Sentences with phrase «in edifying»

But at the first Tea Party rally I attended, at the Washington Monument earlier this year, the crowd — bristling with placards about the Second Amendment's being the correction — was treated to an arm - waving speech by a caricature English peer named Lord Monckton, who led them in the edifying call - and - response: «All together.
These short little snack - sized videos offer insight to the dating world in an edifying manner, and you can learn how to improve yourself on your own.
The ancient Greek philosopher deserves our homage, and Armand Marie Leroi delivers it in his edifying and excellent book
I just knew too many couples who were living out the Christian life, who were committed to the work of the kingdom and who were in edifying relationships.
We of who does speak and write and read based upon the KING's English have many variants of the Hebrewic doctines yet it is not in our edifying of such doctrines but like you stated above did write, «Christians have a bad habit of not translating the Bible well» is an exact truth!
The story of the nun, Dame Morel, in the reform of Port Royal, who was ready to give up all of her luxuries but one — all but the key to her little private garden — is the story of men everywhere whom Kierkegaard sought to lay hold of in these Edifying Addresses.

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Bell's imminent dropping of wholesale and retail throttling, which is supposed to take place before March, seems to edify some of those claims and prove that the decision was in fact a win for the company.
In the latest less - than - edifying episode of the Trump / Comey saga, it's emerged that the former FBI chief wrote a memo of a meeting with the president in which the latter spoke about the beauty of Russian prostituteIn the latest less - than - edifying episode of the Trump / Comey saga, it's emerged that the former FBI chief wrote a memo of a meeting with the president in which the latter spoke about the beauty of Russian prostitutein which the latter spoke about the beauty of Russian prostitutes.
To catch one of the last glimpses of those fast - receding values in their full glory, one can do no better than to read this endlessly fascinating, amusing, and ultimately edifying book.
The other monuments and museums that attract millions of visitors each year to Washington do, all in all, present an edifying spectacle.
Brian: The best way, I've discovered, of edifying the saints is to not put obstacles in their way or burdens on their backs.
I suspect that if Christians simply walked in the Spirit and obeyed Jesus on a consistent basis, nearly any institution that we involved ourselves in, from marriage to a business partnership to a baseball team, would be fairly edifying to all involved.
You know it is actually possible to have sex in the absence of marriage in ways that are actually respectful and edifying for both don't you?
But we could too easily replace this shallowness by another, cruel as sentimental attitudes inevitably are, which leaves out of account the presence in human life of the sheerly irrevocable, of that which has been done, and it is now too late to undo, of the damage inflicted on others that can not be put right and that no interpretation can possible render edifying.
Oh, to edify oneself in a living way with the sufferings of others is a comfort, and to dwell too exclusively on one's own suffering may easily become that doubleness of mind which thinks that there is comfort for all others but none for itself.
Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing, like his other Edifying Addresses, is directed in the preface to hiin Enkelte, «that solitary individual.»
This being the onset of the season of Lent ¯ when Christians think especially on the reality of sin in their lives ¯ I thought I would offer a string of quotations from Newman appropriate to this season now begun, a catena, as it were, of «edifying discourses» from a master at homiletical brilliance.
It was written in 1846 and was included in the volume of Edifying Addresses of Varied Tenor that appeared in Copenhagen on March 13, 1847.
In so far as Marx is seeking to bring the idea of «real distress» (as understood by religion) into relation with their human condition of distress (as understood by human beings) so as to transform the human condition, his critique of religion reveals an existential pathos», and it is religiously edifying.
For one who is capable of accomplishing something for others is not regarded by the edifying contemplation as in the strictest sense a sufferer.
In both of Peter's epistles he starts out with encouragement to God's elect in the Jews and from there continues edifying all the Jewish Christians in the MediterraneaIn both of Peter's epistles he starts out with encouragement to God's elect in the Jews and from there continues edifying all the Jewish Christians in the Mediterraneain the Jews and from there continues edifying all the Jewish Christians in the Mediterraneain the Mediterranean.
In the single year 1843, he published in February, his long Either - Or; in May, Two Edifying Addresses; in October, three of his works Fear and Trembling, The Repetition and Three Edifying Addresses appeared on the same day; and in December, a further volume of Four Edifying AddresseIn the single year 1843, he published in February, his long Either - Or; in May, Two Edifying Addresses; in October, three of his works Fear and Trembling, The Repetition and Three Edifying Addresses appeared on the same day; and in December, a further volume of Four Edifying Addressein February, his long Either - Or; in May, Two Edifying Addresses; in October, three of his works Fear and Trembling, The Repetition and Three Edifying Addresses appeared on the same day; and in December, a further volume of Four Edifying Addressein May, Two Edifying Addresses; in October, three of his works Fear and Trembling, The Repetition and Three Edifying Addresses appeared on the same day; and in December, a further volume of Four Edifying Addressein October, three of his works Fear and Trembling, The Repetition and Three Edifying Addresses appeared on the same day; and in December, a further volume of Four Edifying Addressein December, a further volume of Four Edifying Addresses.
But what I feel we need to remember, in order to not become a bad name to Christianity ourselves, is that our job is not only to enter the lives of sinners and to show them the love of Christ but to lovingly edify those we feel are hurting Christ's cause.
1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
Go beyond traditional notions of communication to inform, persuade, and please in order to aim at edifying others
Instead, we should engage in «edifying» discourse which seeks to help others «break free from outworn vocabularies and attitudes, rather than to provide «grounding» for the intuitions and customs of the present» (PMR 12).
In this way, music can be very edifying.
Since I issued that call, Rorty has continued to develop his notion of an edifying conversation in ways that I find stimulating, yet troublesome.
This was to be an edifying discourse of the sort proposed by Richard Rorty, in which we joined with other researchers and educators in an attempt to make sense of the multidimensional aspects of human experience.
What we want to know is whether untrained communal singing is in itself any more edifying than other popular pleasures.
SORRY about my triple type for I am in error of edifying myself before posting!
Now there are men who find it edifying that the demand to will one thing be asserted in all its sublimity, in all its severity, so that it may press its claim into the innermost fastness of the soul.
His first function is that of building or «edifying» the church; he is concerned in everything that he does to bring into being a people of God who as a Church will serve the purpose of the Church in the local community and the world.
May we keep our dispute ongoing and edifying, and not just argumentative in the worst sense?
But here we may reasonably suspect a certain amount of embroidery, the more so since Matthew has also an edifying story about the traitor's remorse and grisly end — a story, by the way, inconsistent with another account of his death which is found in the Acts of the Apostles, not to mention a third divergent account which we know to have been handed down traditionally in the early church.
This relation of the Christian teaching to life (in contrast with a scientific aloofness from life), or this ethical side of Christianity, is essentially the edifying, and the form in which it is presented, however strict it may be, is altogether different, qualitatively different, from that sort of learning which is «indifferent,» the lofty heroism of which is from a Christian point of view so far from being heroism that from a Christian point of view it is an inhuman sort of curiosity.
Though full of titillating tales and occasional bits of edifying wisdom, the gnostic gospels lacked the balance of sacramentalism, mysticism, silence, and praxis that we find for example in the kerygmatic presentations of the Christ of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John.
12:10) was probably a constantly recurring phenomenon in Christian worship from Pentecost to the time when I Corinthians was written, but more important was the intelligible prophecy in which the understanding of the speaker contrived to interpret the purport of his experience and to «edify the church» (I Cor.14: 4.
In a recent book by George Barna (Revolution), he implies that a group of four men can be a church out on the golf course if they encourage and edify one another spiritually.
In short, through the Bible, God is exalted, Christians are edified, and the world is evangelized.
So also, you, if you make sure good words and edifying words proceed from your mouth, may be producing fruit for hundreds of years to come — even after you are dead and in heaven.
Not good, why neglect things which are edifying to the christian life, that would be an unhealthy focus on evangelism in the place of discipleship, just do both I say What if, instead of starting Christian Coffee Houses, Christian Work - Out Centers, and Christian Bridge Clubs, we started just going to these places that were already in our community and meeting the people who go there?
In my opinion what is wrong with the western church is that it has failed to stay centered on its purpose, that being to edify the believer.
The prophets asserted the demand of the clean heart against all the specific requirements of the law.30 Jesus summed up all the law in the two commandments to love God and our neighbor.31 Paul puts it radically when he says, «All things are lawful for me; but all things edify not «32 It is in the actual service of my neighbor's need and my own that the ultimate permission or prohibition of any action lies.
The «Cambridge Platform» written by New England Puritans in 1648 says, «The office of... teacher is to attend to doctrine and therein to administer a word of knowledge... given by Christ for the perfection of the saints, and edifying of his body.»
But if you have found something you enjoy and are good at and people tell you they are edified and encouraged through your ministry, then this might be an indication that you are fruit bearing and God has cleaned you or is in the process of it.
It is edifying and a great tribute to a profession in which he clearly believes passionately.
Anyway, in no particular order these works (not all are books) have persuaded, edified, confirmed and / or challenged my thinking or otherwise fascinated me:
It would be nice if some pastor, some where in the US, would be willing to equip the Saints and help them get to know God more instead of instilling guilt because they're not doing enough and when they ask for the pastor to lay off the hackneyed cliches even once in a while, they get something other than «knowledge puffs up, but love edifies
And if you focused on learning about God, theology, or increasing in knowledge of scripture, you were frequently and often rebuked (knowledge puffs up, love edifies), and instead of «selfishly» learning theology, you should be out converting people (increasing numbers).
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