Sentences with phrase «in her right mind»

«What we did with our story, no network in its right mind would agree to it.»
Who in their right mind would take on that kind of challenge?
Who in their right mind would do this?
Who in their right mind would tell a prospective employer that they were?
No one in their right mind would start an organization with the word «global» in its title today, he said.
Cafes are one thing, but who in their right mind looks up a lawyer in the phone book?
«I think that no one in their right mind will want a thousand or 2,000 equity investors in their company,» he explained.
«Quite frankly, when in the midst of grief, whether it is related to the death of a loved one or the loss of a marriage, you are not in your right mind,» she said.
He clearly enjoyed it, too, saying in a press conference, «Any lawyer in his right mind who would not be looking forward to cross-examining Mark Fuhrman is an idiot.»
And just as bad for business are inquiry systems that are so painful to use and so full of barriers, detours and friction that no one in their right mind would waste the time and energy that they require.
Seriously, who in their right mind is willing to make these kinds of sacrifices for something that is not guaranteed?
What person in their right mind would pretend they did?
People would have been in their right minds had they expected nothing from the COP.
Nobody in their right mind would want to return to the world of handloom weavers.
While the benefits bestowed by technical analysis (TA) can be debated, no trader in their right mind would consider margin or futures trading without a basic understanding of it.
Nobody in their right mind is saying that if this happens then the average Swiss will be worse off than the average Nigerian, because it obviously must be taken into account that there are 175M people in Nigeria and only 8M in Switzerland.
No company director in their right mind would have signed off on the failed $ 500 million United Petroleum IPO, the Supreme Court of Victoria...
Google is still copying our sites though, which is something site owners can stop, but who in their right mind would do that?
Lehman collapses, panic grips investors and no one in their right mind gives cash to a bold little experiment in crowdsourcing.
Who in their right mind would lend $ 2.5 billion for a century to an emerging markets company that in April wrote off $ 17 billion in overvalued assets and billions more in bribes?
No one in their right mind could question her goodness and yet she feels free to describe things as colorfully as possible.
The patent inadequacy (to put it mildly) of the current cease - fire in Lebanon, which was precisely what the world's most vocal Christian leaders had sought, is but the latest indication of all the reasons why no one in his right mind would go to them for counsel in these matters.
Any guy in his right mind wouldn't WANT more than one girlfriend or wife!
... i know your book says don't believe anything else before or after to protect its place in history, but just as you would read greek mythology and have incredulous thoughts about multigods ruling the earth water and the undergrounds, those who are not stuck on your wavelength, read your mythology and think how anyone in their right minds could ever fall for those idolatric stories... your belief in your creationist god is as unfathomable as an adult looking up the chimney and feeling the power of Santa Clause in them... does the power of Santa Clause compel you?
No politician in their right mind would risk going on national TV and announcing his death unless they were 100 % sure he was dead.
Yes, no intelligence agency in its right mind would create a cover story by having a few anti-American editorials appear in some local papers.
No one in their right mind would go to a doctor who could only fix his patients problems 20 % of the time.
It has no pertinence in the real world and no judge in their right mind would tell a person they are sinning.
No one in their right mind writes a spiritual memoir at 27.
there's no way anyone in their right mind would change their mind about voting over one issue like u mentioned.
I don't understand how anyone in their right mind can claim that Christians, Jews and Muslims do not worship the same God.
The picture of him after he was healed, «sitting there, clothed and in his right mind,» is so effective that the expression has become proverbial.
Let me begin by saying that no one in their right mind would believe that God's favor can be earned.
That you may see no reason why «anyone in their right mind» would want to read the book that does not preclude those reasons from existing.
But there is no - one in their right mind that would hire you to work for them, except for maybe a church!
Personally, I can't see how anybody in their right mind wouldn't... especially somebody that is using a computer and the internet to talk with people around the world.
Therefore, in my mind, there is NO REASON why anyone in their right mind would need to read Hornbacher's book, it would simply be a waste of time.
Why would any parent in their right mind put their child in a Catholic school?
He stresses that «nobody in their right mind would want to see in this country the kind of inhumanity that's sometimes been associated with the practice of the law in some Islamic states; the extreme punishments, the attitudes to women as well».
Why in God's name would anyone in their right mind steal a revered religious artifact that is worth nothing except to the faithful.
Whatever motivates her to believe in Him, as long as she believes in Him for that food, no on in their right mind would deny her faith.
I figured this out, they want to look fake and phony, some one that no person in their right mind would actually believe a word they said, for they are looking for people who are not in their right mind, the last thing they want in their congregation is intelligent people who might question what they are doing.
any person in the right mind realizes there are Muslim families that are «everyday American families»... but to impose their religion on others is dangerous... because the propaganda of the holy jihad is a threat to our countries security... and there is a big movement... that keeps recruiting and teaching the young...
I don't believe in evolution, because nothing in its right mind would want to evolve into a giant tree sloth.
They are monstrous people who treat the children placed in their care atrociously, but no one in their right mind would want the pages of Nicholas Nickleby purged of their existence.
Who in their right mind would want to spend eternity with fundamentalist Christians?
The story ends by saying that the man was left in his right mind.
No one in their right mind would believe that invisible unicorns exist so then why does an all powerful being make anymore sense?
A competent thief in his right mind will steal from any source except a church.
Why would persons in their right minds want to believe in the existence of such quasi-existents, or non-existents?
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