Sentences with phrase «in following passage»

The balancing of the protection (and supplementation) of native title rights and the need for a fair system for future acts to occur is reflected, for example, in the following passage:
The importance of a job objective in a resume is explained in following passage.
As mentioned by CoinDesk, the report provides a very clear stance on the future of blockchain as well as its regulation in the following passage from the Chinese article:
Provisions of the law have continued to be phased in following passage.
There are surely echoes of this in the following passage from Justice Breyer's opinion:
In my opinion it is stated briefly and accurately in the following passage in the judgment of Aylesworth J.A., concurred in by Robertson C.J.O., in Woodward v. Harris, [1951] O.W.N. 221 at p. 223: «Authority is not required in support of the principle that a driver entering an intersection, even although he has the right of way, is bound to act so as to avoid a collision if reasonable care on his part will prevent it.
The clearest definition of the ambit of legal advice in Three Rivers 6 was that provided by Lord Carswell (with whom all the Law Lords expressly agreed [72]-RRB-, in the following passage:
A fine, flowing rhythm is also evident in the following passage from Justice William Brennan's majority opinion in New York Times v. Sullivan, which broadened press freedom by raising the bar a public figure must clear to establish defamation.
[18] The Supreme Court's other use of «material contribution» is seen in Athey v. Leonati, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 458, 140 D.L.R. (4th) 235, [1997] 1 W.W.R. 97, where Major J., writing for the Court, held in the following passage that causation will be established if it is shown that the defendant's negligence «materially contributed» to the occurrence of the plaintiff's injury:
In the following passage from her blog, she describes why so many of us climb aboard cramped airplanes for hours on end... [Read More]
In the following passage, Eric demonstrates why digital rights management (DRM) is such a pain in the keel:
His research strategy, as applied to school effects, is summarized in the following passage from the report:
The importance of repentance is highlighted in the following passage:
Indeed, creativity is subordinated to actual entities in their self - constitution as, e.g., in the following passage: «But there are not two actual entities, the creativity and the creature.
(Indeed, creativity is subordinated to actual entities in their self - constitution as, e.g., in the following passage: «But there are not two actual entities, the creativity and the creature.
In the following passage from the Ethics, he is discussing just war and capital punishment, and he asserts, «All deliberate killing of innocent life is arbitrary.»
The church wrestles with this arresting theological insight in the following passage:
This idea is well presented in the following passage:
Some idea of the grim nature of the Hindu concept of these hells may be seen in the following passage:
In the case of a simple physical feeling X belonging to a new actual entity A, the feeling Y by which X objectifies the past actual entity B is called the «objective datum» of X. Whitehead describes this second subphase in the following passage:
In the following passage from this insertion Whitehead tells us about an «origination of conceptual feeling,» but as in the previous passage and in one to come (R3), he does not specify any datum from whence it is derived.
Which of these alternatives we ought to opt for, and what bearing the principle of relativity (and with it the notion of «repetition») has on the ontological principle, Whitehead himself tells us in the following passage:
While the earlier volume was cast in a theological context, its main purpose is indicated in the following passage:
Pope Benedict captured this nicely in the following passage:
In the following passage from The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, Deleuze sets out what he takes to be the key difference between the Leibnizian and the Whiteheadian cosmologies:
The possibility of such indirect relatedness appears to be indicated by Whitehead in the following passage:
Jorge Nobo seems to be making much the same point in the following passage from Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extention and Solidarity: «the state of the universe from which C [a given actual occasion] springs — i.e., the state of the universe which gives birth to C — is both outside and inside C.
«Efficacity» is known to have been replaced in the following passages in the corrected edition: 46.15,46.31, 120.42, 170.43, 171.13, 172.42, 175.40, 180.3, 180.22, 316.34, 316.39, 316.42, 316.44 (twice), 317.15.
As for how to download books to iPad with iBooks Store directly, I will write the detailed steps in the following passages.

Not exact matches

They also follow a recent pledge by the bank to build more branches and expand hiring in underserved neighborhoods and expand its philanthropic work, in response to an expected windfall from the passage of federal corporate tax cuts last year.
The vote followed a long day of drama and discord on Capitol Hill that highlighted fraying Democratic unity and featured an uneasy alliance between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, enemies in past budget battles but on the same side this time in pushing for passage.
The provision was expanded in 1990 to include people with disabilities, following the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Wall Street has grown worried about a possible spike in US inflation following the passage of tax cuts at a time when the unemployment rate is already at a 17 - year low.
Second, U.S. companies repatriating cash following the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are causing some ripples in the front end.
In the few months following the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, utility companies in 48 out of 50 states, and DC, have taken action to pass their federal tax savings on to their customerIn the few months following the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, utility companies in 48 out of 50 states, and DC, have taken action to pass their federal tax savings on to their customerin 48 out of 50 states, and DC, have taken action to pass their federal tax savings on to their customers.
Major consumer companies, including AutoNation in Fort Lauderdale, are hopping on a train of enhanced employee givebacks following passage of a new law that chops corporate tax rates.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement today in response to U.S. Senate passage of S. 2155, the «Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act,» which will alleviate regulatory burdens for America's local and community banks:
The RFP follows the Seattle City Council's passage of Ordinance 125257 in February 2017, which cut back on the city's dealings with Wells Fargo due to the bank's involvement in the Dakota Access pipeline and predatory lending practices.
Dozens of companies have announced they are giving their employees bonuses, following the passage of the Republican tax plan that Trump signed into law in December.
Equity crowdfunding has taken off as an investment option in the last years following the passage of the JOBS Act, allowing average investors to get a stake in early - stage startups.
Thucydides, in one of the most brilliant passages of his history of the war, described the breakdown of social order as follows:
The former commodities trader was instrumental in the campaign to leave the European Union (EU), and following the referendum's passage, Farage invoked the 1996 sci - fi action film «Independence Day» by declaring June 23 «our independence day» from failed socialist rules, regulations and immigration policies.
In the weeks that followed passage, companies including AT&T, Comcast, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue, Wells Fargo, PNC Bank and Wal - Mart stores have announced bonuses, minimum wage increases, retirement fund contributions, or boosts in charitable contributionIn the weeks that followed passage, companies including AT&T, Comcast, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue, Wells Fargo, PNC Bank and Wal - Mart stores have announced bonuses, minimum wage increases, retirement fund contributions, or boosts in charitable contributionin charitable contributions.
I'm reading NFIB v. Sebelius (the Obamacare decision) in preparation for teaching the case to my constitutional law students and came across the following most interesting passage in in Justice Ginsburg's opinion: «A mandate to purchase a particular product would be unconstitutional if, for example, the edict impermissibly abridged the freedom of speech, interfered with the free exercise of religion, or infringed on a liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause.»
Gee... I guess you missed the passage in the one of the gospels in which Jesus is quoted as saying there will be many false prophets to follow Him.
Each text will be introduced in turn with a brief explanation of how God is portrayed in the passage, and this will be followed with a brief explanation of how to understand God's actions in light of the Chaos Theory and in light of God taking on the sin of the whole world, just as Jesus did on the cross.
The words which follow in this passage, «we saw his glory» (Jn 1:14) are also related to the «overshadowing» of Mary by the Holy Spirit in the conception of Christ (Luke 1:35) and the glory of the Lord filling the «Tent of Meeting» (the Tabernacle) in the desert — «The cloud overshadowed the meeting tent and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle» (Exodus 40:34 - 35).
Take, for example, his central bit of advice in our Gospel passage for today: «If anyone wants to follow after me, let him renounce himself and take up his cross, and follow me.
Now understand, as a liturgical Mainline Protestant congregation, First Presbyterian Church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, which means the Scriptural passages for the service and sermon are determined years in advance.
I suppose if you find a passage like Leviticus 18 that says to lie down with a man as you would a woman is sin in Israel, you might just say that this passage is one you don't follow.
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