Sentences with phrase «in former times»

Thus our contemporaries begin to suffer from an inner disappointment, an irritation that was impossible in former times because the whole life was different from what it is today.
True, in former times life was often very narrow, as regards one's profession and marriage as well as the education of children and political and cultural activities.
Thus he must go without many things, which he had to do also in former times, but then he was not actually aware of it.
In former times slaves were branded on the back with their master's name.
In former times people didn't allow marriage of black girl with white man and vice versa, however at present time societies have changed their mind set to great extent.
The Beringia land bridge, which in former times connected the habitats of these species, might have enabled their encounter.
Perhaps in former times there was too much and too rash preaching on this subject, motivated by a desire to drive men into the Kingdom of Heaven by fear.
For behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown; and I will multiply people upon you, the whole house of Israel, all of it; the cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt; and I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and be fruitful and I will cause you to be inhabited as in your former times, and will do more good to you than ever before.
Nevertheless, what does finally come about, given the present rate of accelerating knowledge and techniques, will find us in a situation in which man can know and do what in former times was the privilege of the gods.
I wonder why the house was built like that, sideways - on, turning a pebble - dashed windowless white end - wall to the road; perhaps in former times, before the railway, the road ran in a different orientation altogether, passing directly in front of the front door, anything is possible.
«In former times analysts and investors paid considerable attention to the average earnings over a fairly long period in the past - usually from seven to ten years.
Unlike solicitors, barristers in former times chiefly belonged to social circles where it was considered disgraceful to be «in trade.»
What is given to an individual in this present moment leads to the understanding of the great revelations, but the vital fact is one's own personal receiving and not what was received in former times.
Assured of the assistance of the Holy Spirit this Tradition, under the guidance of the Magisterium, in former times recognised the canonical writings of the Word of God and has never ceased to meditate on them and search their meaning.
In former times recalling the ambassador was a way to guarantee that he could be briefed on current issues and go back on his post with new directions which were too sensitive to entrust to postal services.
The interpretation is that the atmosphere of Mars was thicker and warmer in former times, and perhaps much like the Earth's early atmosphere before the appearance of oxygen.
In former times when Ashtanga students showed up at Yogachaya's school they frequently expressed how difficult his approach was.
Styles unimaginable in former times are a height of fashion today, for example a pair of sneakers in combination with a business suit or some sweats together with a pair of high heels.
«And that's justice in former times,» he said, noticing that I was looking above the hearth, where there was a display of antique truncheons arranged in declining size, like pan pipes, from an enormous wooden pole, two and a half feet long, to a short and brutal stub with a thick brass ferrule.
Like many other substances regarding we origin of which there existed some obscurity or mystery, ambergris in former times possessed a value, and had properties attributed to it, more on account of the source from which it was drawn than from its inherent qualities.
In former times there were women's mosques in some parts of China, used as religious and charitable centers for women and led by women religious teachers.
And that means to me, more sensitive to what in former times was ca1led the «leading of the Spirit.»
From page 172: «In former times analysts and investors paid considerable attention to the average earnings over a fairly long period in the past — usually from seven to ten years.
In former times every place was full of the fraud of oracles, and the utterances of those at Delphi and Dodona and in Boeotia and Lycia and Libya and Egypt and those of the Kabiri and the Pythoness were considered marvellous by the minds of men.
Even those Catholics most devoted to the Pope must realize today that it is infinitely more important to tell the world credibly what is actually meant by «God» (which in former times could simply be presupposed) than to indulge in controversy about the First Vatican Council.
That I have not always succeeded, in former times and also today, in expressing myself in a manner comprehensible to all is a part of the guilt which I certainly impute to myself when I see myself surrounded by so much anger and confusion.
In former times there was an adat celebration on those nights with fireworks and Chinese lanterns.
Later, the barons and the peasants did not continue to pay the customary dues and excises, and people generally, who, in former times, had supported the church by paying fees for private masses, prayers, indulgences and other religious goods and services, now ceased to make contributions — in part, because they rightly thought that the teachings of the Reformers prohibited them, and, in part, because they simply took advantage of the new order.
In former times, a group of young men did this by hand but these days, a crane is used But the actual assembly of the pole is still accomplished by local craftsmen in their historic outfit.
Semi-natural habitats are refuges for endangered plant species which in former times were found in meadows and arable fields.
In former times, crushed amber was used internally against various diseases.
In former times an Autumn election may have favoured the Conservatives as it would be on old Register and Labour were not as good at Postal Votes etc..
«But they contribute to the knowledge of how the sky was in former times
«In former times, if people wanted to explore the deeper mysteries of life, they would often enter a monastery or hermitage far away from conventional family ties.
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