Sentences with phrase «in filing cabinets»

Stashing magazines in filing cabinets will lead to magazine neglect.
This large, executive home, had a bonus space converted with multiple desks, built - in filing cabinets and work stations.
This means you no longer have to worry about keeping track of hundreds of incoming buyer and seller leads on bits of paper, the back of cocktail napkins, on post-it notes, on multiple pieces of paper or in filing cabinets since all your leads will be coming through and stored within your website!
And it comes amid growing frustration in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that decades of vital inquiries and recommendations for urgent change, such as those from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and the Bringing Them Home report, end up in filing cabinets and on dusty shelves, not in action on the ground.
Filed documents in the appropriate folder in filing cabinets.
Whether big or small, organizations should consider the risk they are managing when they are in possession of PII, often occurs in large amounts and unsecured in filing cabinets or even boxes under someone's desk!
But somewhere this week a lawyer will look at his burned or flooded law office and wish he had kept digital client files in an offsite online location instead of relying exclusively on «insecure» paper files in filing cabinets.
For those things you need in hard copy form, you can save quite a bit of space in your filing cabinets by printing documents double - sided (a.k.a. duplex) and / or in compressed mode (similar to a travel deposition transcript).
Lawyers worked in their offices, stored files in filing cabinets, conducted research in a book - filled law library, and met with clients in their offices or the firm's conference rooms.
«I thought this was a no - risk business: to use unused audio rights that were just sitting in filing cabinets.
My unfinished manuscripts sit in boxes under the bed, in filing cabinets in the garage, on my hard drive.
The GDPR will, from 25 May 2018, replace the Data Protection Act (DPA), signalling a change in the way schools manage and look after a wide variety of data and information: from paper in filing cabinets, through to the keeping of student and staff records to monitoring day - to - day activities and security.
Pre-planned absence notes handed in by parents used to be photocopied by the department, stored in filing cabinets and handed out to teachers spread across the school grounds — a slow, time consuming and unreliable process.
Keep files on your computer instead of in file cabinets, review documents on your screen rather than print them out, and send emails instead of paper letters.
«Ask yourself: would we have retained this document the old - fashioned way, in a file cabinet,» says Nancy Flynn, executive director of the ePolicy Institute, a Columbus, Ohio, electronic communications consultant and author of numerous email books.
By all means, don't let employees save their own messages on an ad hoc basis on their PCs or printed out and stored in file cabinets, ePolicy Institute's Flynn says.
Yup, I just read this entire thread... and this is just another file in the file cabinet of why all religion is useless.
At the same time, in spite of 2 Timothy 3:16's proclamation that «All Scripture is God - breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness...», many Christians let alone anyone else sometimes wonder if it might be best to archive large chunks of it in a filing cabinet labelled «no longer relevant»
The woman said their business relationship had ended but Linford knew she kept the first - edition in a locked fireproof box in a file cabinet and had access to it around the time she believes it was stolen.
One pile to file in the filing cabinet, one pile into the garbage bag to shred and one pile into a box or basket of the paperwork that still needs to be dealt with.
They are put into a bag and taken to the office, where they are locked in a file cabinet.
They're done, they're in your filing cabinet
If you convert an individual's health - care information from a folder of handwritten documents stored in a file cabinet to a bundle of zeros and ones stored in an online database, a lot more people can gain access to that information, including prospective employers and insurance companies.
When given a choice between having your resume sitting in the file cabinets or in the company's database where it can be scanned for keywords, you'll definitely want the latter.
They say the same Fourth Amendment privacy standards that require police to obtain search warrants before examining hard drives in someone's living room, or a physical letter stored in a filing cabinet, should apply.
They mentioned the magnesite nodules in their report, but it lay forgotten in a filing cabinet for years.
We judge each such experience based on our limited perception, then categorize it, like documents in a filing cabinet.
One study was described by Paul Stitt in his book Fighting the Food Giants: Stitt worked for a cereal company and found this study locked in a file cabinet.
er, let me count (I keep mine in my filing cabinet)... I buy 1 - 2 pairs a year and my oldest date to about 2006.
You could also set your password to your shopping websites to something super «secure,» (aka that you won't remember, like a bunch of numbers and symbols) write it on a piece of paper, and then tuck that away in a filing cabinet or something, so that you have all that extra time to think about what you're doing before hitting «checkout.»
When Everything Old If youre a language arts teacher, you likely have a few novel studies gathering dust in your file cabinet.
Developed Maine's first statewide school accountability system (A-F school grades) to ensure transparency in school performance for families and students; joining other states and cities around the country who offer these grades on schools — grades that are based on information Maine already collected but that had been sitting in file cabinets at the Department of Education.
Especially those of us with very large, very dead backlists that suddenly looked like gold mines in our file cabinets.
I glanced at one point in the workshop at the thirty plus well - published writers, many with large backlists sitting in file cabinets, and realized there were at least thirty new publishing companies in that room.
At least I'm getting my words «out there» instead of languishing in my file cabinet.
Invest in yet another attractive, lightweight, and simple display case, and always keep a stock of eight to ten copies of your book on hand, with more in a file cabinet if this idea takes off!
Edit after some comments from Bananach and LorenPechtel: I checked my credit report for a credit card that I own that I do not use (I don't carry it around, it's locked in a file cabinet as my emergency card) and has been used maybe 3x in the last five years (as check overdraft protection) and always instantly paid off before utilization would be reported.
You can utilize a mobile app like Expensify to track mileage and receipts, or do it the old fashioned way with receipts in a filing cabinet.
We have a folder in our file cabinet that is labeled «deductible.»
Like my stock brokerage statements, I also keep hard copies of my year - end statement in my file cabinet.
The Humane Society of the United States uploaded a photo on Tuesday showing a dog in a file cabinet drawer - which happens to be the same size as the cages in which many puppy mill dogs spend their lives.
Let's take a look at a few I have in the file cabinet...
Dressed in business attire as impersonal as the office she inhabits, Hultén manages to remove herself from the austere corporate landscape by finding unlikely hiding places in file cabinets, discarded cardboard boxes, carpeting, and window blinds.
He mounted guerilla exhibitions in donated spaces whenever and wherever possible, and started a slide registry in a filing cabinet in his Washington Heights apartment.
Try to find any North American automobile manufacturer with a memo anywhere in any file cabinet from the 1990's, or even from 2005.
«Certainly the cases in progress were not in a filing cabinet,» he told the Cape Cod Times.
He had no back - ups for the three decades of files in the building, but said it was possible that some records stored in file cabinets remained.
In the not - too - distant past, knowledge was captured almost exclusively in file cabinets where print copies of briefs and forms were stored.
In my experience, bland and thoughtless resumes die in a filing cabinet, whereas a thoughtful and engaging resume can make you look like a total rockstar.
I may even have cleared a small space in a filing cabinet for the referrals that will no doubt come in from the agents.
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