Sentences with phrase «in eukaryotic organisms»

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The living world thrived long before the origin of nucleated organisms [the eukaryotic cells, which have genetic material enclosed in well - defined membranes].
Prokaryotic cells are usually singletons, while eukaryotic cells are usually found in multi-cellular organisms.
It is the first synthetic chromosome ever assembled from a eukaryotic organism, the type in which cells store DNA in nuclei.
In fact, as with eukaryotic organisms, division of Caulobacter cells generates two different daughter cells, which can be easily separated.
«We suggest that oxygen was much lower than previously thought during this important middle chapter in Earth history, which likely explains the low abundances and diversity of eukaryotic organisms and the absence of animals,» Lyons said.
The genus Cryptosporidium, a group of single - celled eukaryotic organisms in the phylum Apicomplexa, comprises an unknown number of species infecting numerous vertebrate species.
We could fairly posit that the evolutionary origin of the eukaryotic cell was «the first time that what went around came around», a quid pro quo with among primitive organisms in deep time.
The CellDevo Track focuses on the study of molecular mechanisms in eukaryotic cells and their role in tissue formation, with the level of analysis ranging from single molecules to single cells, from cells to tissues, and from tissues to whole organisms.
(All multi-cell organisms are made of eukaryotic cells; the other type of cell, prokaryotic, is found in single - cell organisms.)
Our transgenic plants are one of the first examples of detector plants and a fully synthetic signaling pathway in a higher eukaryotic organism.
The team's work highlights this by presenting a comprehensive view of genome evolution on many different levels (e.g., differences in ploidy, aneuploidy, genetic variants, hybridization, and introgressions) that is difficult to obtain at the same scale and accuracy for other eukaryotic organisms.
The study provides new insights in how eukaryotic organisms gradually evolved from simpler microbial ancestors.
His findings suggest that eukaryotic organisms were present on Earth as early as 2.31 billion years ago, around the same time that oxygen was first present in the Earth's atmosphere.
Kopp et al. (2007) and Schumann et al. (2008) found that a clay layer deposited during the PETM in the Salisbury Embayment (which stretches from New Jersey to Virginia) recorded the unusually rich growth of magnetotactic bacteria and of other unique and presumptively eukaryotic iron biomineralizing organisms.
«I have a eukaryotic organism active in my gut that could potentially become an issue.
In this series the artist creates meticulous simulacra of botanical species and eukaryotic organisms.
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