Sentences with phrase «in future time»

Set in a future time, this survivor show is televised to the masses.
Most of the valuations is based on how one feels the idea would translate into revenue in some future time.
This type of stocks can be best stocks to buy for someone saving for school children fees or planning to save in order to start a business in a future time.
To be considered prudent investors we must recognize and accept the undeniable reality that all true investing is done in future time.
Events that happened in an earlier time period would often times be referenced in a future time.
Will shipping artworks around the world be obsolete in future times?
Pension plan is very durable according to me and it helps a lot in future time.
Love it, definitely a keeper, and look forward to making (and more importantly eating) it many more times in the future
On the other hand, it can be ged by the lenders on the loan made available to another person called borrower for use so that the person (borrower) can repay in a future time.
Don the jeans and leather boots of a samurai guitarist living in a future time when zombies have taken over most of the world.
If an investment option has a year in its name, has a certain goal in a future time period, or the word «target, cycle, or life» in its name, then it's a target fund.
I was also already aware that christian fanatics are selfish people I don't want to be around - especially in that future time when I am dying.
Since I'm a total newbie at this, it took a total of about 2 1/2 hours with constantly reading the cookbook and checking myself, so in the future the time should be cut way down.
Guess when u know the truth Like i do and can see beyond the nose, u find it any hard to drop a tear cuz u know certin things could have been done in time to avert an unnecessary situation in the future
The Dane has said that he's seriously interested in racing full - time in IndyCar at some point in the future
It is a pity to see such blemishes on a player who could well be so valuable to England in future times; has indeed, been invaluable in the match against Ukraine.
To help students understand, I find it helpful to point out parallels in future time clauses:
In fact, it's plausible that because of a brain defect, sometime in the future you'll have the memories you have now, even if in that future time you never lived those memories.
Thanks Julie, I think you're totally right; taking time to reflect on what you did wrong and right on your travels definitely makes for better trips in the future
Not only can the Chrono Johns, the portable toilet time machines be used to send items from one time period to another, but solving puzzles and using items can actually change things in a future time zone.
I am slightly disappointed that we didn't get Far Cry 4 maybe in the future some time.
It's not to say we will won't see these features in the future some time (don't be too worried!)
It would be great to see big time companies work harder on funding smaller developers in the future
The 1968 to 2008 is bound to mean the time span of the available data, not that they in 1968 wrote that license statement because they were clever enough to foresee the invention of the internet and their own site in the future
Certainly, arguments of this kind will be advanced in future every time a judgment is entered at a level close to that of a Pt 36 offer.
Maintained and built on customer loyalty by creating a sense of appreciation for the customer by taking the time to show every customer exactly what was repaired and give suggestions on how to avoid a similar problem in the future
• A housekeeper job posted and you would like to state interest and inquire regarding the availability of the similar opening in future time that finely fits your schedule.
The research has revealed that students in the future time perspective cluster procrastinate less than the ones in the negative time perspective or balanced time perspective clusters.
Gallery walls and photo displays should be constantly evolving in family homes, so Sarah recommends stocking up on your favourite frames, so you'll have them on hand in the future each time you print new pictures.
Will visit and hope to see you here many more times in the future
You also seem to not realize that much of science fiction is just a reimagining of the old myths set in some future time.
On the other hand, it can be ged by the lenders on the loan made available to another person called borrower for use so that the person (borrower) can repay in a future time.
But true security is not to be found in time past or present but in future time.
Jesus can come today or in the future some time, when all is said and done and the blogging, insults and opionions are done and you are left with yourself and the creator, what will your answer be.
The resurrection in this sense would occur at death rather than in some future time.
Encouraged, I immediately embarked upon my pilgrimage to the Hot and Holy One, and whence traveled to Hatch, where upon I challenged the highest peak visible upon the horizon and finally crawled up to the cave of the sacred guru, who foretold that, in some future time, an editor would forcibly cause me to abandon this absurd writing style and get back to basics.
Thanks for great recipes and I have no doubt I'll be visiting your website many times in the future
Love it, definitely a keeper, and look forward to making (and more importantly eating) it many more times in the future
It is set in a future time, in a country called Panem, situated in the remains of North America.
When you buy a stock below calculated fair value, an expectation is that in some future time, the stock price will go back up to fair value in a rational market.
- Frontier reserve the right to veto or adjust the winners name suggestion both at launch and any time in the future
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