Sentences with phrase «in exact calculations»

Although the villagers could not succeed in exact calculations, the researchers say their work suggests that a rough number sense is inherent in all humans.

Not exact matches

If at this point we found that using an interest rate of 6.8 % in our calculations did not yield the exact bond price, we would have to continue our trials and test interest rates increasing in 0.01 % increments.
But telescopic and spectroscopic observation, and increasingly exact calculations, are transforming this comfortable spectacle into a vision that is very much more unsettling, one which in all probability will profoundly affect our moral outlook and religious beliefs when it has passed from the minds of a few initiates into the mass - consciousness of Mankind as a whole: immensities of distance and size, huge extremes of temperature, torrents of energy...
I haven't done an exact calculation, but it is very minimal as these ingredients are low in sodium (and are divided in half for the servings).
A note found in Stephen Paddock's Las Vegas hotel room contained handwritten calculations on the exact angle to fire to kill as many people as possible.
So far, no exact data existed as to the changes in humus stocks of Alpine soil over the years, and any calculations to this effect are rather imprecise.
Most mathematical calculations carried out in the classroom and in day - to - day transactions require an exact number.
That title currently belongs to O. (Sorimachi, Yamato), a Japanese hit man who is Tok's exact opposite in terms of style, achieving success with calm and calculation vs. Tok's more flashy, operatic maneuvers.
Exacting calculation was applied to designing the slant of the centre console and in positioning the gearshift lever closer to the driver.
It's worth getting the exact measurement from your publisher / printer, but a rough calculation you can do for paperbacks is (number of pages) x 0.054 = width in mm.
The Calculator features an exact Scale - In calculation engine to let you place many levels of a trade without fear of excessive risk.
The Calculator features an exact Scale In Calculation Engine to let you place many levels of a trade without fear of excessive risk.
Regarding the first bullet point, I took the figures from Bloomberg but I can give you a simplified example that outlines the principle (in practice you need to take the ex-coupon date and settlement date on your trade into account to run an exact calculation).
In the Netherlands (I don't know about other countries) it is normal for banks to state mortgage interests in such a way that Jasper's calculation is exacIn the Netherlands (I don't know about other countries) it is normal for banks to state mortgage interests in such a way that Jasper's calculation is exacin such a way that Jasper's calculation is exact.
Of course this isn't an exact calculation because we don't know exactly what the NAV has done so far in August... but the market in general is up and therefore so should the net assets of the fund.
The exact calculations may get messy, so we recommend using a online calculator to help you figure out how long of a 0 % period you need, and whether paying a transfer fee can still result in a net savings.
The exact calculation, including an initial transition period, is explained in detail in the prospectus.
In the VantageScore calculation used by the top three credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian), the exact formula is a black box, but we know payment history is weighted in the 30 % range and is again more important than other factorIn the VantageScore calculation used by the top three credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian), the exact formula is a black box, but we know payment history is weighted in the 30 % range and is again more important than other factorin the 30 % range and is again more important than other factors.
See how the platform does the math for you, but also shows you the exact numbers used in the calculation?
Its exact formula is top - secret that is based on the data in your personal credit reports but there are 5 major factors that go into the calculation, which we do know:
Exact calculations will be available in the future.
The exact calculations may get messy, so we recommend using a online calculator to help you figure out how long of a 0 % period you need, and whether paying a transfer fee can still result in a net savings.
The only differences in the GCM are a few bug fixes related to the calculation of seasonal insolation (a problem discovered in Model II in the mid-1990's) and an adjustment to the grid configuration that makes Model II's grid an exact multiple of the more recent generations of GISS GCMs (like Model E).
Now the decay curve isn't linear but not too non-linear, so one might guess that 55 ppm of our excess, will disappear in 13 years; well a little less than 55 ppm maybe its only 50; I'm too lazy to do the exact calculation.
We need to be careful focussing upon «trends» — it can lead to serious errors of context — and this underlies the entire «global warming» thesis which relies upon computer models with entirely false (i.e. non-natural) notions of an equilibrium starting point and calculations of trend — this conveniently ignores cycles, and it has to because a) there are several non-orbital cycles in motion (8 - 10 yr, 11, 22, 60, 70, 80, 400 and 1000 - 1500) depending on ocean basic, hemisphere and global view — all interacting via «teleconnection» of those ocean basins, some clearly timed by solar cycles, some peaking together; b) because the cycles are not exact, you can not tell in any one decade where you are in the longer cycles.
I provided a script in # 19 above if you care to follow he exact calculation.
Although exact calculations of how much carbon will be released vary, researchers in this new study say that an estimated 5 trillion metric tons of carbon would be thrown into the atmosphere.
For your analogy to hold, you are arguing that a hypothetical Star Trek near - instantaneous scanning will take place on the complete assembled structure, of complete depth at a very fine resolution, from which your definitive calculation can be made with the complete and precise understanding of the exact physical properties of such an assembly and everything in it... With the result being only good for when it was scanned.
In considering the judge's approach, King J also noted and agreed with Moylan J's comments in AR v AR (Treatment of Inherited Wealth)[2011] EWHC 2717 (Fam), [2011] All ER (D) 241 (Oct) with regard to assessing a spouse's income needs: «The court's task when addressing this factor is not to arrive at a mathematically exact calculation of what constitutes... future income needIn considering the judge's approach, King J also noted and agreed with Moylan J's comments in AR v AR (Treatment of Inherited Wealth)[2011] EWHC 2717 (Fam), [2011] All ER (D) 241 (Oct) with regard to assessing a spouse's income needs: «The court's task when addressing this factor is not to arrive at a mathematically exact calculation of what constitutes... future income needin AR v AR (Treatment of Inherited Wealth)[2011] EWHC 2717 (Fam), [2011] All ER (D) 241 (Oct) with regard to assessing a spouse's income needs: «The court's task when addressing this factor is not to arrive at a mathematically exact calculation of what constitutes... future income needs.
The exact arithmetical calculation of who paid for what is also now arguably less important in cases where the property is held jointly and both have contributed.
While measuring at the meter is more accurate than reading the label and running a guesstimate calculation, it still only shows us the power consumption at that exact second in time (albeit more accurately if you have a digital meter and a high tolerance for standing at the side of your house counting to yourself).
«The monetary losses associated with malware attacks conducted over the Avalanche network are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide, although exact calculations are difficult due to the high number of malware families present on the network,» the FBI and DOJ said in their joint statement.
You can tweak your default stride length in the Fitbit app, though it requires some calculation on your part: You have to walk or run in a location where you know the exact distance, then count your steps til you hit at least 20.
The schematic does not show an exact total height for the part in question, but calculations based on pixel counts and the known height of the display mask area suggest that the overall height of the part is roughly 122 mm, approximately 7 mm taller than the overall height of the iPhone 4S.
Engage in daily contact with clients to respond to inquiries and clarify account setup and operation including exact calculation of interest.
And I would imagine that the exact details of the «stabilization» was not in the original IRR calculations.
Check with your mortgage lender for an exact calculation of the reduction in years based on your individual circumstances.
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