Sentences with phrase «in effortful»

Coping with terrorism: Age and gender differences in effortful and involuntary responses to September 11th.
In general, children high in frustration, impulsivity and low in effortful control are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of negative parenting, while in turn, many negative parenting behaviors predict increases in these characteristics.
The skills involved in effortful control are likely quite important for learning and children's emerging adjustment and social competence.
Individual differences in effortful control, although partly due to heredity, are also associated with the quality of parent - child interactions.
Individual differences in effortful control, although partly due to heredity, are also associated with the quality of parent - child interactions.
The skills involved in effortful control are likely quite important for learning and children's emerging adjustment and social competence.

Not exact matches

It is also late in the first year of life that children begin to develop effortful control.
It is therefore important that parents and other caregivers be encouraged to interact with children in ways that foster the development of effortful control.
Although offering personalized plans is more effortful, she believes that it is worth it because in the long run the results are more impactful.
In contrast to the earlier findings, now the more effortful events felt closer in time — not farther awaIn contrast to the earlier findings, now the more effortful events felt closer in time — not farther awain time — not farther away.
It is further known that this kind of effortful cognitive processing requires energy in the form of glucose, the simple sugar that serves as the body's fuel.
Furthermore, they thought that such effortful self - control might actually cause both unease and dishonesty, which could in turn be misconstrued as racial prejudice.
Finally, «System 2 prevented James from reacting foolishly to the insult» means that James would have been more aggressive in his response if his capacity for effortful control had been disrupted (for example, if he had been drunk).
What appears to be the case is that when people are involved in what they refer to as effortful learning or certain kinds of learning tasks, that seems to encourage those neurons of a certain age to hang around.
Additionally, young - adult dyslexic readers maintained high connectivity to brain regions involved in phonology, suggesting that they continue to rely on effortful «sounding out» strategies into adulthood rather than transitioning to more automatic, visual - based strategies for word recognition.
And this suggests a less automatized or more effortful semantic access in bilinguals than in monolinguals.
These results are consistent with previous evidence showing that the IFG is engaged in semantic tasks requiring active strategies and effortful processing.
In embracing this new locale, Scorsese creates a movie built on the foundations of GoodFellas and Mean Streets but not chained to it, a picture that feels as effortless as The Aviator and Gangs of New York felt effortful.
If you can imagine an aggressively adorable (and somewhat effortful) version of Amélie in which our hero fucks the Creature from the Black Lagoon, you'll totally be feeling this.
If you can imagine an aggressively adorable (and somewhat effortful) version of Amélie in which our hero fucks the Creature from the Black Lagoon, then you'll totally be feeling this.
True, Julie Christie and Carey Mulligan are equally captivating (the latter perhaps more reliant on the subtlety of her performance than her predecessor's outright beauty), but the charismatic electricity that a youthful Terence Stamp brings to the swaggering Sergeant Troy puts Sturridge's comparatively effortful contribution firmly in the shade.
If you can imagine an aggressively adorable (and somewhat effortful) version of «Amélie» in which our hero sleeps with «The Creature from the Black Lagoon», then you'll totally be feeling this.
The students in this case study were encouraged to accept that the deliberate practice of their chosen instruments might very well be «effortful» and not «inherently enjoyable».
In addition, they needed to accept that the deliberate practice might very well be «effortful» and not «inherently enjoyable» (Schraw, 2005, p. 396).
Interestingly, when teenagers are confronted with the same situations, they demonstrate weak activity in the insula and strong activity in the rDLPFC; an area of the brain correlated with effortful reasoning and decision making.8
Child Effortful Control, Teacher - student Relationships, and Achievement in Academically At - risk Children: Additive and Interactive Effects.
In contrast, when mothers nursed vertically, while sitting or standing, nursing was a more difficult, active, and effortful endeavor for puppies.
Two huge photographs mounted on red tape hang side by side in the room creating an effortful focus forcing the viewer close to the works and manipulating the inspection of them.
A heuristic is a mental «shortcut» — an alternative to the use of a more effortful, and more intricate mental operation that might well exceed the time and capacity of most people to exercise in most circumstances.
And in taking CPD, I would say to a lawyer, be effortful and engaged.
Self - regulation, like many topics in psychology, is really an umbrella term referring to emotional regulation, effortful cognitive willpower, behavioral regulation and sometimes even mindfulness.
The current literature reports that MS patients with ongoing depressive symptoms perform poorly on cognitive tasks assessing information processing speed, attention, etc. (Arnett et al., 1999) Cognitive impairment is dominant in depressed MS patients, affecting effortful but not automatic information processing.
It is also late in the first year of life that children begin to develop effortful control.
For example, it is clear that effortful control is linked to positive development, even in the first five years of life, since it has been associated with lower levels of problem behaviours and has been found to correlate with and predict low levels of negative emotion, highly committed compliance, high levels of social competence, and conscience.
This study tested relations between differentiation of self, adult attachment, and effortful control in a sample of 225 adults.
Greater ability to take «I» positions in relationships, along with lower emotional reactivity (ER) and attachment anxiety, were unique predictors of effortful control.
Engaging in constructive, pro-relationship behaviors — like biting your tongue when your partner snaps at you, or discussing difficult issues in a calm and constructive manner — are effortful acts that require greater self - control compared to more selfish or destructive behaviors.3 Unfortunately, self - control is a limited resource that becomes depleted through use, making further acts of self - control all the more difficult.4 Self - control is like a muscle that can become fatigued over time, or a gas tank that is eventually emptied.
The researchers found the kids with the secure attachments did well in the next part of the study, which measured their «effortful control.»
Frustration acted as a general risk factor predicting severity of maladjustment; low Effortful Control and Fear acted as dimension - specific risk factors that predicted a particular type of psychopathology; whereas Shyness, High - Intensity Pleasure, and Affiliation acted as direction markers that steered the conditional probability of internalizing versus externalizing problems, in the event of maladjustment.
For instance, the temperament trait of high fear predicted mainly internalizing problems in adolescents, whereas temperament traits of low effortful control and high - intensity pleasure (which expresses adolescents» pleasure derived from novel and intense experiences) more strongly predicted externalizing problems.
Children's temperament is often defined as biologically - based differences in reactivity and self - regulation.1 Research has focused most on temperament dimensions of self - regulation or effortful control, general positive emotional reactivity, general negative emotional reactivity, and more specific aspects of negative emotionality reflecting fearfulness and inhibition on the one hand, and anger and irritability on the other hand.
This term refers to a special class of self - regulatory processes that develop with the maturation of attentional mechanisms, particularly the anterior attention system.16 Although it is believed that effortful control begins to emerge at the end of the first year of life, its development continues at least through the preschool years, and again, is a likely candidate process in the development of childhood psychopathology.
Blair, C., 2007, Relating effortful control, executive function, and false belief understanding to emerging math and literacy ability in kindergarten, Child Development 78 (2): 647 ~ 663
Developmental foundations of externalizing problems in young children: The role of effortful control
In a sample of 18 -, 30 -, and 42 - month - olds, the relations among parenting, effortful control (EC), and maladjustment were examined.
Genetic relations between effortful and attentional control and symptoms of psychopathology in middle childhood
Anxiousness, frustration, and effortful control as moderators of the relation between parenting and adjustment in middle childhood
In addition, there was a significant difference between mothers and fathers on punishment of low effortful control and discouraging surgency, favoring fathers.
Gender Differences in the Longitudinal Influence of Effortful Control on Academic Performance and Behavioral Problems in Early Adolescents: Mediating Effects of Social Skills.
In addition to independent contributions of temperament dimensions, potential moderator effects between negative affectivity and effortful control on ODD problems were also tested.
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