Sentences with phrase «in equal balance»

He began by holding that «the balancing process in any individual delisting case is ordinarily, as a matter of principle, to be entered into with the scales in equal balance as between delisting on the one hand and continued processing on the other.»

Not exact matches

«We tried to balance the skill sets as much as possible so that all teams were relatively equal in terms of skill and capability.
Remember, even in China, the balance of payments has to balance — the sum of current and capital accounts must be equal to zero (with adjustments and statistical errors, of course).
Your focus on each of these must be in equal and measured parts, ensuring a balanced approach to your digital presence.
Any country's capital account of course is simply the gap between its domestic savings and its domestic investment, and because the capital account must balance the current account (the two always add to zero), to say that the gap between savings and investment in any country must be equal to an opposite gap between savings and investment abroad is simply to restate the far more intuitively familiar claim that every current account surplus in the world must be matched by a current account deficit.
The promotional APR on balance transfers isn't as generous as that for purchases, and keep in mind that Discover also charges a balance transfer fee equal to 3 % of the amount transferred.
* The ultimate goal is to have a roughly equal balance mix between stocks, bonds, and real estate with a 10 % risk free buffer in case the world comes to an end.
You are right that bilateral accounts do not have to balance, but in this case both would decline even though they are not equal to each other.
Benefits are available in several different annuity forms which are calculated at retirement age (age 65 or age 55 or older with combined age and service equal to 70 or more) by dividing the hypothetical account balance by 120 to determine a monthly benefit.
Balanced budget: A budget in which revenues equal outlays.
Let's further assume that the Nikkei companies in the aggregate have a net cash balance equal to 30 % of market capitalization and decide to return all the net cash to shareholders as a special dividend, the implied P / E multiple for the Nikkei would drop from 8x to 5x.
On November 5, a week after the studyâ $ ™ s release and a month before Mintzâ $ ™ s op - ed, Andrew Jackson wrote, «Lower investment in the oil and gas sector is magically assumed to be balanced off by new investment elsewhere, since national investment always equals national savings.»
Fortunately, right now the real policy rate is pretty much equal to the natural real rate, leaving the system in balance.
1 Assuming the Fed trims the balance sheet by approximately $ 1.5 trillion, and that quantitative easing and quantitative tightening are reasonably symmetric in their effect on treasury yields (which may or may not be the case), you could surmise that all things being equal, long - term rates will react by rising around 35 basis points in the coming years.
This balance is equal to the Bitcoin you held in your itBit account at the time of the BCH fork on August 1, 2017.
A much better than expected outcome for 2013 - 14 would likely result in a balanced budget for 2014 - 15, all other things remaining equal.
But, in seeking that balance, we should be aware that we can not assume that all family income is shared, or that both partners are equal when it comes to allocating that income between them.
I went from feeling validated as an equal among my male counterparts to suddenly feeling powerless... and keenly aware of the tricky balancing act of maintaining my «proper role» as a woman in the church.
Surely an unplanned blunder on Newsweek's part, but a blunder nonetheless (perhaps worse in the long run exactly because it was unconscious and indicates not deliberate discrimination but a naive lack of sensitivity) A balance of exceptional model elders with equal numbers of average everyday folk would provide a more accurate picture of the aging as they really are, with their very human combinations of merits and faults.
You can not put violent acts of rage and vengeance that killed millions of people, including innocent children, infants and babes in the womb on one side of a balance and then claim that the loving God presented by Jesus makes the sides equal.
But it does seem clear to me that we need to begin with a vision of a world community (1) consisting of a population within the biological carrying capacity of the planet (2) organized politically and economically in ways that provide to all human beings equal access to the means of material fulfillment and (3) organized technologically in ways that (4) neither exhaust essential natural resources of earth nor (5) upset the delicate balances of nature which make the environment capable of supporting life.
We are asked not to keep God in some sort of equal balance with all the other demands on our lives but to make sure that God takes second place to nothing and no one else.
Earth Balance Organic Coconut Spread is a healthy way to substitute margarine or butter, in equal measurements, in any cooking or baking recipe.
The other advantage of pressing the pulp (besides more milk) is that it's less likely to crack the container you freeze it in (less water equals less expansion during freezing), it thaws faster (simply pop a frozen pint into the microwave for a minute or two, then pulse in a food processor), has less impact on the moisture balance of recipes, and it dehydrates faster... a win win.
His story however signifies to me the times that we live in today where the scales of balance have tilted so far that things are no longer equal but men are under attack.
Perhaps if the balance had been more equal we might have found ourselves in a healthier position in the league than we hold at the moment?
The overall record between the two clubs was fairly equal until the injection of Abu Dhabi money tilted the balance firmly in City's favour.
In a series of reports the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) documented shifts in both mothers» and fathers» aspirations towards increased levels of father - care — and among 16 - year - olds, 90 % of boys and girls wanted to balance career and family life in their future jobs (for summary, see EOC, 2006In a series of reports the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) documented shifts in both mothers» and fathers» aspirations towards increased levels of father - care — and among 16 - year - olds, 90 % of boys and girls wanted to balance career and family life in their future jobs (for summary, see EOC, 2006in both mothers» and fathers» aspirations towards increased levels of father - care — and among 16 - year - olds, 90 % of boys and girls wanted to balance career and family life in their future jobs (for summary, see EOC, 2006in their future jobs (for summary, see EOC, 2006).
If we see them as equal, then any risk factor added to the breastfeeding equation would tip the balance in favor of the alternative.
What bothers me most is that, after all these years of women fighting for equality, with all our demands that we have an «equal partner,» why wouldn't we want to support men in their freedom, too — freedom to be stay - at - home dads, freedom to work part - time so they can maybe find the elusive work - live balance we women obsess about — instead of dooming them to obsolescence?
If there is a slight flat spot at the back of the head, you are also going to have asymmetry of muscle development which then in the head and neck, doesn't allow for full range of motion or equal balance, side to side.
The three - year IMF facility given to Ghana for balance of payments support was signed April 2015, with the US$ 918 million expected to be disbursed in eight equal tranches for the observance of the performance criteria and completion of reviews under the programme.
As cheering as this figure might sound, at the present rate of increase, it could take another 100 years again, before we achieve an equal balance of men and women in positions of political power.
Our proposed framework would include equal treatment in regulation balanced by a strong focus on quality assurance.
The County shall maintain an unassigned balance in the General Fund equal to or greater than five percent of the amount contained in the adopted budget of the General Fund of the County's last audited financial statements.
2014 has been a significant year of accomplishments for Mark, including working with the Legislature to pass a balanced budget with a small tax cut, opening the Erie County Health Mall, signing an executive order requiring that all contractors with Erie County comply with equal pay laws for women, restructuring the Department of Social Services while hiring more CPS caseworkers, and managing the emergency response to four major weather - related events: two blizzards, flooding in West Seneca and Winter Storm Knife.
One way to assess the health of ice sheets is to look at their balance: when an ice sheet is in balance, the ice gained through snowfall equals the ice lost through melting and iceberg calving.
This government support is «hidden» in the income statement and balance sheet, and many analysts like to take this kind of «artificial revenue» out of the figures so they can compare the company to others on an equal footing, not counting the government support the company is getting.
The Mediterranean diet, in contrast, is closer to having an equal balance of the two and is recommended by many doctors.
Other strategies that could stimulate women to stay in science are a) various forms of flexibility with federal - grant funding designed to accommodate women with young children keeping these women in the game; b) increasing the value of teaching, service, and administrative experience in the tenure / promotion evaluation process; c) providing on - campus childcare centres; d) supporting requests from partners for shared tenure lines that enable couples to better balance work and personal / caretaking roles; e) stopping the tenure clock for one year per child due to childbearing demands; f) providing fully - paid leave for giving birth for tenure track women for one semester; g) providing equal opportunity for women and men to lead committees and research groups.
We find equal «footing» in both the feet and hands, balance.
To reveal the true results of your work, get your water balance in check by limiting sodium, drinking plenty of water (dehydration equals retention) and playing down carb intake temporarily (think pre-event); a gram of stored glycogen attracts three of water.
You can start to achieve that balance in its purest form by practicing Sama Vritti (equal breathing).
And so, what we've been going over here is, and the whole idea of this is to say, «Yeah, there's, our environment tries to break our body down, we have the ability to buffer, counteract that, and we want it to be in a good balance,» and that's the beauty about laboratory tests because you can see that, and you can make the changes in your life to help get that balance without just being simplistic and saying exercise equals good.
Thus, swimmers must include exercises in their training regimens that work abdominal muscles to maintain muscular balance and equal distribution of force throughout the body.
Working unilateral (onesided, like lunges) is a great way to challenge your balanced and stabilizing muscles, as well as developing equal strength in both legs.
The difference between these two equals the net muscle protein balance (NPB) as shown in the equation below:
«Unfortunately, the energy balance equation [you know, calories in have to equal calories out] suggests that energy intake and energy expenditure occupy equivalent roles in determining energy balance, when in fact the factors governing energy intakes influence the energy balance far more powerfully than the factors determining resting energy expenditure.»
In my book, nourishment and wellness equal a healthy balance in and out of the kitcheIn my book, nourishment and wellness equal a healthy balance in and out of the kitchein and out of the kitchen.
There are many ways to stay fit, but the best way is to balance the energy consumed to the energy utilized (in other words calories eaten should be equal to the calories burned).
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