Sentences with phrase «in fulfillment of the scriptures»

@Chad «there are some theological principles that are rarely if ever misinterpreted: Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins in fulfillment of scripture.
Maybe on Sunday Osama descended into hell, but yesterday was Tuesday, which was the third day, and yesterday bin Laden rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures...

Not exact matches

The question we concluded the previous post with, however, was that if Jesus fulfills the hopes and dreams and ideals of other religious writings as well, why did Jesus come specifically in fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures.
So if this is true, that the Spirit of God whispers the truth of God to all people everywhere so that religion, literature, music, art, politics, and cultural movement all contain echoes of what God wants done in the world, why is it that Jesus came to the Jews to be a fulfillment of their Scriptures?
The Hebrew Scriptures not only contain prophecy about Jesus, but all the stories, hopes, and longings contained within the Old Testament also find their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Willow Creek loses out in the comparison because of a serious basic weakness: its leaders have not yet worked out how to move seekers beyond self - fulfillment to a thorough grounding in scripture and ministries.
To understand the Gospels, one must read forward from Israel's Scriptures to their fulfillment in the life of Jesus.
Lydia receives illumination by the Spirit about the meaning, significance, and fulfillment of Scripture in Jesus Christ.
The details of the crucifixion are more carefully related to fulfillment of scripture here than in the synoptics, and the symbolic meaning of these details is brought to the fore.
Jesus is the fulfillment of what this scripture prophesies and foreshadows, that which was to come in the future.
I am not certain that this idea is exactly found in Scripture, but regardless of what the original founders thought about the pursuit of happiness, and whether or not it is actually taught in Scripture, the pursuit today is not so much happiness, but pleasure or personal fulfillment, even when such things come at the expense of others.
The theme of delay is, of course, very common in scripture — there is a sense among the writers that things are being in some manner held back, whether the final fulfillment of God's purposes or the closer, short - term fulfillments.
He has, to be sure, answered this question, not only in his Scripture but in the very constitution of our natures: to choose life, to be fruitful and multiply, and to walk in his ways, which means among other things to understand that life makes sense and that human fulfillment resides in resisting the ever - present temptation to return to tohu vavohu — the primordial chaos and void.
MY assessment is that various religious writings of the world are vague musings that see their fulfillment in the «written - in - stone» PRONOUNCEMENTS of Hebrew Scripture
The difference between Jews and Christians today is whether Jews accept the fulfillment of their scriptures in Jesus, their Messiah.
The Scriptures tell of him as they point forward and backward to their own fulfillment in the Incarnate Word.
This article is interesting for one point: it's a fulfillment of the scripture at 2 timothy 3:1 - 5 that says that in the last days, people will be «having a form of godly devotion, but proving false to its power».
Once we set Jesus in the context of a larger scriptural story, however, and come to grips with his sense of what exactly the new the new covenant would mean and how it would both fulfill and transform the old one... we discover a much richer, and more narratival, sense of «fulfillment,» which generates that subtle and powerful view of scripture we find in the early church.»
Very shortly, in fulfillment of that promise, so the Scriptures say, power did descend upon them.
Philip told the eunuch about Jesus, convinced him that Jesus was the fulfillment of the very scripture he was reading, and that no handicap, physical or otherwise, would exclude a person from full fellowship in Christian faith.
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