Sentences with phrase «in elderly»

Another showed soy protein had a mild effect on body composition in elderly women.
Since saliva tests reflect only the metabolic process of salivary glands and a limited passive diffusion of the hormones from the bloodstream, levels may be below detection limits in elderly patients.
In the elderly, it's probably because they don't secrete enough stomach acid to separate the vitamin from the meat proteins that tightly bind it.
CoQ10 deficiency is common in the elderly and vegetarians, and among those with heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, cancer, or HIV.
Unsurprising, since its mostly a mouse cancer study with some NHANES reanalysis / data - mining added for headline pizazz, and cancer mortality rates in the elderly didn't corroborate their animal study.
In the elderly, research shows that increasing carnosine boosts both the quality and the efficiency of muscles -LRB-
It conducts nerve impulses within the brain, improving memory and learning skills, elevating mood, preventing memory loss in elderly adults, and increasing physical energy.
Effect of dietary protein on bone loss in elderly men and women: The framingham osteoporosis study.
One study linked low selenium levels to thyroid problems in the elderly.
In fact, a more resilient HPA Axis is associated with more robust physical performance in elderly cohorts (Gardner et al., 2013).
CONCLUSION: In elderly patients undergoing total hip replacement, preoperative HGH treatment results in improvements in lean body mass and skeletal muscle mass that are sufficient to offset postoperative losses.
Use of creatine in the elderly and evidence for effects on cognitive function in young and old.
Node Smith, ND A recent study has found a link between the use of Proton - pump inhibitors (PPIs) and pneumonia in the elderly.1 PPIs are a commonly used class of drugs for the treatment of heartburn and stomach ulcers.
Here is what the chart says: TSH Standard: 0.4 - 5.5 IU / L Optimal 0.5 - 2 IU / L, 0.5 - 2.5 IU / L in elderly.
This number rises to 74 % in the elderly and 82 % in people with dark skin, since their skin produces less vitamin D in response to sunlight (15, 16).
Symptoms of more severe dietary calcium deficiency include soft bones (rickets) in children and osteoporosis, especially in the elderly (32, 33).
The researchers were encouraged by the study and resolved to evaluate cinnamon's abilities to enhance cognition in elderly patients.
Furthermore, walking for exercise reduces risk of hip fracture in the elderly, reduces risk of cataracts, increases bone density, reduces risk of falling, improves balance, improves flexibility, improves back and lower extremity strength, reduces low - density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (this is the bad type of cholesterol), increases high - density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (this is the good type of choleserol), reduces risk of heart disease, reduces risk of stroke, and reduces risk of colon and breast cancers.
Esmarck, B et al. 2001 Timing of post-exercise protein intake is important for muscle hypertrophy with resistance training in elderly humans.
Writing in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, scientists from the Netherlands, Austria, and the U.S. report that low blood levels of the sunshine vitamin are associated with increased risk of all - cause mortality, and mortality from heart disease, in the elderly.
Kyphosis, or a rounded upper back, is common in elderly adults.
7) Most articles I have consulted consider an intake of 0.8 g protein per kg total body weight per day to be too little for optimum health, especially in the elderly.
The final conclusion is that progesterone may ``... provide novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of sleep disturbances, in particular in the elderly
«Once our findings have been confirmed in other populations, the door will open to clinical trials of multiple hormonal replacement in elderly men.»
But on the other hand, if food intake is preceded (within 2 hours max) by fairly vigorous exercise, this lower efficiency in the elderly is reduced or perhaps eliminated.
Pennings, B et al. 2012 Amino acid absorption and subsequent muscle protein accretion following graded intakes of whey protein in elderly men.
8) Some papers have concluded that the efficiency of digestion and absorption of dietary protein in the elderly (70 +) is lower than that for younger adults (~ 40), but others have found no change with aging.
A caveat might need to be added for the elderly, because Kobayashi et al. (2017) found that frailty in elderly Japanese was associated with protein intakes of below 1.3 g / kg.
«Since previous epidemiologic studies in elderly patients focused on only a single hormonal decline rather than multiple anabolic deficiency, we suggest that assessment of these 3 anabolic hormones should always be considered in older men.»
Insomnia — defined as trouble sleeping on average more than three nights per week — can be an annoyance for some, but long - lasting sleeplessness can seriously affect health, especially in the elderly.
In 2012, researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition found that a whey protein dosage of 40g (0.5 g / kg of bodyweight) was necessary to maximally stimulate MPS in elderly participants after resistance training.
It results in disability and pain by affecting the knees, hip, and spine in the elderly and middle - aged population.
doi: 10.1093 / ecam / nen058 The Medical Research of Spirulina — Cyanotech Corporation Park, Hee Jung; Lee, Yun Jung; Ryu, Han Kyoung; Kim, Mi Hyun; Chung, Hye Won; Kim, Wha Young, «A randomized double blind, placebo controlled study to establish the effects of spirulina in elderly Koreans,» Annals of nutrition & metabolism.
MONDAY, March 5, 2018 (HealthDay News)-- In a seemingly counterintuitive finding, new research suggests that high cholesterol is associated with a reduced risk of mental decline in the elderly.
Age - related macular degeneration is the main cause of blindness in the elderly.
Depression can be a common condition in elderly individuals and medications for depression — mainly SSRIs — tend to be popular.
Supplementation of vitamin D in elderly individuals, and particularly in older individuals who are institutionalized, is a recommendation for optimum musculoskeletal health.
It seems speaking more than 2 languages provides a protective effect on memory in elderly people who practice foreign languages throughout their life time or during the time of the research.
However, not much is known regarding the safety of these medications in elderly individuals.
But before we get carried away, the 2014 study found that higher protein intake in the elderly actually improved their lifespan and reduced the risk of cancer.
A study was made by a French researcher by the name of Marie - Agnès Arnal on protein loss and improvement of protein anabolism in elderly people.
Anemia has multiple causes in the elderly, including nutrient deficiencies, illness, and medication use.
The reason for this, is due to the anabolic response to protein ingestion being reduced in the elderly.
B. Lactis is a probiotic strain known to be better performing in elderly adults due to the increased phagocytic (fighting off harmful foreign bacteria or dying cells) activity it can promote.
3 Ibarrola - Jurado N, Salas - Salvado J, Martinez - Gonzalez MA, Bullo M. Dietary phylloquinone intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in elderly subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease.
Studies have found that fermented papaya can reduce oxidative stress in the elderly and people with prediabetes, mild hypothyroidism and liver disease (5, 6, 7, 8).
Although severe vitamin B6 deficiency is rare, studies indicate mild deficiency to be common, especially in the elderly and children.
On the other hand, research indicates that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with better brain function and less risk of dementia, especially in elderly populations.
«To evaluate cause - and - effect relationships between long - term PPI use and possible effects on cognition in the elderly, randomized, prospective clinical trials are needed,» said corresponding author Britta Haenisch, from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Bonn.
This contributes to a temporary improvement in cognitive functioning and levels of energy, even in elderly people with cognitive impairments.
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