Sentences with phrase «in fact wrong»

Spotify says the numbers it initially gave Republic Records were in fact wrong.
The Daily Mail text you quote is in fact wrong.
As the referenced videos say (based on science btw) the «intuitive approach» such as you are suggesting and critising me for is in fact Wrong.
These two errors nearly cancel each other out, and so it is not obvious that the models are in fact wrong.
If you feel differently, I'll be polite enough to offer you a courteous ear before telling you that you were in fact wrong, or words to that affect.
What I had thought my whole driving life was the right thing to do was in fact wrong.
If you feel differently, I'll be polite enough to offer you a courteous ear before telling you that you were in fact wrong, or words to that affect.
These two errors nearly cancel each other out, and so it is not obvious that the models are in fact wrong.
I accept that some of the things that god says are wrong, are in fact wrong.

Not exact matches

In fact, you could say we're still fighting the Civil War, and you wouldn't be wrong.
There's nothing inherently wrong with this, and in fact, it can be advantageous; social media is what connects us together, and it's one of the fastest ways to get new information.
In fact, says Hinge CEO Justin McLeod, the two apps are so different it's wrong to call them competitors.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the fact that many of us would judge a man more harshly in this situation.
In fact, fixing it flies in the face of much of the well - meaning but wrong - headed advice you'll hear about writing a résumIn fact, fixing it flies in the face of much of the well - meaning but wrong - headed advice you'll hear about writing a résumin the face of much of the well - meaning but wrong - headed advice you'll hear about writing a résumé.
In fact, Barbara attributes her career success to the fact that she's always listened to her gut — and it's never steered her wrong.
It gives you the option to look at things in a «just the facts» manner (white hat); where things could go wrong (black hat); and possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas (green hat), for example.
The argument can in fact be made that the e-book retailers aren't actually doing anything wrong by allowing such content to be sold, because it is fiction.
According to Jayson Demers, «Building links can, in fact, do more harm than good — especially if you do it wrong
In an email to employees provided to media, Sacks wrote, «The fact is that many of our internal processes, controls, and actions around compliance have been inadequate, and some decisions have just been plain wrong.
Although the Fraser Report is right to criticize the overall budget policy of the Mulroney government, it is wrong to ignore the fact that actions taken by the Mulroney government did help the Liberal government in 1990s.
The fact that I can make so much money as an activist investor shows that something's wrong with governance in most of corporate America.
Transactions can not be cancelled, so digital currencies offer limited recourse in case something goes wrong — a fact easily exploited by fraudsters.
But in another sense, Page is testifying that Steele got key facts wrong.
In fact, every June countless cities celebrate the moment when an unassuming little bar on the wrong side of town became a rallying cry for the marginalized.
Building links can, in fact, do more harm than good — but only if you do it wrong.
While she's probably not wrong in that it's likely hovering near the end - point, I would like to just take a moment to point out that most of this whole affair has been fuelled by weak - sauce allegations and conflated facts, and this particular air of desperation as people keep flinging the equivalent of spaghetti against a wall in the hope that something inevitably sticks.
Despite the fact that all the central banks have been woefully wrong about nearly every single forecast they have made on GDP growth, inflation and labor markets for decades, they enjoy an aura of infallibility which would be the envy of any medieval Pope because they succeeded in doing what governments by themselves were unable to do in 2008 - 9, namely stop and reverse the financial crisis.
Instead, they would have bought because they like the idea of BitGold, oblivious to the fact that a good business can be a bad investment at the wrong price, or because they think that someone else will be dumb enough to pay an even higher price in the future.
Many observers noted that the President had the facts of the current oil situation wrong and that there were no longer record amounts of oil in storage or loaded on ships at sea.
In fact, they matter so much, if you get them wrong, few people will even see the words you poured your heart into.
By the way, we are not trying to say that he is wrong a lot — in fact, we tend to take his alerts into account, because often he is actually right.
In the practice of Inferential Analytics, the forecasting method we developed and use, we pay rapt attention when gallows humor becomes gallows fact, because it invariably signals that something is seriously wrong.
The only thing you have wrong is inserting your clear self interest and calling for the government to not intervene, despite the fact that our debt to income ratio is the highest of the G7 countries and higher than it was in the US in 2008 — this is not part of a normal economic cycle and you're being irresponsible.
In the legal field we call this a strawman, you are creating a situation or set of facts so that you can then subsequently prove it wrong and prove a point.
Not that I would need him to be toted out and displayed in public or anything like that, in fact, I felt it was wrong when it was done so much during the election - after all young children should be sheltered from the crazy attention that follows the Palins around - but the lack of mention of his presence makes it pretty clear he is not taking this bus tour.
I am not saying that it is easy to ignore what you feel to be facts and truths in order to take on a faith, but you have to think that you could be wrong even if all the evidence is telling you that you are right.
If you are going to say the Bible says what is right and wrong, then you can not ignore the facts in the Bible of which say how you can own slaves and how you can treat them of which we ALL are absolutely morally opposed to (even Christians).
Either the vast majority of scientific knowledge that has worked developing modern medicine and technology is on a wrong foundation (that makes the success of medicine and technology virtually impossible), or the bible is wrong in some of it's facts.
You pointed to a dispute of how neandertahal DNA didn't get included in human DNA, But that article doesn't change the FACT that neanderthals existed, which proves the bible wrong.
There is nothing wrong with working hard to achieve good results — in fact there is every reason to work hard and give our best to what we do.
It's called Special Pleading, and in fact DOES contradict Logic, so actually Big «P», you're absolutely wrong.
«She's wrong» hold's no value in intelligent discourse unless you can actually disprove her facts.
The bibole has already been proven wrong by various sciences, yet they continue to believe in their own ignorance, rather than try to comprhend the facts.
Theists base their facts off of one book in most case, science uses numerous peer reviewed studies and unlike theologians, when science is wrong it admits it and corrects it.
But you are wrong, champ, I have in fact read the bible and if you could suss out where I mentioned that a bible, in its content (a.k.a. all the you quoted at me) can say that its true all it wants, but to make something non-fiction, the author, at the beginning and the end usually has a forward and an appendix with multiple sources to back up the material its presenting.
And no, not just what they're doing wrong, but simply the facts as you've explained them (with some of my thoughts in parentheses).
You can't «believe in» God because you don't know for sure whether God exist (by most religious people's own admission, I think, though I coud be wrong, but either way its a fact that the existence of God has not been proven).
Communism is a Communism it also takes away the freedom, calling it liberation is just wrong due to the fact that a lot of people has died or was captivated in prison thanks to this «liberation».
The outstanding example, of course, is the Chinese government's long - running «one - child policy,» replete with forced abortions, public trackings of menstrual cycles, family flight, increased female infanticide, sterilization, and other assaults too numerous even to begin cataloguing here — in fact, so numerous that they are now widely, if often grudgingly, acknowledged as wrongs even by international human - rights bureaucracies.
All of you «ignorant» Catholics — you have it all wrong when you say the Catholic Church does not believe in contraception - they do in fact — the Vatican approved it in 1951 — Pope Pius XII announced that the Church will sanction the use of the rhythm method as a natural form of birth control.
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