Sentences with phrase «in estrus»

VTAs were taken from mice in both estrus and diestrus and kept alive in special chambers.
If you have ever lived with a female cat in estrus (heat), you know that it is not a pleasant experience!
A female may be unwilling to accept a male, or a male may not know how to react to a female in estrus.
However, female dogs in their estrus cycle may not come to class.
Their hair coats also become sparse or thick depending on their point in the estrus cycle.
All dogs showed sexual interest in a bitch in estrus.
By contrast, these females retained a normal level of social interest in other females during estrus, and in male mice when not in estrus.
Dogs in estrus often have difficulty concentrating on things.
A dog can only become pregnant when she is in the estrus portion of her cycle, in contrast to a woman's monthly cycle.
Cats in estrus become very affectionate and vocal, demand attention and roll frequently.
Domestic animals in estrus, dangerous dogs, and / or domestic animals that have unjustifiably threatened or bitten a human or another animal are banned from utilizing this system.
And then you have the special urine left behind from the famous French poodle in estrus.
Some dogs diagnosed dysplastic at 12 months have appeared normal in the hip - extended view at 2 years, so it had been customary to explain away these few cases by differences in estrus, exercise, position, etc..
The estrogen receptor blocker reduced the alcohol response to levels seen in mice in estrus.
On the street, a female cat in estrus may mate with two or more male cats over the length of the estrus cycle; up to 21 days, with an average of seven days.
A dog in estrus, also known as being «in heat», can become pregnant during this 3 - 21 day period.
Every dog showed sexual interest when exposed to a bitch in estrus.
There may be additional charges for non-routine surgery, which would include a pregnant or in estrus cycle (heat), infections, undescended testicles, false pregnancy, obesity or females that have had previous litters.
Females in estrus are not to be shown in the conformation classes and are not allowed in the proximity thereof.
In estrus, a woman flirts, uses more makeup, and does anything in her power to make s3x more likely..
Lasek and her colleagues then blocked estrogen receptors on dopamine - sensitive neurons in VTA in mice in estrus and diestrus.
Activity increased twice as much in neurons from mice in diestrus compared to the response of neurons from mice in estrus.
«In mice in diestrus, estrogen levels increase to about 10 times higher than they are in estrus, the phase in which ovulation occurs and estrogen levels drop,» Lasek said.
The responses to alcohol in neurons from mice in estrus were unaffected by the estrogen receptor blocker.
However, if her tail is swept to the side and she keeps her hindquarters in the air, she may be in estrus.
A female dog will mate when she is in estrus (or in heat).
Simply make certain your intact male isn't allowed to wander and keep your intact female on leash for a few weeks when she is in estrus.
Ferrets have paired musk producing glands beside the anal opening, which secrete when the animal is angry, excited, or in estrus (heat).
A dog in estrus is said to be in heat or having its «season».
In estrus, the second phase, the blood thins and becomes a light - colored or straw - colored liquid.
Interpretation: Female in estrus.
This is more formally called being in estrus.
He stated in JAVMA that he could not fairly read an x-ray of a dog he had not seen and evaluated for overall muscular condition, whether the bitch was in estrus, had recently whelped, etc..
When female cats are in estrus (heat), they yowl and attract male cats.
Every female dog and cat in estrus or «heat» shall be confined by way of a solid barrier such as a wooden fence, inside the owner or attendant's home, or in a veterinary hospital or animal establishment, in such a manner that another not neutered male of the same species can not come in contact with such dog or cat, except for intentional breeding purposes.
Dogs and cats in estrus are banned from being tethered as the sole means of restraint.
Cats who are pregnant, in estrus, or have pyometra (a uterine infection), as well as those who are thin or have mild upper respiratory infection, can be safely spayed or neutered.
Other reasons for a dog's hip - extended radiographs looking «better» at a later date might include a thickening of the joint capsule, the first film having been taken when a bitch was in estrus or close to whelping date (a controversial and unverified assumption), and anesthesia used the second time and not the first time.
However, the older hypothesis goes, if you combine a number of factors such as radiographing while the bitch is in estrus or close to whelping (either before or after), doing the evaluation early in the morning, a lack of muscle tone in the dog because of a sedentary life, and deep anesthesia, it's possible that a number of dogs would show more laxity than otherwise (in the hip - extended view).
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