Sentences with phrase «in gene expression regulation»

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Following this in 2015, an article (Alsaweed et al.) described over 300 novel milk microRNA molecules, components that are known to play a key role in the regulation of gene expression.
Sankar Ghosh, professor of immunobiology at Yale University, explores the regulation of gene expression in developing and differentiating lymphocytes.
This system plays a major role in the regulation of gene activity, and enables the selective expression of different functions in differentiated cell types.
There already has been great effort to elucidate the mechanisms of gene expression regulation, but it will be important to continue research to fully realize the potential of these epigenetic therapies and their applications in clinical settings.
This research tool can be used to better understand the function of histone proteins, which play critical roles in the regulation of gene expression in animals and plants.
«Rapamycin affected the expression of genes involved in calcium regulation, mitochondrial metabolism, hypertrophy and inflammation,» said Melov.
The researchers linked the excess weight and changes in metabolism to epigenetic modifications that reduce expression of the gene for adiponectin — a hormone that helps regulate several metabolic processes, including glucose regulation.
Histones and other proteins, when modified by this process known as acetylation, play critical roles in regulation of gene expression, typically resulting in increased gene expression.
Beyond their participation in host defense, increasing evidence suggests that these modifications also play important roles in the regulation of gene expression, virulence and antibiotic resistance.
It involves detecting micro-RNAs (miRNAs): small, non-coding RNA molecules that are important in the regulation of gene expression.
«Genes code for the sequence of amino acids in proteins, and some are involved in the regulation of the expression of other genes,» he Genes code for the sequence of amino acids in proteins, and some are involved in the regulation of the expression of other genes,» he genes,» he says.
However, to make use of that information required an understanding of gene expression and regulation, areas in which institute members made a conscious decision to invest and that became its strengths.
«Telomerase is a unique protein - RNA complex where the protein subunit uses its RNA component as a template to add identical fragments of DNA to the end of chromosomes,» said Emmanuel Skordalakes, Ph.D., associate professor in the Gene Expression and Regulation program of Wistar's NCI - designated Cancer Center.
The Lazar lab has been working on HDAC3 for over a decade, focusing on the pivotal role of this enzyme in hormone - mediated regulation of gene expression and metabolism.
The results suggest that, although the lack of light chain synthesis can be due to a lack of gene rearrangement, there may also be transcriptional regulation, which may also be important for the expression of light chain immunoglobulins in immature B cells.
A new function now described for the protein dDsk2 by the team headed by Ferran Azorín, group leader at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and CSIC research professor, links ubiquitin receptors for the first time with the regulation of gene expression.
Plants perform these regulations mainly by regulating nuclear gene expression and multiple intracellular signaling pathways have been shown to play a role in the genomic response of plants to stress, but the processes are not well understood.
The modern study of gene regulation started in the 1950s, but researchers only started to unravel the complex array of histone modifications that fine - tune chromatin control of gene expression 20 years ago.
PRC2 is essential to gene regulation and expression in all multicellular organisms.
An international consortium of researchers in the Genotype - Tissue Expression (GTEx) Consortium published findings about how genetic variation effects gene regulation in 44 human tissue types.
The research that led to these findings is part of a larger effort to better understand gene regulation and expression, carried out by the GTEx Consortium, a National Institutes of Health - funded group that includes researchers from around 80 institutions founded in 2010.
Embryonic development is a well - studied process in which the precise regulation of gene expression is critical, since many genes are expressed simultaneously and in a punctual manner.
«The disruption of the circadian clock machinery seems to affect not only the rhythm of appetite regulation, but also the expression of the genes and proteins at their absolute level,» says Turek, whose team reports its findings online today in Science.
Among the other genes she says play a role in thoroughbred performance are peroxisome proliferator - activated receptor - γ coactivator - 1 alpha (PGC - 1α), which is involved in skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise; pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 4 (PDK4), involved in glucose regulation, expression of which increased almost fourfold after sprints; and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 2 (COX 4I2), involved in respiration.
To determine whether shifts in the balance of anterior and posterior field occurred during fin - to - limb evolution, Onimaru, postdoctoral researcher currently at Sharpe's lab (CRG), and his colleagues carefully compared the expression, function and regulation of genes involved in anterior - posterior patterning in pectoral fins of catsharks, with those of mice.
«This is the first piece of evidence that humans may have a faster rate» of change in the regulation of gene expression, notes Caro - Beth Stewart, a molecular evolutionist at the State University of New York, Albany.
In a non-disease state, TDP - 43 is an important protein involved in various aspects of the metabolism of RNA, a molecule essential in various biological roles in the regulation and expression of geneIn a non-disease state, TDP - 43 is an important protein involved in various aspects of the metabolism of RNA, a molecule essential in various biological roles in the regulation and expression of genein various aspects of the metabolism of RNA, a molecule essential in various biological roles in the regulation and expression of genein various biological roles in the regulation and expression of genein the regulation and expression of genes.
«Regarding the other histones, which are major proteins in the regulation of gene expression, we know which enzymes modify them, their functions, and how they are regulated... But for some reason, the functions of histone 1 have not been addressed,» he adds.
Using this «Ribotag» approach tissue - specific changes under DR have been measured in muscle, fat, gut, heart, neurons, germline and malpighian tubules, showing a highly tissue specific response upon DR.. We are developing mechanistic models of gene expression regulation and conducting comprehensive bioinformatics analyses on UTRs, promoters and the coding sequences of various elements of differentially regulated genes.
In a study published online in Genome Research, researchers devised a strategy for genome - wide annotation of primary miRNA transcripts, providing extensive new annotations in human and mouse, and shedding light on mechanisms of regulation of microRNA gene expressioIn a study published online in Genome Research, researchers devised a strategy for genome - wide annotation of primary miRNA transcripts, providing extensive new annotations in human and mouse, and shedding light on mechanisms of regulation of microRNA gene expressioin Genome Research, researchers devised a strategy for genome - wide annotation of primary miRNA transcripts, providing extensive new annotations in human and mouse, and shedding light on mechanisms of regulation of microRNA gene expressioin human and mouse, and shedding light on mechanisms of regulation of microRNA gene expression.
Scientists have discovered many points of regulation in the process of using a specific DNA template to make a protein, known as gene expression, that allow the cell to control how much of a certain protein is made at a certain time.
One is straightforward — during development, cells are assuming their identities and need precise control over protein production, so cells lacking a gene expression regulation mechanism are bound to have defects, particularly in the case of specialized cells like neurons.
Along this line, our primary research goals are directed towards understanding how noncoding RNAs and their RNA - binding proteins are integrated in to the regulation of gene expression and modulation of the host immune response during ¿ - herpesviral infection.
In this review article, we highlight transcriptional regulation of gene expression in response to drought.&raquIn this review article, we highlight transcriptional regulation of gene expression in response to drought.&raquin response to drought.»
He received his doctoral degree in 1996 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich for work on activity - dependent regulation of neurotrophin gene expression.
Along this line, our primary research goals are directed towards understanding how noncoding RNAs and their RNA - binding proteins are integrated in to the regulation of gene expression and modulation of the host immune response during gammaherpesvirus infection.
Compared with the ancestral lineage, the East African cichlid genomes possess: an excess of gene duplications; alterations in regulatory, non-protein-coding elements in the genome; accelerated evolution of protein - coding elements, especially in genes for pigmentation; and other distinct features that affect gene expression, such as insertions of transposable elements and regulation by novel microRNAs.
Our technological expertise ranges from the most fundamental approaches to study membrane transport in lymphocytes and dendritic cells (subcellular compartmentalization, intravital microscopy, phagosomal functions), the systematic analysis of gene expression and it regulation (RNAseq, Chip Seq, proteomics) and physiological and pathological immune responses (mouse models for cancer immunity, immunomodulation / vaccination, human clinical studies in cancer).
We have also initiated studies of the regulation of cytokine gene expression in these cells.
Exposing S. pistillata to seawater with an elevated calcium concentration resulted in up - regulation of gene expression during the day relative to the night.
His lab is interested in the regulation of gene expression by mRNA processing in C. elegans and human cells.
Benedikt received his doctoral degree in 1996 at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich for work on activity - dependent regulation of neurotrophin gene expression.
With respect to the host's transcriptome, alcohol feeding was associated with down - regulation in gene and protein expression of bactericidal c - type lectins Reg3b and Reg3g in the small intestine.
Brain expression and song regulation of the cholecystokinin gene in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).
We found an excess of gene duplications in the East African lineage compared to tilapia and other teleosts, an abundance of non-coding element divergence, accelerated coding sequence evolution, expression divergence associated with transposable element insertions, and regulation by novel microRNAs.
The work has led him to explore the role of protein phosphorylation in a diverse array of cellular functions, including transformation, cell communication, cell adhesion, cell - cycle regulation, the control of gene expression, and protein degradation.
Marek is performing postdoctoral research in the lab of Nick Ingolia at UC Berkeley studying the regulation of gene expression.
Effect of 17β - estradiol and flavonoids on the regulation of expression of newly identified estrogen responsive genes in a rat raphe nuclei - derived cell line.
In this study, we also identify p21waf1 / cip1 as a target gene of DDX3, and the up - regulation of p21waf1 / cip1 expression is linked to the growth - suppressive effect exerted by DDX3 (see Fig. 2).
Because DDX3 exhibits tumor suppressor functions, such as a growth - suppressive property and transcriptional activation of the p21waf1 / cip1 promoter, and is inactivated through down - regulation of gene expression or alteration of subcellular localization in tumor cells, all these features together suggest that DDX3 might be a candidate tumor suppressor.
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