Sentences with phrase «in fights with other males»

On the other hand, unsterilized, unsupervised males roam in search of a mate, risking injury in traffic and in fights with other males.
Either they have to invest lots of energy in expensive displays, which then make them more vulnerable to predators, or they get injured and even killed in fights with other males.

Not exact matches

Alphas, he wrote in his 1970 book «The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,» win control of their packs in violent fights with other males.
Instead of fighting for one spot at the top in a male dominated business world, women are holding out their hands to pull other women up to the top with them.
In each pair, one male was injected with a methylating agent while the other received a methylation suppressor, and the two fish fought for dominance.
And the elaborate decorations seem to pay off: better - developed males start displaying earlier in the season, get into fewer fights with other males, display for longer each day, and mate more often.
(Male Cuvier's beaked whales have tusks, and the scars on the back of the male in the photo are from fighting with other malMale Cuvier's beaked whales have tusks, and the scars on the back of the male in the photo are from fighting with other malmale in the photo are from fighting with other males.)
However, if a male persists in attempting to mate with an unreceptive female, a fight may break out — and such fights can end with one of the shrews being killed and eaten by the other (pdf format, see page 11).
Furthermore, intact males will frequently try to escape in order to find mates, in the process exposing them to the dangers of freely roaming, such as traffic and fights with other males.
Make sure to train this dog and teach it to socialize, especially in the case of the males so as to avoid it from being rough and getting into fights with other dogs.
o Male cats are more prone to fighting with other cats once their hormones kick in.
In addition, an intact male rabbit will fight with other rabbits, or just hump them constantly.
And once he's free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.
They also constantly try to enlarge their territory, which means they will fight continually with other male cats in the neighborhood.
Many adult male ferrets, even siblings, will fight with each other when in rut.
Males in rut will fight severely with other intact males, even with siblMales in rut will fight severely with other intact males, even with siblmales, even with siblings.
He will not get into as many fights with other male dogs and will not chase females in heat anymore.
And once free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.
Neutered male dogs and cats have less urge to roam and, consequently, less risk of exposure to contagious diseases, less contact with other animals that could result in fights, and less risk of being hit by a motor vehicle.
Once outside the safety of your home and yard, he is at risk of injury in traffic and fights with other males.
Neutered males display less aggressive behavior and have less risk of injury in fights with other animals.
Male cats in particular are biologically wired to fight with other male cats when females in heat are presMale cats in particular are biologically wired to fight with other male cats when females in heat are presmale cats when females in heat are present.
Besides being lost from you, once he's free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.
A neutered male is less likely to roam, get hit by a car, fight with other males, get lost, behave aggressively, or climb on unsuspecting visitors in your home.
Police dogs are generally pretty dominant dogs, and you can see that in their aggression towards other male dogs, strangers that fight with them, and sometimes even with their handlers.
In addition, the study showed that intact males were twice as likely to hit by a car and get injuries from fighting with other animals.
«We had thought that in the mating season male koalas would be fighting more, but instead found that the males bellowed to reduce physical confrontations with other males
I am only writing to warn you that one of the most evil and deceptive things that those «in power» do is «make the people busy» with in - fighting (party - politics and male vs. female and race, class and other division) mindless entertainment and so on.
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