Sentences with phrase «in dogmatic statements»

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In fact, the more cast - iron you are with what you believe, as you seem to be by all the dogmatic statements you have made, the easier it is for something to tip the balance and cause you to remove yourself.
Brown delighted this reviewer with his appreciation of the Psalter and would delight any right - minded Calvinist with his appreciation of Karl Barth's statement in Church Dogmatics IV, 2: as a poor man, writes Barth, Christ «shares as such the strange destiny which falls on God in His people and the world — to be the One who is ignored and forgotten and despised and discounted by men.
On that basis it is conceivable that genuine «progress» in dogmatic development in the future will move, not so much in the direction of a wider, more exact unfolding and precise definition of traditional dogma, but simply in that of a more living, radical grasp and statement of the ultimate fundamental dogmas themselves.
If this were simply a dogmatic statement of the importance of relationships grounded in Whitehead's doctrine of prehensions, we would all have to recognize the danger of moving in this way from the metaphysics to the more concrete theory.
Before there was much speculation on the «nature» of the person and long before any dogmatic statements about that nature were attempted, the members of the community knew that they stood at the great climacteric moment of all history, that in and through the things which had happened among them and of which they were witnesses, God had visited and redeemed his people.
What man has written in the past as his Scriptures and as his dogmatic statements were expressions that more or less captured the experience of faith that was his at a particular moment in time.
After all, «in philosophical discussion, the merest hint of dogmatic certainty as to finality of statement is an exhibition of folly» (PR xiv).
Are you saying that we depend completely on God and in His mercy alone, to bring about crisis for change or, is this yet another dogmatic statement disguised as a question??? So, there's NOTHING I can do to change me....
Instead, by their dogmatic statements about climate change and their policy advocacy, they have become just another group of lobbyists, having ceded the privilege traditionally afforded to dispassionate scientific reasoning to political activists in the scientific professional societies.
Their own Dogmatic Postulation of CO2CAGW «tenets», which in effect constitute an instant litmus test for defining Believers as against «deniers», and their incessant repetition of statements which publicly preach a Liturgy involving a coming Apocalypse, both contribute to bringing their Ideology very close to constituting at least some kind of Religion.
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