Sentences with phrase «in egalitarian»

Thus, relationship skills learned in egalitarian and symmetrical friendships become more salient during the adolescent years and generalize to other relationships.
One recent highly publicized article reported that married couples who split domestic chores in an egalitarian manner had sex less often, and reported less satisfaction with their sex lives, than couples who adhered to more to conventional gender behaviors.
Fact: «In egalitarian families, we might expect that men and women similarly prioritize work and family obligations.
Perhaps this is one reason why people in egalitarian relationships tend to be happier in their relationships (and life).5
The construction industry is beautiful in its egalitarian structure for professional advancement.
This, proponents argue we'll make the network, designed to offer in egalitarian way to send payments digitally around the globe, more accessible to users.»
-- geoengineering could well expected to provoke a skeptical orientation in egalitarian communitarians, not only toward geoengineering but toward climate change science that implies the necessity and feasibility of conscious interventions to offset the impact of carbon emissions on the environment.
Apparently these mammals live together in an egalitarian order in the Kalahari Desert.
11 In other words, conversing, in an egalitarian way, with historically overlooked women artists may offer young women artists valuable tools for understanding and navigating today.
Bugatti might market its products to the world's richest individuals, but the brand has been surprisingly open to the idea of its products appearing in the egalitarian medium of videogames.
While the fundamental concept of local control remains critically important, there certainly isn't anything wrong with seeking to align standards across political boundaries so that all of the nation's children are provided with the knowledge and skills necessary to live their lives to the fullest and be capable of becoming active participants in our egalitarian society.
When social engineering via the public school system succeeds in its egalitarian and social justice goals, future generations can take justifiable pride in being truly equal if not truly ignorant.
In egalitarian Australia, the former is more likely!
«Young people today strongly believe in egalitarian marriage — even if they don't always follow it in practice,» she said.
The spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) have hierarchical societies similar to those of primates; lions (Panthera leo) live in egalitarian prides with as many as 21 members; whereas tigers (P. tigris) and leopards (P. pardus) lead more solitary lives, except when females have young or when males and females meet to mate.
In these egalitarian societies, where sharing food and other resources is the norm, parents believe it's wrong to impose one's will on anyone, including children.
Children's play and culture learning in an egalitarian foraging society.
Even in egalitarian Europe, female politicians must battle gender stereotypes, biased media coverage, and entrenched power.
The «resource turn» in egalitarian political philosophy, and the prioritisation within practical welfarism of resource redistribution by the nation - state, implicitly buy into the same impoverished view of human motivation — they abandon positions from which they could criticise the neoliberal perception of human behaviour, and serve to perpetuate its dominance rather than providing alternatives to undermine it.
If liberal churches are to help reverse the trends toward family decline, their youth programs should emphasize preparation for life in the egalitarian, postmodern family.
It also holds that wives should join their husbands in egalitarian relationships characterized by mutual love and submission.
But what's most dangerous about this posture is that Piper seems to assume that because evangelicals aren't confronting sexual assault and abuse the way that Hollywood is, then those things must not be happening in their churches, that abuse only occurs in egalitarian communities where women have more power and influence.
If I'm honest, I've seen this sort of humility and service reflected in egalitarian marriages, and I've seen this sort of humility and service reflected in more complementarian / patriarchal marriages.
Immaturity: the idealization of women as mothers or virgins keeps men from having to grow up and to relate in an egalitarian way to other sexual beings.
Finally, for better or worse, passages addressing women's roles are rendered in egalitarian directions on both linguistic and academic grounds.
Spurred by findings of a paper by Sabrino Kornrich, Julie Brines and Katarina Leupp published in the American Sociological Review, the article argues that, «too much similarity in egalitarian marriages leads to boredom and decreased sexual frequency».
When Singapore was part of Malaysia, Lee's belief in an egalitarian society had aroused the suspicions of Malay politicians who believed Lee spoke loftily about multiracialism even as he canvassed for Chinese votes.
In their egalitarian society, too much too soon (or at all) can be frowned on; most are culturally attuned to prefer the small - scale.
«We are really motivated by using technology in an egalitarian way, unlocking democracy.»

Not exact matches

I would say probably the most — one of the areas that changed the most is that there was a much more of a hierarchical focus in companies as I was entering the business world than today where we see much more of a flat structure, a more egalitarian structure and the reality is that the employees of today are looking for that.
Christine Schwartz, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison who studies the relationship between marriage and inequality, said one factor seems to be a growing preference toward egalitarian marriage.
Younger Canadians may be more egalitarian in their views about work and family.
The experience sparked an early interest in finance — and particularly in finding ways to make the U.S. system more egalitarian.
Or the uniformity in the salary of Cuba's citizens: Sure, it seems egalitarian, but it's hard to make ends meet on the equivalent of $ 20 a month, even if you have the fortitude to wait in long lines for rations of food staples.
In this article, the style of social interaction known as hygge is analyzed as being related to cultural values that idealize the notion of «inner space» and to other egalitarian norms of everyday life in Scandinavian societieIn this article, the style of social interaction known as hygge is analyzed as being related to cultural values that idealize the notion of «inner space» and to other egalitarian norms of everyday life in Scandinavian societiein Scandinavian societies.
With a very egalitarian mind - set the Danes believe in independency, equal rights, accessible superiors and that management facilitates and empowers.
Look at John Wooden, the greatest basketball coach ever: his record improved later in life when he got a great idea: be less egalitarian.
In Created Equal, Joshua Berman, a lecturer at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and Bar - Ilan University, uses this notable feature of Israelite political life to argue that the Bible is remarkably egalitarian and that Israel, unlike its neighbors, was notably suspicious of hierarchical regimes that located political power in the hands of a few eliteIn Created Equal, Joshua Berman, a lecturer at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and Bar - Ilan University, uses this notable feature of Israelite political life to argue that the Bible is remarkably egalitarian and that Israel, unlike its neighbors, was notably suspicious of hierarchical regimes that located political power in the hands of a few elitein Jerusalem and Bar - Ilan University, uses this notable feature of Israelite political life to argue that the Bible is remarkably egalitarian and that Israel, unlike its neighbors, was notably suspicious of hierarchical regimes that located political power in the hands of a few elitein the hands of a few elites.
In the US, bloggers and authors such as Rachel Held Evans and Sarah Bessey have written about egalitarian theology and are supporting feminism in a way that is accessible to those who are just discovering feminism, as well as for seasoned advocateIn the US, bloggers and authors such as Rachel Held Evans and Sarah Bessey have written about egalitarian theology and are supporting feminism in a way that is accessible to those who are just discovering feminism, as well as for seasoned advocatein a way that is accessible to those who are just discovering feminism, as well as for seasoned advocates.
This is just as true for people with a conservative theology of gender as for egalitarians: we should all be able to agree that, as humans created in God's image, the oppression of women is unacceptable.
In fact, the Pentateuch accords a considerable amount of power to the priestly families» and thus to refer to the priestly code (of Exodus 25 through Numbers 10) as «egalitarian» through and through would be a big mistake.
Still, she notes that, «In the early 19th century, the United States was one of the most egalitarian societies on the planet.
One of the areas of contention is the contemporary university, home both to anti-religious hyperrationalism and to the shape - shifting contemporary progeny of Nietzschean relativism (usually in an apparently unthreatening soft democratic or egalitarian form).
'» Shalala and others know that the egalitarian utopia they have in mind will not come about by itself.
But such folly is recorded in the OT Israelites whose greed drove them to give up their relatively egalitarian social system and to emulate the neighboring Amorites with their disparities from fabulous wealth to abject poverty.
Don't forget that our best libertarians, such as Tyler Cowen, have lost confidence in the connection between techno - liberty and fairly egalitarian prosperity.
In some households, there is a very strong patriarchal leaning, in others matriarchal, and still others it's kind of an egalitarian, who - the - heck - knows mash - uIn some households, there is a very strong patriarchal leaning, in others matriarchal, and still others it's kind of an egalitarian, who - the - heck - knows mash - uin others matriarchal, and still others it's kind of an egalitarian, who - the - heck - knows mash - up.
A second example would be gender roles depicted in the letters, which proscribe roles for women that appear to deviate from Paul's more egalitarian teaching that in Christ there is neither male nor female.
Marriage and the family are valuable social institutions, especially important for children, but they need to be newly understood in nonpatriarchal and egalitarian ways.
The new media are egalitarian in structure.
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