Sentences with phrase «in determining the outcome»

For example, any episodes of serious mental illness or drug and alcohol dependence can play a major role in determining the outcome of hearings.
Human factors will also play a crucial role in determining the outcome of this test of endurance.
The decisions of a few hundred thousand swing voters in a few dozen constituencies are overwhelmingly important in determining the outcome of general elections.
The quality of the parent — child relationship and parenting more generally is one of the factors in determining outcomes.
It means everyone's vote counts in determining the outcome of each constituency seat.
This recognition can have substantial practical consequences, for example whether or not treatment is reimbursed by insurance or in determining outcomes in court cases.
The reputation that the company has is one of the things that will help in determining the outcome that you get.
Since your credit score is instrumental in determining the outcome of your life, it's important that you learn all you can about those three numbers.
The evidence that you have to prove your claim of negligence and any evidence of your own negligence, known as comparative negligence, will be relevant in determining the outcome of your case.
Furthermore, self - attribution bias causes the investor to discount the role that chance may have played in determining the outcome and to put too much emphasis on his actions as the cause.
Your environment plays a pivotal role in determining the outcome of your goals.
Here are the three questions that I think will be most important in determining the outcome of the game.
The quality of the parent — infant relationship is one of the factors in determining these outcomes.
That incident would be decisive in determining the outcome of the first Liston - Clay fight, seven months later.
Any increase in economic volatility during Great Unwinding of the next few years will be crucial in determining the outcome for stocks.
Reed Hundt, former FCC chairman, discusses the role of the FCC and Department of Justice in determining the outcome of AT&T's merger with Time Warner.
Persuasive power operates more indirectly, for it is effective in determining the outcome only to the extent that the process appropriates and reaffirms for itself the aims envisioned in the persuasion.
There is no reason to assume, however, that the broadcasters could not be a significant influence in the future, given a situation where the issues on which they choose to focus attention become critical issues in the eyes of the electorate, and where a marginal influence may play a major part in determining the outcome.
While the resignation of Purnell is a significant development, it is not necessarily a decisive move in determining the outcome.
«Previous reviews have suggested that self - esteem, mental image, cognitive function, temperament, support networks, and socioeconomic stability play major roles in determining outcomes after bariatric surgery,» the authors write.
Alternatively, characteristics of the caregiver and individual caregiving situation play a significant role in determining outcomes over the follow - up year.
In the morning session, it was fast and very grippy but during the afternoon sessions, the track felt a little «greasy» and so feedback from the car was essential in determining the outcome of completing the course.
By hanging them on the studio wall and allowing gravity to effect the flow of ink and paint, she cedes control of the medium to time and chance in determining the outcome of each piece.
Kate Sellar, a lawyer at the Human Rights Legal Support Centre in Toronto, told Legal Feeds that the digital evidence — which showed the respondent soliciting the applicant through a series of text messages — was useful in determining the outcome of the case.
Grey areas leave room for the attorney to make creative arguments and think outside of the box; they also afford the judge, who is ultimately is the decision - maker, substantial leeway in determining the outcome.
Regulators will use their best judgment in determining the outcome of individual inspections.
There was an air of confidence within the Corvette camp that it had taken the right direction with setup and so the focus switched to race strategy and ensuring it was primed and prepped for the driver changes, which could prove critical in determining the outcome of the race, with overtaking opportunities at such a premium.
Accordingly, broker nonvotes will not be counted in determining the outcome of the vote on any nondiscretionary matter at the meeting.
Competitive bidding and scarcity of sculptures by Giacometti were key factors in determining the outcome.
Understanding the issues, people and entities in a matter is key to building an effective case strategy — and gaining this understanding as quickly as possible can be crucial in determining the outcome of a case.
This surgical mesh lawsuit is one of the first to go to trial, and may play a large role in determining the outcome of similar transvaginal mesh injury claims.
Levels of BDNF are important in determining the outcome of these processes.
Let's first take a look at exactly Sydenham's disease is and how it may play a significant role in determining the outcome of your life insurance application.
During a sales and marketing presentation, confidence plays a big role in determining the outcome.
Along with the findings that the main cause was a lack of police control, and that there had been significant alteration of statements and other attempts by the police to pass the blame on to the fans, was the conclusion that in 41 cases «what happened... after 3.15 pm was significant in determining the outcome
The Senate has for the last decade been an unpredictable force in state politics and the source of heavy spending by deep - pocketed benefactors and labor groups interested in seeing which party controls the chamber — underscoring the chamber's role in determining the outcome of everything from charter schools, to tax policy and the agenda of the mayor of the city of New York.
Bob Capano, the Kings County Reform Party Chairman said, «This race, as well as several others, are expected to be close and the Reform Party line can play a significant role in determining the outcome.
Labour targets Corby, Croydon Central, Plymouth Moor View, Morley and Outwood, Derby North, Gower, Thurrock and Telford all have smaller Conservative majorities than the additional number of voters since 2015 - although in these seats, with much smaller student populations and in some cases many elderly voters, other factors are likely to play a far bigger role in determining the outcome.
Much of the chemistry community initially resisted the notion that quantum mechanics could have a major role in determining the outcomes of chemical reactions.
In addition, they showed that once a virus breaches one of the barriers, early events in the body's response to that virus can play a key role in determining the outcome of an infection.
«The people who get into office in Tennessee are elected by the voters in Tennessee,» and the idea that StudentsFirst would have major role in determining those outcomes is «terribly politically naive,» he said.
Durban is an African COP, and Africa will have a key role in determining the outcome.
The ability of Ghomeshi's legal team to raise a reasonable doubt that the complainants in this case did not consent will play a critical role in determining the outcome of the case.
In fact, I'm working on a more detailed analysis of this data that seems to suggest that, at some points in the course of a case, one's race plays no significant role in determining an outcome.
Queen's transvaginal mesh side effects lawsuit was one of four preliminary «bellwether» trials, which may play a role in determining the outcomes of similar cases.
But if, after consideration, the parties determine that divorce is the option they want to pursue, my job is to assist them in determining the outcome of the negotiations.
In determining the outcome of a child custody order in Vermont, a family court prefers that the parents are able to formulate a plan for parental rights and responsibilities on their own and present this plan to the court.
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