Sentences with phrase «in energy innovation»

The annual appropriation process, at least in the form it has taken in recent years, is not suitable to support research in energy innovation.
One immediate answer focuses on the resistance of corporations to investing in an energy innovation even if the payback is just two years.
«We've underinvested for a long time in energy innovation,» Muro says.
Danny Cullenward, an energy economist at Stanford University, said the proposed budget is an attack on the integrity of both U.S. environmental protection and the nation's leadership in energy innovation.
ECN (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands) is an international leader in energy innovation.
To suggest that we can stabilize concentrations without significant advances in energy innovation is not just misleading, it is based on a demonstrably flawed analysis.You can see data on the slowing decarbonization of the global economy (and indeed we have moved to re-carbonization) here.
Now new proposals focused on a substantial ramp - up of investments in energy innovation are percolating — and instantly being attacked.
Imagine if the full energy budget appropriations process was about debating targeted investments in energy innovation?
President Donald Trump outlined a fiscal 2018 budget request that asks Congress to stamp out federal climate science and slash investment in energy innovation
Three keys to a true, all - of - the - above energy policy: increasing access to U.S. energy reserves, implementing sound regulatory policies and creating an environment that fosters investment in energy innovation and development.
Federal investment in energy innovation is in line with America's great tradition of technological achievement, and it can finally tackle our fossil fuel addiction, accelerate the transition to energy independence, and boost our economic competitiveness, all in one bold step.
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