Sentences with phrase «in evangelism at»

An oak tree was planted to symbolise unity in evangelism at an event hosted by Hope, the Evangelical Alliance and the Church of England.
Parachurch groups including Youth For Christ and Operation Mobilisation empowered many young people for mission, while Campus Crusade for Christ built on the Jesus People momentum by training a massive 30,000 people in evangelism at Spree 73.

Not exact matches

Over the years, I have observed the bulk of the Evangelical fleet drift — and then in desperation for some greater motivation, change fuels — from the open - arms gasoline of evangelism meetings, to the super-sparks of charismatic gifts, to the sluggish - diesel of homogenized Biblical theology, to the stuttering - and - sparkle fuel of Christian music, to the nitro - flamed - fuel of hating gays, and now to the turbo - charged hatred of illegal aliens at home and Muslims overseas.
His influence is evident among the young men engaged in street evangelism in cities around the UK, or who crowd to watch (and take part in) rowdy debates at Speakers» Corner in London's Hyde Park.
Kelly Lyn Logue is the pastor of membership care and evangelism at White Plains United Methodist Church in Cary, North Carolina.
We get a glimpse into why soul care is essential to evangelism when we look at how Jesus interacts with others in the gospels.
We need to support all forms of evangelism as long as they bring in a soul to Christ, at any cost.
In recent decades, ministries that are involved in crusade evangelism have tried to increase the long - term effectiveness of their efforts by engaging local churches and ministries to perform follow - up discipleship with those who come forward at a crusadIn recent decades, ministries that are involved in crusade evangelism have tried to increase the long - term effectiveness of their efforts by engaging local churches and ministries to perform follow - up discipleship with those who come forward at a crusadin crusade evangelism have tried to increase the long - term effectiveness of their efforts by engaging local churches and ministries to perform follow - up discipleship with those who come forward at a crusade.
In addition to shaping Christian thought through his voluminous publications («Fundamentalism» and the Word of God, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, and A Quest for Godliness, to name only three of the most popular), he helped steer the flagship Evangelical magazine Christianity Today, spoke at countless Evangelical conferences and local churches, mentored hundreds of future pastors through his seminary teaching, and lent his name to the back covers of more Evangelical books than probably any other Christian endorser ever.
We don't take honesty and integrity nearly seriously enough in the Church, and this has a major impact at all levels including street evangelism.
In the U.S. at least, a remarkably varied group of evangelism task forces has been reaching the grass roots since the 1940s.
A year after my encounter with Sandwich Board Evangelism, I found myself at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
for one group that gathers on a certain day in a certain place to focus more on teaching and knowledge gifts, and not as much on service and evangelism, while another group at another place and time focuses on service and evangelism, but not as much on teaching and knowledge, and that from God's perspective, this is all okay?
Look for a moment at three specific examples of the questions that missionary strategy in our age raises about evangelism.
The book is called Adventures in Fishing (for Men) and is not really about fishing at all, but about evangelism.
At college I've learned more about what it means to really serve Jesus and his Church, feeling positively challenged to push myself in preaching, mentoring and evangelism.
But at the deepest level this program of evangelism is, I believe, addressing only the Christian «in» group or fanning the religious nostalgia of the past.
At the first Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) meeting in Mexico City in 1963, «mission in six continents» became «the leit - motiv.»
According to their way of evangelism, before you can help your friend, you must row out to them in a boat, and sit just out of reach of him while yelling at him that he is drowning, and must force him to admit that he knows he is drowning before you jump in to help him.
David Hubbard, for example, in his taped remarks on the future of evangelicalism to a colloquium at Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver in 1977 noted the following areas of tension among evangelicals: women's ordination, the charismatic movement, ecumenical relations, social ethics, strategies of evangelism, Biblical criticism, Biblical infallibility, contextual theology in non-Western cultures, and the churchly applications of the behavioral sciences.2 If such a list is more exhaustive than those topics which this book has pursued, it nevertheless makes it clear that the foci of the preceding chapters have at least been representative.
In other cases the existing evangelism staff has been attracted to church - growth theory and practice; some staffers have gone to workshops at Pasadena or have otherwise gotten hold of the insights of the movement's theoreticians and incorporated them into their programs.
The church, as it engages in evangelism, apologizes for this fact or sidesteps it at the peril of its own institutional survival and at the peril of the new believer's life in Christ.
Despite all their talk about missions and evangelism, not a single one of the churches I was looking at were doing much to reach, love, and serve those in their own communities that needed Jesus most.
I am in the middle of doing a sermon series on evangelism at my church and I've been challenging people to invite their unchurched friends to church.
Now I think about it, I saw Dr. Seymour lead a lot of people to Christ in Personal Evangelism classes at Florida Bible College in a similar fashion.
This model if discipleship and evangelism is really revolutionary, at least in our modern church.
In my satirical allegory about evangelism, I get a hook caught in my ear and hand, but my neighbor is the one at faulIn my satirical allegory about evangelism, I get a hook caught in my ear and hand, but my neighbor is the one at faulin my ear and hand, but my neighbor is the one at fault.
By the end of the Assembly, as Kenneth Slack pointed out, «most of the members felt that there was more danger from undue stress on the evangelism of individuals than the other way round, despite widely expressed anxiety, given expression by Stott, that liberation in political, social and economic sense was in danger of replacing salvation from sin at the heart of the redeeming gospel».73 There was no doubt that, despite the narrowing of the range of disagreements, important differences continued, especially with regard to the meaning of salvation and the program of dialogue with people of other faiths.
There were frequent comparisons of the best in «evangelicalism» with what seems to them the worst in «ecumenism»... The most frequent charges against us were theological liberalism, loss of evangelical conviction, universalism in theology, substitution of social action for evangelism, and the search for unity at the expense of biblical truth.
Philip Potter, being sensitive to the charge that evangelism was a neglected vocation in the life of the Council, examined three questions: Is evangelism at the heart of the life and work of the Council?
The World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism had convened a consultation of Orthodox theologians at Bucharest in 1974 on the subject of Confessing Christ Today, as a preparation for the Nairobi Assembly.
It also took place at a time when the evangelicals severely criticized the WCC for its lack of proper direction in evangelism.
«Precisely because of this convergence, it is worth looking at the remaining divergences in the concept of evangelism, so that our dialogue at this Assembly may be more ecumenical.
At a Consultation in 1982 at Grand Rapids in the United States of America on «The Relation of Evangelism and Social Responsibility», the Consultation explained the Lausanne statement, concerning the primacy of evangelism, in two wayAt a Consultation in 1982 at Grand Rapids in the United States of America on «The Relation of Evangelism and Social Responsibility», the Consultation explained the Lausanne statement, concerning the primacy of evangelism, in two wayat Grand Rapids in the United States of America on «The Relation of Evangelism and Social Responsibility», the Consultation explained the Lausanne statement, concerning the primacy of evangelism, inEvangelism and Social Responsibility», the Consultation explained the Lausanne statement, concerning the primacy of evangelism, inevangelism, in two ways.
Go in next Sunday to your pastor and tell him that you have been doing some evangelism at work, and several people have gotten saved.
A converted church in a corrupt civilization withdraws to its upper rooms, into monasteries and conventicles; it issues forth from these in the aggressive evangelism of apostles, monks and friars, circuit riders and missionaries; it relaxes its rigorism as it discerns signs of repentance and faith; it enters into inevitable alliance with converted emperors and governors, philosophers and artists, merchants and entrepreneurs, and begins to live at peace in the culture they produce under the stimulus of their faith; when faith loses its force, as generation follows generation, discipline is relaxed, repentance grows formal, corruption enters with idolatry, and the church, tied to the culture which it sponsored, suffers corruption with it.
In other words, I am not sure that the typical message which is preached at an Evangelism Crusade is actually the Scriptural gospel.
Some of these friends don't go to church at all, in which case, it's not «fellowship» but «relationship evangelism
These crusades reminded me a little bit of the «evangelism techniques» of the Middle Ages when Christian soldiers went on the Crusades to retake Jerusalem from the «heathens» and in the process «converted» many people at the point of a sword.
Even more, she is opposed to her church investing time and energy in what can not but be evangelism targeted at Jews.
In a partnership role through LifeWay Research, I am privileged to be the Senior Fellow of The Billy Graham Center for Evangelism (BGCE) at Wheaton College.
Those of us who dismiss the conservative tradition as being represented by Billy Graham or by the stance of Christianity Today ten or 5 years ago might, for example, take a look at Richard Mouw's Political Evangelism, which is typical of a new breed of theological writing from a very conservative, though hardly fundamentalist, biblical perspective, or God in Public, by William Coats, Episcopal chaplain at the University of Wisconsin.
The opportunities you have consistently extended to Jews for Jesus to share our ministry with the family at Bethlehem Baptist Church — and the way you have stood your ground in supporting Jewish evangelism, even after receiving considerable pressure from Jewish community leaders — speak volumes.
Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa was at the epicentre of the west coast revival, mainly due to the combination of Chuck Smith's Bible teaching with Lonnie Frisbee's signs - and - wonders evangelism.
George M. Marsden teaches in the Divinity School at Duke University and is the author of Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth - Century Evangelism, 1870 - 1925.
The tension between dominant older paradigms and the increasingly impatient voices of those who had been marginalised for generations were experienced, and listened to, at the eleventh ecumenical conference on world mission and evangelism, which took place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil in late 1996.
In this chapter, we look at some of the forms of evangelism today, and how they amount to little more than talking at people, which is not Scriptural and does more damage to the Gospel than good.
We begin to see that evangelism is not just something that takes place in a church with a preacher up front, or on a street corner passing out tracts, but is also something that takes place when we perform our jobs at work, when we fill out our taxes, and buy groceries, and watch a football game with our neighbor.
Using fictional stories about my attempt to become the world's greatest fisherman, I reveal some of the flaws in the church's attempts at world evangelism.
Five Indian states have now imposed anti-conversion laws and there have been moves to bring in nationwide legislation aimed at outlawing evangelism to prevent Hindus from converting.
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