.»
Russell's changing table is a built - in desk, so she stores her clean diapers in the desk drawers.
Tony Clement has promised a review of rules governing foreign investment, but he already has one sitting in his desk drawer.
Following a recent search of the Vatican's offices, investigators reportedly found about $ 22,000 in cash in a desk drawer.
Rooting around in a desk drawer, Donna produces Alison's to - do list from that period.
The money usually ends up in my desk drawer, but I have been dabbling in the investment of crypto currency and I have turned around a $ 2200 profit so far.
On the wall hangs a crucifix, on my desk a picture of the Blessed Mother, In my desk drawer holy water that I sprinkle in the classroom before class commences.
In my desk drawer is the front page of the May 6, 1990, Jerusalem Post, which reported the death in Bethlehem of a «20 - year - old» Palestinian in a demonstration.
This recipe is perfectly designed for a bliss break: it's easy to make, so low stress on the weekend, and can be stored in a plastic snack baggie in your desk drawer.
You can also stash pre-made tea mixes in your desk drawer at work to enjoy throughout the day.
Stash a bag of this in your desk drawer and add a bit of milk for a delicious, easy - to - make breakfast at work.
I keep a jar full of them in my desk drawer to mix up my morning yogurt.
If you're going to rummage around in your desk drawer and spoil your appetite on beef jerky anyway, you might as well make it Official.
Because of their individually wrapped design and grab - and - go box, you can store them virtually anywhere — on the counter, in your diaper bag, in your desk drawer at work or wherever is most convenient.
Frustrating things that pumping moms face are: inconveniently timed work activities that compromise your pumping schedule; having to remember to bring all the components to work each day — and that one time you forget the lunchbox and have to hide a bottle of breast milk in a mug of ice in your desk drawer; producing less milk than you hoped for; co-workers not understanding your need to pump.
My son's favorite travel toy when he was a young toddler: sticky notes and flags that were sitting in our desk drawer at home.
I store my reusable shopping bags, produce bags as well as empty strawberry baskets and egg cartons in a desk drawer or on my car's passenger seat to ensure I've got them handy when I visit the farmers» market.
If you have information in your desk drawer or on a hard disk in your bedroom, and the government comes to get it from you, the one thing you know is they have to come through your front door.
He knew exactly what it was to be a young bird - obsessive, and he welcomed me completely — gave me keys to the joint, the Museum of Comparative Zoology, which I still have in my desk drawer.
He keeps 20 or so glittery balls in his desk drawer, partly to show students how to digest complex sets of numbers.
I started keeping pouches of seeds in my desk drawer to make tea at work.
When she feels triggered to stress eat she often finds it easier to just call or text a friend rather than go to the trouble of uncovering the candy. An earlier Cornell study found that simply placing candy in a desk drawer rather than on the desktop curbed calorie consumption by 25 %.
I keep a jar of it in my desk drawer at work for when my afternoon cravings hit.
Then put them in a desk drawer and leave them there for the night.
A gift certificate for a day at the spa is an obvious way to treat someone who could stand to relax a little, but if she's really time - strapped, there's a good chance that gift will just gather dust in a desk drawer.
You need focus and know the jelly beans in your desk drawer won't do it
Stash a can (or two) in your desk drawer.
If you don't have snacks stashed in your desk drawer, your options are limited: You can step out to pick up something, or succumb to the temptation of the office vending machine.
Keep snacks like almonds in your desk drawer — just a handful of almonds give you plenty of protein for your lasting energy.
Keep apples and low - fat protein bars in your desk drawer.
Keep a bag of raw almonds, peanuts, healthy trail mix or sugar - free rice wafers in your desk drawer.
It also keeps in your desk drawer, but do not mix the protein powder until you are ready to drink the shake.
Our spreads come in a conveniently resealable jar which makes them incredibly easy to store in your desk drawer.
If you have some prying eyes or people who go through your stuff, it's going to make for an odd conversation when they ask you what the powder is inside the baggie in your desk drawer.
You can grab yourself some peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, you name it and keep them in your desk drawer at work.
That bagel you had for breakfast; that sandwich you ate for lunch; that candy you keep in your desk drawer; the cocktail you had with friends — all are feeding yeast.
We also have travel - sized bottles available that are small enough to take on an airplane, keep in your desk drawer or carry in your purse.
So it's not a problem to keep it in your purse or in the desk drawer.
A good tip is to keep a rollerball filled with your oil mix in a desk drawer or in your purse so you can apply as necessary throughout the day.
On the four types of shoes in her desk drawer: I'll have ballet flats for the commute, slip - ons or mules for everyday office comfort, and when I need to get cracking on work.
Here I am... green shorts, green tee, eating dry cereal, drinking cold black coffee, nearest rhinestone in my desk drawer while I'm looking a picture of a person who looks fabulous.
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