Sentences with phrase «in ending his time»

It's written that in the end times before Christ comes, things get much much worse.
The Apostle Paul said that in the end times people would get pastors who would tell them what they wanted to hear.
We really were in the End Times: the Cold War, the Reagan Presidency, the immorality that was in every non - «Cosby Show» sitcom.
The bible pretty much says that in the end times there will be a number of false prophets.Harold Camping is just one of them.
Support for Israel has become a key issue for American evangelicals, some of whom believe the country plays a key role in end times and others who believe there's a biblical mandate to honor the Jewish state.
Not all military coflticns are religious coflticns, but I'd be much more comfortable with a chain of command that realizes that than I would be with one that thinks that this war or that war will usher in the end times.
Secularism has done a good job of parting the Red Sea, but in the end times, which is now, His sheep will hear His voice and they will be gathered into one fold, regardless of what's going on in the world.
Christians also believe there will be a one - world government in the end time... only we believe it will be ruled by the Antichrist.
They explained to him how, if he wore certain magic underwear, he would be protected from evil spirits in this life and in the end times.
As for the hurricanes and earthquakes, the bible warns us of an increase in such natural disasters in the end times.
But, in the end times, (as we are seeing now), the erroneous, vile, corrupt ways of old men that live at the Vatican and call the shots are being exposed for what they are (Thank God).
Here is a new blog to help followers of Jesus ignite their walk with the Lord in the End Times Helpful articles on Spiritual growth and topics relating to end time prophecy.
I'm confused it says they will be gossips conceited unholy haters of good without love self love people in the end times to stay away not even to receive them not even pray for them is that blasphemy then it says they hold firm to a godliness but deny its power but I thought blasphemy they don't hold firm to any godliness but are not drawn by the spirit at all to wan na ask forgiveness even it says god is just and will forgive why I wish he would forgive all things his children suffer over that can't change need to also it says if u can say Jesus is lord the holy spirit is with u right or u couldn't even say those words please someone help I've been suffering
We are living in the end times of all these sheep herder religions, now, go back to church and wave your hands like a zombie worshipper...
Its faith and belief in Christ that helps us be free of demons, which in these end times we need more than ever.
Fallen angels showed humans how to fight make alcohol beautify the eyebrows and much much more, this society is a lie, and the atheists are living the biggest lie the devil told... that there is no god, how dare anyone say there is no god, sadly you will burn in the lake of fire if you do not find Jesus, we are living in the end times wake up!
To say that «we continue to consider Lutheranism a confessional movement in the one comprehensive Church of Christ whose full lineaments will be made clear only in the End Time» is a neo «gnostic myth which refuses to believe that Jesus Christ founded a historical church that we are to take seriously.
It looks like America is in end times prophecy after all: Isa 5:18 ¶ Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: i.e. g ^ y pride parade.
Which just goes to show you how accurate the Bible is and demonstrates how we are indeed in the end times.
The rich need to be aware in these end times that the fate of their soul rests on the sincerity of their hearts when they give.
Jesus, the King, might or might return to redeem us all in the end times?
But our culture's newfound interest in the end times has a downside.
Funny, I thought Christians believed in a bodily resurrection of everybody in the end times, heaven or hell coming after that resurrection, not some spiritual heaven - ish or hell - ish para-existence in a disembodied state that starts the moment you die physically.
Christians are also told in Revelations (last book of the Bible) that they will be persecuted in the end times.
He hasn't claimed we are in the end times.
Do you beleive we are living in the end times?
Just as thre have been people claiming we were living in the end times described by Revelations since pretty much the day it was written.
I will say this, in ends times Christians will be persecuted, probably to much of the populations happiness.
It is escapist to believe that it will all be worked out in the end times.
we think he will posess an Italian in the end times, but I think you may very well be a bigot with no doubt.
In the end times, false prophets will deceive many people, as wolves in sheep's clothing.
Osteen does like to mention that we are all sinners and fall short of God's glory, he keeps many more coming to his church.Easy believeism Is leading many astray.Osteen can not recognize that mormans are not Christians.How sad.its part of the falling away mentioned in the end times.
2 Timothy 4:3 We're in the end times!
The book says that in the end times, businesses will be forced to shut down on Sunday, and people will be forced to go to church on Sunday.
then you will begin to see that we truly are in end times.
Huffington Post: End Of World 2012: Mayan «Doomsday» Part Of Long - Standing Interest In End Times, Apocalypse Lonny Sundvall doesn't know what will happen on Dec. 21, but he's ready for the worst.
apparently it is those who are in the end times... not «this generation» standing before Jesus..
GOD IS NOT A MYTH people refuse to acknowledge that bible prophecy is coming true, before our very eyes only the bible has predicted the future, including the the world trying to bring peace to Jerusalem only the bible named nations that would be involved in end time wars and events only the bible has given signs of the end times that are coming true
kermit4jc Jesus thought that his present generation were living in the end times.
The filth of the world is RISING which is what the Bible said would happen in the end times.
Revelation says that in the end times the masses will turn against Christ.
The vast majority of Pentecostals (more than 80 percent in each country) believe in «the rapture of the church,» a teaching that in the end times the faithful will be lifted into heaven.
God will gather His Ekklesia when He is ready to in the end times.
Please do nt take God's grace for granted.There is a devil who is going all out to destroy lives especially in these end times.
I guess I don't understand what you do with the verses in Romans that talks about in end times they will exchange the truth for a lie and woman will have unatural relations with each other as will men?
Let them go, for they too need to now have the same responsibility as any other married couple, why not, we are in the end times anyway, and this was prophesied in Jeremiah 50:37, prophecy fulfilled.»
It is clear that we are living in the end times.
In end times they exchanged the truth for a lie — women had lust for women, men for men etc.?
In the end times this atheist represents what the Beast will stamp on all who hate God.
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