Sentences with phrase «in different parts of the body»

We might not have a weight loss cream for stomach in particular but there are quite a few that work on fat deposited in different parts of the body.
There are many reasons why people gain different amounts of weight and why fat becomes stored in different parts of their bodies.
Contrary to what many people, especially parents, believe, infants can have a wide variety of odors in different parts of the body.
There are situations which occur in one specific body area and extend to other muscle groups in different parts of the body.
Another team discovered that the range of microbial species growing in different parts of the body is probably dictated by the nutrients produced there through normal bodily functions.
However, he points out that activating this molecule will create different effects in different parts of the body.
The interesting thing I learned about inflammatory foods in my body, and later in working with clients, is that each of them may appear in different parts of our bodies.
We're all individuals having strengths and weaknesses in different parts of our bodies, right?
Depending on the injury, various effects of nerve damage will be apparent in different parts of the body, limiting the injured person's ability to function.
Obesity occurs when the excess calories we consume are stored in different parts of the body, unable to convert into energy for a longer period of time.
Numbness in different parts of the body including the legs is one of the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis, a condition in which the immune system attacks the sheath around nerve cells.
Whenever there is a disturbance in expulsion of waste matter from body, it gets accumulated in different parts of body in form of toxins.
«Different membranes in different parts of the body have different barrier strengths that are required for drugs to penetrate them to reach the organ,» said Tim Carpenter, a computational biophysicist in the Lab's Biosciences and Biotechnology Division and a co-lead author of the paper.
As noted earlier, some migraines are accompanied or preceded by sensory disturbances or tingling or numbness in different parts of the body.
Some research was done with animals and have concluded that raspberries have the potential to obstruct cancer cell proliferation and tumor development in different parts of the body, including the colon.
«Blood clots can develop in the veins in your legs and block the blood flow in different parts of your body depending on where the clot travels,» explains Dr. Ross.
Due to the enormous extent of modification a woman's body goes through during pregnancy, she suffers pain in different parts of her body including strain in neck, back pain and headache which makes it difficult to get a sound sleep.
For sure, you will enjoy the cushioning and support that it provides in the different parts of the body, including back, legs, tummy, head, and shoulders.
The research centres on miRNAs, small molecules that have an important role in turning genes on and off in different parts of the body.
«The project got its start when blistering in the skin and mucosal membranes was detected in different parts of the body in newborn littermates of Central Asian Shepherd dogs.
The investigators also plan to look in more detail at the role of p75 in different parts of the body.
The researchers, at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, said the implants one day may be used in different parts of the body to fight pain that doesn't respond to other therapies.
«By elevating oxygen in the spinal cord we can improve function and re-establish activity in different parts of the body
The findings present an excellent model for exploring the regulation of HOX genes in different parts of the body during development.
The endocannabinoid system works differently in different parts of the body but the end goal is homeostasis (internal balance).
There are over 1,000 such «-- itises» or inflammatory, chronic, autoimmune conditions or syndromes defined in different parts of the body.
Leptin and ghrelin are hormones which are secreted in different parts of the body, but communicate with the brain through the hypothalamus.
Calm guides your thoughts, getting you to focus on breathing in different parts of your body.
Circulating immune complexes are compounds that settle in different parts of the body, which can cause tissue damage and inflammation, or even contribute to certain cancers.
I saw this time and time again as a consultant pharmacist — each organ was treated like it existed in a vacuum and oftentimes side effects of one medication used to treat one part of the body would be recognized as a new disease in a different part of the body without thinking of the systemic effects.
MRSA stands for Methicillin - Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and is a type of bacteria that causes infections in different parts of the body.
One studycompared strength training to aerobic training in terms of fat reduction in different parts of the body and found that while aerobic training — running, swimming, cycling — led to greater whole - body fat loss, resistance training targeted abdominal fat in particular.
«Brain insulin resistance is very much like regular diabetes, just happening in a different part of the body,» de la Monte says.
In fact we know about are 8 types of herpes viruses that infects a person in different parts of the body.
Some dogs may be hypersensitive, thus their immune system may respond abnormally, causing an allergic reaction in different parts of the body, including the eye.
Once an NSAID for dogs has inhibited the relevant COX receptors, which are found in different parts of the body, it helps to repress a series of reactions that lead to pain and inflammation, and therefore relieve their associated unpleasantness and discomfort.
Some of these conditions are also manifested in different parts of the body, such as Macrocephaly — Capillary Malformation, a poorly understood syndrome which is characterized by malformed capillaries and prenatal somatic overgrowth with numerous asymmetries [28], [29].
This model opts to have a variety of special controls placed in different parts of the body instead of using the previous generation's LED touch panel.
An Acupuncturist is a person who is specialists in treatment of patients by use of needles and insertion in different parts of the body to heal a part which is connected to it.
Yet another user's favorite, this cream claims to burn fat and cellulite deposits in different parts of your body.
«Different membranes in different parts of the body have different barrier strengths that are required for drugs to penetrate them to reach the organ,»...
This anti-cellulite cream works effectively and destroys fat deposits in different parts of your body.
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