Sentences with phrase «in exchange for funding»

In the most common cases, crypto tokens are provided to all or the majority of investors in exchange for funding.
Some talks later, and the team had signed a contract in exchange for funding for their first game.
Problems with the rollout were largely overshadowed by Republican efforts to force changes to the health care law in exchange for funding the government.
All of the country's universities were charged with designing programs to attract and support disadvantaged students in exchange for the funding.
As the name implies, these require you to give up some equity in your business in exchange for funds.
But prosecutors claim the doctor became aware that Silver wanted him to refer asbestos patients to Silver and the law firm for counsel, in exchange for funding for his medical research.
Columbia University can't fire Dr. Robert Taub — who funneled cancer patients to disgraced politician Sheldon Silver in exchange for funding — so they've stripped the tenured professor of his grant money, title and staff raises.
In exchange for funding Ryse 2's development, Microsoft wanted to take over the Ryse intellectual property.
One of the major advantages that a token sale has compared to traditional VC funding is that startups are not forced to give up equity in exchange for funding.
Also, one thing some people got [in exchange for funding] was a one - hour consultation with me about distributing their film.
Do you take an equity stake in exchange for funding, like many incubators?
The banks indicate how much funds they would like, at what term, what collateral they will provide in exchange for those funds, and what price they are willing to pay for the funds.
Taub testified last week that he sent the patients to Weitz & Luxenburg in exchange for that funding.
In exchange for funding private prisons, Wall Street banks earn hundreds of millions of dollars in interest and fees.
In September 2014 the Welsh Liberal Democrats agreed to allow the Welsh Government's annual budget to pass in exchange for funding for a range of key Welsh Liberal Democrat policies, including almost # 15m for a Young Person's Concessionary Bus Fare scheme.
Imohe raised alarm that Nigeria is awash with SALW and said that the implementation of the Amnesty programme was poorly carried out in that the militants might have returned knocked out weapons in exchange for funds with which some might have likely used to purchase more sophisticated arms.
Whether one thinks, looking through their own partisan prism, that such a change is good or bad, the point is: A wider variety of candidates can run, they can live or die on the strength of their ideas not simply the size of their war - chest or their willingness to offer access in exchange for funding, they can focus on the broader constituency, and the public can vote for more options and see how well various ideas actually work.
During the White Plains federal corruption trial of Halloran (R - Queens), defense lawyer Vinoo Varghese tried to shoot down the government's claims that the pol in 2012 offered to dole out $ 80,000 in no - show city consulting work on a Queens YMCA to the wire - wearing undercover agent in exchange for funds to boost what would be a failed congressional run by Halloran.
At question is whether Indig — who landed on de Blasio's «Worst Landlords» list when he was the public advocate in 2010 — was given favors in exchange for his fund - raising and support.
Girls on Top has donated sales proceeds to Amanda Eliasson's animated film Favourite Thing for Channel 4's Random Acts; Nia Childs's debut short, The Other End, offers the chance to win T - shirts in exchange for funding via Indiegogo, and the brand's website will become a platform for female - led film criticism.
September 30, 2013 • With hours left before a government shutdown, the Senate reconvened this afternoon and promptly said no to the latest House plan to delay the Affordable Care Act in exchange for funding the government.
«The courts in the past have been pretty lenient in cases in which Washington gets states to do its bidding in exchange for funding when the feds don't have authority in the Constitution to do something.»
Education observers said there are other ways to push that agenda, including tax incentives to move children from public to private schools or a Race to the Top - style grant program in which states are encouraged to adopt choice - friendly policies in exchange for funds.
As the demands for funds now in exchange for funds later has increased, Treasury interest rates have risen.
Federal Work Study: Federal work study is a program that allows many individuals to work during their college education in exchange for funds that can be used for college or other expenses.
This is different from equity financing, which requires the business owner to relinquish shares of his company in exchange for funding.
A few Aussies will have slightly fatter tax refunds (or thinner bills) in exchange for funding climate science denialism and contrarianism from a list of usual suspects.
The need to pitch an idea to a bank or venture capitalist firm in exchange for funding seemed to be, for all intents and purposes, redundant when startups could just present their project to the crypto community directly.
-LSB-...] the most common cases, crypto tokens are provided to all or the majority of investors in exchange for funding.
Columbia University can't fire Dr. Robert Taub — who funneled cancer patients to former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver in exchange for funding — so they've stripped the tenured professor of his grant money, title and staff raises.
Apparently, in exchange for funding Ryse 2's development, Microsoft wanted to take over the Ryse intellectual property, something Crytek couldn't agree to, so both parties decided not to continue.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has said he would assent to a salary increase for himself and legislators — likely delivered through a supposedly independent commission — in exchange for funding for a new hate crimes task force, an agreement to release affordable housing money, changes to state procurement processes and, possibly, extending Uber outside of New York City.
The company essentially invents a new digital currency or tradeable token and sells portions of that to investors in exchange for funds.
In exchange for funds, paid in dollars, Bitcoin (BTC), or Ethereum (ETH), backers or investors receive a package of rights (the coin or token) that permits them to use the ICO developer's product or service.
In exchange for this funding, we coordinate all aspects of our donor partner's food donation programs.
Columbia University can't fire Dr. Robert Taub — who funneled cancer patients to disgraced politician Sheldon Silver in exchange for funding — so they've stripped the tenured professor of his...
In exchange for the funds, Seminerio, Boyland and Kruger advocated on Rosenâ $ ™ s behalf with state agencies, co-sponsored legislation to benefit MediSys and lobbied on the health systemâ $ ™ s behalf in its effort to acquire St. Johnâ $ ™ s Hospital in Elmhurst and Mary Immaculate Hospital in Jamaica, which at the time were owned by Caritas.
In exchange for these funds, states were required to commit to advance education reforms in four core reform areas:
Joe Williams rather lucidly challenged Jay's notion that the Obama administration has radically upped the intervention at the local level, explaining that Race - for - the - Top, for example, simply encouraged (in exchange for funding) that teacher evaluations programs become more rigorous and that opportunities for charter schools and other reforms are promoted.
In exchange for funding, CGSB entered into an agreement with the federal government's Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) to produce a draft second edition of 72.34 within an unreasonably short time.
-LSB-...] the most common cases, crypto tokens are provided to all or the majority of investors in exchange for funding.
Best practices for developing an easy - to - manage program to attract sponsors and deliver value to them in exchange for their funding.
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