Sentences with phrase «in geological time»

Back in geological time, the pool itself was a stretch of underground river cave, but it lost its cover when the roof collapsed.
You may be right VERY long term, in geological time frames.
My real point was that the CO2 levels in geological time scales are not really comparable to current human emissions - because on geological time scales there is a removal process.
10 million years ago is considered quite recent in geological time.
Demonstrable in geological time from BILLIONS of fossils.
For a few tens of thousands of years — a fleeting moment in geological time — conditions were just right for near - perfect fossilisation.
«It provides us with a point in geological time when we effectively did move into a climatic era recognisably similar to the geological present.»
And on and on — according to many experts, the extinction spasm caused by climate change and other environmental degradation in this century will equal or surpass those caused by crashing asteroids in geological times.
A ranger - naturalist, discussing the geology of that magnificent chasm, pointed out that each step down took the hiker back 30,000 years in geological time.
Scaled renderings depict the Temple to Perspective, which shows the age of the earth in geological time, and «psychotherapeutic» travel agents that would pick a destination for you based on your psychological profile.
When the planet's big ice sheets collapsed at the end of the last ice age, their melting caused global sea levels to rise as much as 100 meters in roughly 10,000 years, which is fast in geological time, Mann noted.
Dawn mission scientists estimate its age to be about 80 million years, which is quite young in geological time.
Our hearts beat to the rhythms of biological time and continents drift in geological time, while we set our watches to the precision of Naval time.
Since 2008, the commission has been looking into whether to officially adopt the Anthropocene as the successor to the Holocene in the Geological Time Scale.
However, what the geologist - skeptics seem to neglect is that any of these changes, especially those that came on suddenly — and a change that happened over a century or two is a very sudden change in geological time — were disastrous to many species.
A blip in geological time and a moment even in the 140k experience of human beings.
The land is disturbed for a blink of an eye in geological time and is then returned to a sustainable boreal forest ecosystem with cleaner sand.
Do we have geologists ready in the wings to tell us how close mountain uplifting corresponds to glacial periods in geological times and precisions?
if all «threatened» species became extinct within a century, and that rate then continued unabated, terrestrial amphibian, bird and mammal extinction would reach Big Five magnitudes in ~ 240 to 540 years... This emphasises that current extinction rates are higher than those that caused Big Five extinctions in geological time; they could be severe enough to carry extinction magnitudes to the Big Five benchmark in as little as three centuries.
The entire period of human existence is the briefest moment in geological time.
Because it is easier for magnesium to be incorporated at higher temperatures, larger quantities of magnesium in the tiny marine fossils imply that the deep sea temperature was higher at that point in geological time.
Intelligent Design treats the origin of life and the sudden (in geological time, sixty million years) appearance of new phyla in the Cambrian period as nothing less than miraculous — but «miraculous» in a particular sense that is contrary to both science and traditional Judaism and Christianity.
In geological time, the balance of the system has changed several times, and just like any system can have a resonance at certain points, the climate can reach a resonant point where it is teetering between two states (our current 100,000 year ice age warm period cycle).
It's astronomical, in geological time.
Indeed most take a great interest in the history of climate change both in geological time, and from the tree rings, and more recent instrumental record.
I find the internet thing a bit funny, but I believe that a few of you may be forgetting that climate change is in geological time, it's not going to happen instantly.
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