Sentences with phrase «in different dimensions»

You should expect to develop a «mentoring team» consisting of experts in different dimensions of science.
And it's necessary because of the fact they exist in different dimensions.
I manage two funds that are investing in different dimensions of the real estate recovery.
And they want to be first to explore what they are sure is a new world in a different dimension.
Besides that, it is very convenient to examine the dynamics of market capitalization in different dimensions.
Both suffer, only they do so in different dimensions of the same event, and in this way they enter into the depth of human loss most fully.
I grow to be addicted to coloring this made me to see coloring in a different dimension.
This work is one of six unique versions in different dimensions.
I manage two funds that are investing in different dimensions of the real estate recovery.
If that's the case, if language can structure the brain at those levels, maybe language in its association with culture makes us think about the world in different dimensions.
Time moves in a different dimension when you're job hunting.
«The more we learn about our water in all different dimensions, the more we have reason to be concerned,» said Cuomo.
This joint presentation features dozens of new and recent works, most of which have been created specifically for this show to emphasize the formal and conceptual commonalities of artists working in different dimensions and with drastically different materials.
@Peter F — Your Jesus is A) dead and B) not a god of any sort unless his «soul» is in some different dimension where such things actually happen.
We in our generation experience that holiness only in a different dimension of history.
«Models in different dimensions or with different kinds of symmetries show very different physical behaviour.
This video shows a face morphing in different dimensions, as an example of the ways multiple features shifted at the same time.
«Nicolas, my friend, we really are the same person in different dimensions,» Gosling wrote in support.
«Daniela's presence took the film in a different dimension, and she brought something that a cisgender actor wouldn't be able to bring,» Lelio said.
Doctor Strange movie review: Everything is forgotten in the brilliant Inception - like reimagining of cities, streets and buildings that the film deploys, as The Ancient One and her pupils battle out Kaecilius and his lynchpins in different dimensions.
The data illustrates the paradox of a country with a relative high development in the region and, at the same time, with the highest distances in different dimensions between poorer and richer or less educated / more educated young people.
In terms of correlations between IntelliMetric scoring and human scoring in different dimensions of the essays, data analyses showed no statistically significant correlations in Dimension 1, 2, 3, and 5.
At the end, you will find a compare and contrast essay Napoleon vs Hitler to illustrate in a different dimension the kind of person Napoleon was in the book.
No, you're not in a different dimension or that nightmare of a class where you showed up for the test without studying (or clothes).
Kids these days would just sit inside playing on the Xbox, so we can safely assume that Night of the Rabbit takes place either sometime in the past or in a different dimension altogether.
I doubt this is coincidence, and we can safely assume that «The Darkness» was exactly what dragged Singlor in a different dimension, just as he was explaining to Kat how he wanted to stop the gravity storm at the bottom of the world.
Keep in mind that enemies can spawn in different dimensions (dead world and living world), which adds an extra layer of things to keep in mind while beating up the masses.
Because the game jumps around in different dimensions but in the same space, it treats you to some wondrous sights.
Two sculptures hanging from the ceiling seem to float in space, creating rhythms in different dimensions: Spume Stream, an organic form in polyurethane foam, and Toilet Ventilator, a revolving ceiling fan with streamers of toilet paper.
Pieces in the first category - such as the doorstop, or the bell - shaped plaster bulge that first appeared as Work No 102: A protrusion from a wall and has periodically resurfaced in different dimensions or quantities, as in Work No 188: Two protrusions from a wall - come with specific instructions, invariably typed on to A4 paper.
Hybrid Schemes - This is the type of mutual fund (scheme), which makes investments a blend of equity and debt in different dimensions.
This does not seem a major flaw, as on a descriptive level it is hardly surprising that certain recursive aspects of unhelpful family functioning will be reflected in different dimensions.
Emotion processing deficits in the different dimensions of psychometric schizotypy.
Finally, it seems to me that indie authors exist in a different dimension, a world of infinite possibility
In works reflecting her interests in astronomy, such as the vibrantly colored «The Conjecture» (2007), drippy but dense watercolor is used to impart a sense of bodies moving in different dimensions.
However, Robbie Friedman, who left a corporate attorney position with Akin Gump to found ViewaBill, brings in a different dimension.
«The more we learn about our water in all different dimensions, the more reason we have to be concerned, quite frankly,» said Cuomo, D - New York.
The joint presentation features dozens of new and recent works, most of which have been created specifically for this show to emphasize the formal and conceptual commonalities of artists working in different dimensions and with drastically different materials.
Each universe is real, but each one exists in different dimensions of this Hilbert space.
Heaven is in a different dimension.
We must recognize instead that genetics and theology provide different kinds of data, in different dimensions of cognition, which are ultimately complementary.
It looks absolutely gorgeous from the above, especially when flying over Shard and Canary Wharf, it feels like you are in a different dimension.
To break the boredom of his daily meditation, he imagines Hindu gods as superheroes and finds himself in a different dimension fighting the god of darkness.
It may be that our universe is merely part of many larger universes, some in different dimensions, and that Big Bangs are going on all the time all over the place.
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