Sentences with phrase «in full consciousness»

Meditation in full consciousness constitutes a very promising field of research for health psychology within the framework of care.
Students rest in a comfortable position, in full consciousness and a deep connection to inner wisdom, connection and intuition.
Thus if it is exercised in full consciousness, human beings can organise different facets of life in to a harmonious balance.
They are «dimly conscious» in two senses: (1) as experiences, they do not normally rise to the stature of conscious centers competing for control of the organism, but they have appetitions and aversions in their own right so that it seems appropriate to label them «dimly conscious»; (2) they are perceived only dimly by the members of the regnant society, i.e., the regnant society has these particular occasions as dim, vaguely felt, negative «scars» on the data of what is clearly perceived in full consciousness.
Above all any reappropriation of tradition must be made in the full consciousness of our present experience of loss.

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«Tom's is a great example of a business build with social responsibility in mind from the onset,» Longoria states, «To create a full - circle social business plan, social consciousness needs to be in the DNA of your company.»
But instead, I'm sitting in Brooklyn with a belly full of pizza, fading consciousness, and an earful of quotes from a madman Gary Vaynerchuk.
Substantially, Gahl says: In the moment in which the penitent confesses a behavior that constitutes gravely sinful matter, committed without full consciousness and deliberate consent, the confessor will explain to him the doctrine of the Church regarding his particular problem and will refuse to impart absolution if the penitent will not commit himself in the future to avoid that behavioIn the moment in which the penitent confesses a behavior that constitutes gravely sinful matter, committed without full consciousness and deliberate consent, the confessor will explain to him the doctrine of the Church regarding his particular problem and will refuse to impart absolution if the penitent will not commit himself in the future to avoid that behavioin which the penitent confesses a behavior that constitutes gravely sinful matter, committed without full consciousness and deliberate consent, the confessor will explain to him the doctrine of the Church regarding his particular problem and will refuse to impart absolution if the penitent will not commit himself in the future to avoid that behavioin the future to avoid that behavior.
When we are dealing in general with the gradual development of the noosphere into planetary consciousness we must of course do full justice to the great, the essential part played by the other sections of the human race in bringing about the eventual plenitude of the earth.
As the full meaning of this sacrifice or self - negation dawns in consciousness, the factuality and historicity of Jesus» particular «self - existence» is negated as that existence now becomes universal self - consciousness: «The death of the mediator is death not merely of his natural aspect, of his particular self - existence: what dies is not merely the outer casement, which, being stripped of essential being, is eo ipso dead, but also the abstraction of the divine Being.»
Once God has died in Christ to his transcendent epiphany, that epiphany must inevitably recede into an abstract and alien form, eventually becoming the full embodiment of every alien other, and thence appearing to consciousness as the ultimate source of all repression.
It is Mankind as a whole, collective humanity, which is called upon to perform the definitive act whereby the total force of terrestrial evolution will be released and flourish; an act in which the full consciousness of each individual man will be sustained by that of every other man, not only the living but the dead.
Consciousness is the feeling of negation: in the perception of «the stone as grey,» such feeling is in barest germ; in the perception of «the stone as not grey,» such feeling is in full development.
The full - fledged arrival of historical consciousness in theology, best viewed in the often tortured, always honest, reflections of both Troeltsch and Lonergan, only heightened the need for new reflection in hermeneutics.
The condition requisite for healing it always this about - face, and from a purely philosophical point of view it might be a subtle question whether it is possible for one to be in despair with full consciousness of what it is about which one despairs.)
The physical sciences and the life sciences also yield their full harvest of knowledge about man only when the understanding gained through direct self - consciousness is used in the interpretation of the methods and results of objective scientific investigation and of technical invention.
Full presence of consciousness to matter would result in the enslavement of consciousness.
Hartshorne is not alone in this view Mary Anne Warren refers to a human being in a moral sense as «a full - fledged member of the moral community» whose traits include, but are not limited to, consciousness and the ability to reason.
Divine Science represents many of the New Thought denominations in declaring, «Sickness is the result of a belief in two powers; a lack of the full realization that we are, in Truth, spiritual beings... when an individual is expressing on a high level of consciousness and knows completely that he is Spirit, he can not be ill, for he is in complete harmony with the one creative power, God.»
Historically, this does not actually occur until the full birth of the modern world, and then it subjectively or interiorly occurs in the realization that God is dead, a realization inaugurating a new universal self - consciousness, which is the very center and ground of an apocalyptic explosion and transformation of the world.
The interests which motivated our reading, and the applications we hoped to secure, move from the fringe of consciousness to which they were exiled by objectivism, and occupy a place of honor in the full light of critical awareness.
Moreover, as Hegel makes clear in the Phenomenology of Spirit, even within the human organism it undergoes many stages of growth before it reaches full self - consciousness as a participant in the reality of Absolute Spirit.
Clearly, the understanding of these matters that underlies the demand for justice in the specifically political sense is closely related to our distinctively modern historical consciousness, by which I mean our consciousness of ourselves as historical subjects who bear full responsibility for creating ourselves and one another in and through our creation of society and culture.
Jeremias, in Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, claims: «It was an act of unparalleled risk which Jesus performed when, from the full power of his consciousness of sovereignty, he openly and fearlessly called these men [the Pharisees] to repentance, and this act brought him to the cross» (cited in AJCT).
As a matter of fact, with the full consciousness of our own historical agency, we become aware that the justice which love inevitably seeks and in which it finds expression is, above all, political justice.
My aim is to nourish what I believe is an emerging new consciousness among many potential dreamers and doers in the churches who can help provide us with the visions and the values we need to promote a movement toward an ecologically optimum world community full of justice and joy in which the human race can not only survive but embark on exciting new adventures of physical and spiritual enjoyment.
10:7 - 9) He took a body in order that He might suffer; He became man, that He might suffer as man; and when His hour was come, that hour of Satan and of darkness, the hour when sin was to pour its full malignity upon Him, it followed that He offered Himself wholly, a holocaust, a whole burnt - offering; - as the whole of His body, stretched out upon the Cross, so the whole of His soul, His whole advertence, His whole consciousness, a mind awake, a senseacute, a living co-operation, a present, absolute intention, not a virtual permission, not a heartless submission... His passion was an action.»
But exactly how is the positing of mentality at the level of individual cells and neurons supposed to help explain the emergence of full - blown consciousness in the human brain?
Perhaps we can speak of full self - consciousness appearing for the first time only by the first millennium so when quite independently in China, India, Persia, Greece and Israel spiritual leaders arose who proposed new ways of ordering the whole of their experience.
Karen Hinton, de Blasio's former press secretary, who was recently placed in a medically induced coma after suffering a serious head injury, as of Saturday was coming out of sedation but hadn't yet regained full consciousness.
ALBANY — Mayor de Blasio's former press secretary, who was recently placed in a medically induced coma after suffering a serious head injury, is coming out of sedation but hasn't yet regained full consciousness, Gov. Cuomo said Saturday.
So far, though, most people would doubt that computers truly «see» a visual scene full of shapes and colors in front of their cameras, that they truly «hear» a question through their microphones, that they feel anything — experience consciousness — the way humans do, despite computers» remarkable ability to crunch data at superhuman speed.
Disorders of consciousness can refer to a wide range of problems, ranging from a full - blown coma to a minimally conscious state in which patients may experience brief periods where they can communicate and follow instructions.
Unlike Hinton's approach of starting with a highly simplified model and gradually making it more complex, Markram wants to include as much detail as possible from the start, down to individual molecules, in hopes that full functionality and consciousness will emerge.
In a response to this suggestion, Christof Koch asserts that much more is required for a full theory of consciousness
Sleepwalkers are known to perform complex movements such as walking in the absence of full consciousness.
Out of every 1,000 full - term newborns, between one and three infants experience encephalopathy (disease in the brain), marked by impaired level of consciousness, seizures, difficulty breathing and depressed reflexes.
Find out what experts in the fields of consciousness, psychology, personal, spiritual growth, relationships, and science have to say to help you to unfold your full potential.
Full consciousness is a state of being in which the individual entity while maintaining a sense of personal identity also holds the sense, or awareness, of being one with God and the totality of the divine Creation.
It's an unorthodox method for honoring the spirit of Camp Firewood, but it fits in this whacked - out world in which an entire flannel can be contained within a ringbox and a man can live a full, fulfilling life a decade after an industrial accident merged his consciousness with a can of vegetables.
#MeToo and #OscarsSoWhite seem to have liberated the current generation, but they tend to deal in carefully modulated consciousness - raising rather than the full - on rabble - rousing in which their elders indulged.
* According to the OED, maieutic = pertaining to (intellectual) midwifery; i.e. to the Socratic process of helping a person to bring into full consciousness conceptions previously latent in his mind (from the Greek maieuesthai, to act as midwife).
Full consciousness is a state of being in which the individual entity while maintaining a sense of personal identity also holds the sense, or awareness, of being one with God and the totality of the divine Creation.
The Sixties in America, in contrast to the optimism of the immediate postwar era, was frightening for everyone, full of fear, death, anger, resistance, and mourning — a daily consciousness of terror that never quite abated.
Stream of consciousness was an important modernist literary innovation, and it has been suggested that Arthur Schnitzler (1862 — 1931) was the first to make full use of it in his short story «Leutnant Gustl» («None but the Brave»)(1900).
«It is all of these, but so much more: it is a portrait of America, a self - portrait of Herriman, and, I believe, the first attempt to paint the full range of human consciousness in the language of the comic strip».
Barbara Rose states: «The essential act for Tàpies is not depiction or representation but the transformation of matter into spirit... This metaphysical transformation characterizes the duality and tension in Tàpies» art... The purpose of art, then, is to alter and heighten consciousness, bringing us into contact in the most powerful way with reality, not as it is pictured but as it literally exists in time and space... In this series of recent paintings, one sees Tàpies in full possession of his powers.&raquin Tàpies» art... The purpose of art, then, is to alter and heighten consciousness, bringing us into contact in the most powerful way with reality, not as it is pictured but as it literally exists in time and space... In this series of recent paintings, one sees Tàpies in full possession of his powers.&raquin the most powerful way with reality, not as it is pictured but as it literally exists in time and space... In this series of recent paintings, one sees Tàpies in full possession of his powers.&raquin time and space... In this series of recent paintings, one sees Tàpies in full possession of his powers.&raquIn this series of recent paintings, one sees Tàpies in full possession of his powers.&raquin full possession of his powers.»
This inablility to sustain balanced levels of living reflects our failure to reach the full understanding of ourselves, and manage ourselves as conscious beings... in essence, our identification with consuming life force is replacing - the creation of life force, as nature bows to the will, or lack of will of producing its organic life sustaing consciousness.
The full theme of the weekend is Creativity, Sustainability, Peace and Consciousness and it is being held at the Maharishi University of Management in Iowa on April 25th - 28th.
It will not become bearable once women lean in, or once the consciousness is raised, or once men are full partners, always, in domestic life.
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