Sentences with phrase «in historical dates»

But it is inadequate, because - and here my Pentecostal heritage shows - the end of biblical study can not consist alone in historical dates or tentative judgments about complicated and conjectured literary origins.
(iv) In shaping the overall sentence, judges should remember that there is no obligation for the sentences to be expressed in historical date order.

Not exact matches

For 2011 - 12, the difference between the Estimates tabled to date and the June 2011 Budget projections for total expenses is $ 28.6 billion, an extremely large difference in historical terms.
There's not one exception in the historical record, which dates back to 1870.
Statements in any commentary that were not historical facts at the date of that commentary reflect our opinions, beliefs or expectations as of that date.
Though the 156,000 jobs added in August's labor market report fell short of the figure predicted in consensus forecasts, any disappointment was muted by the historical tendency of data in August to be adjusted at a later date, with the initial level of hiring revised higher in five of the last six years.
The Bible contains a lot of interesting stories, talks between people, between God (Jesus) and people, wisdom (proverbs), prophecy (revelation), words of salvation (the 4 gospels, the epistles), historical data, like dates, locations, names of people involved in the stories, parables, reports about miracles, Jesus did, songs, prayers, psalms etc...
The field has a time duration in terms of conventional historical dating which is roughly equivalent to the subsequent event.
«The argument against the authenticity of 2 Peter turns on three main problems: (1) problem of external attestation in the early church; (2) stylistic and literary problems with 1 Peter and Jude; and (3) historical and doctrinal problems that seem to indicate internal inconsistency and a late date.
[15] Paul L. Maier «The Date of the Nativity and Chronology of Jesus» in Chronos, kairos, Christos: nativity and chronological studies by Jerry Vardaman, Edwin M. Yamauchi 1989 ISBN 0 -931464-50-1 pages 113 - 129 [16] The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978 -0-8054-4365-3 page 114 ^ Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, I. Howard Marshall, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (InterVarsity Press, 1992), page 442 [17] The Historical Jesus in Recent Research edited by James D. G. Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1 -57506-100-7 page 303 [18] Who Is Jesus?
I mean, like trying to enjoy a book or a movie, and not allowing yourself to get caught up in the historical inaccuracies, dated props, and such?
It happens — at a particular date, in a particular place, followed by definable historical conseq uences.
Such authentic sayings, whose exact wording can not well be reconstructed, whose translation is uncertain, whose out - of - date thought patterns are obvious, are none the less more important historical sources for encountering Jesus» history and person than would be the chronological and psychological material the original quest sought in vain.
Although accurate historical dating can at times be of exegetical significance, the crucial interpretive task lies in determining the narrative function to which such texts have been assigned, rather than in supplying a reconstructed setting apart from its present literary (canonical) context.
In sum, I would argue that the crucial interpretive problem of 56:1 - 8 lies in carefully distinguishing between the literary (canonical) function of the text and historical reconstructions developed according to a prior diachronic interpretation of its setting, dating, and postexilic addresseIn sum, I would argue that the crucial interpretive problem of 56:1 - 8 lies in carefully distinguishing between the literary (canonical) function of the text and historical reconstructions developed according to a prior diachronic interpretation of its setting, dating, and postexilic addressein carefully distinguishing between the literary (canonical) function of the text and historical reconstructions developed according to a prior diachronic interpretation of its setting, dating, and postexilic addressee.
To be sure in the case of the revelation in Jesus Christ, to take the most important example, the time of salvation is intimately connected with an actual historical period and date.
The search for the real historical Jesus had failed up to that date because each scholar selected and interpreted the Gospel material in a way which fitted his own presuppositions.
The story placed the discovery of the empty tomb on the first day of the week almost certainly because of the tradition that Jesus «was raised to life on the third day».10 In Chapter 2 it has been argued that the phrase arose from theological traditions and not from an historical dating.
Seeming historical allusions have been variously identified with events in the history of the Middle East from the beginning of the Persian period down through the Maccabean Wars of the second century B.C. Happily, since the major thrust of Isaiah 24 - 27 is apocalyptic, the matter of date is not crucial.
If you set about measuring a complicated structure like the pyramid of Cheops, he says, you will soon have dozens of measurements to play with; and if you have the patience to juggle them about in various ways, you are bound to come out with many figures that coincide with important historical dates or with scientific calculations.
While absolute certainty is, of course, impossible at this late date, non-Mormon scholars are pretty well convinced that its basis was an historical novel by a one - time Presbyterian clergyman by the name of Spaulding, which he intended calling The Manuscript Found in the Wilds of Mormon or, Unearthed Records of the Nephites.
It happens - at a particular date, in a particular place, followed by definable historical consequences.
I refer to the latter's shape - shifting ability to make the familiar seem startlingly strange, books of the Holy Bible acquiring human (all too human) authors, ghostwriters, copy editors, places and dates of publication — everything, in short, but an ISBN number.But poststructuralism's powers of redescription exceed even those of historical criticism.
After many years of historical criticism, in which the interest was in dating the various pieces of biblical material, there came literary criticism, in order to establish the relationship between these pieces — in the New Testament especially with respect to the four gospels.
The nineteenth century saw the reality of the «historical facts» as consisting largely in names, places, dates, occurrences, sequences, causes, effects — things which fall far short of being the actuality of history, if one understands by history the distinctively human, creative, unique, purposeful, which distinguishes man from nature.
2 It is helpful to refer to the publication dates of Hauerwas» books listed at the end of Muray's article to get a sense of the historical development of his thought; although the important qualification must be added that Vision And Virtue was actually published first in 1974 and therefore, besides Character and the Christian Life (which Muray does not mention), was the first of his books.
Our traditional dating of the years thus rests upon quite late and unhistorical traditions, and in no sense does it mark a supposed significant event with historical accuracy.
Thus Luke's dates, and other clues in the New Testament, are not at all reliable, partly because they were written nearly a century after the event and partly because they were determined by religious interests rather than by a concern for historical accuracy.
There is meaning even in a doctrine of transmigration; but the doctrine that a man may be born with his second nature, a second nature involving a reference to a temporally dated historical fact, is a veritable non plus ultra of absurdity.
Today, more than a dozen historical properties dating as far back as the 1890s still exist and have been repurposed and reopened in Downtown Old Town Temecula.
In fact, this system has produced a winning record in every season dating back to 2004 i.e. the beginning of our historical databasIn fact, this system has produced a winning record in every season dating back to 2004 i.e. the beginning of our historical databasin every season dating back to 2004 i.e. the beginning of our historical database.
According to our historical database, Florida State has been a favorite of at least 3 - points in every game dating back to September 24, 2011 when they were 1.5 - point underdogs at Clemson.
In March, the advisory committee provided background information to the architects on the planning they have completed to date, including a list of identified amenities, a summary of community surveys, restoration and historical preservation information, and preliminary drawings and maps.
The emergence dates calculated by the model matched the historical records, strongly suggesting that global warming has driven the changes in emergence timing.
Historical records provided clear dates of manufacture for the museum specimens, and the new technique proved accurate enough to nail down their ages within a 50 - to 100 - year window, the team reports in the current issue of Analytical Chemistry.
The transition from Thomas Jefferson's belief that mammoths still roamed the Earth to international conventions on biodiversity protection is told in a brisk style, packing in facts, dates and historical insights without ever becoming ponderous.
The carbon in layers of algae from the bottom of a Japanese lake will help reveal the precise dates of historical climate change and human migrations
After developing the computational algorithms that predicted the historical order in which the senses of a word have emerged, the team tested these predictions against records of English over the past millennium using the Historical Thesaurus of English, a large database in which each of a word's many senses is marked for its date of emergence into thehistorical order in which the senses of a word have emerged, the team tested these predictions against records of English over the past millennium using the Historical Thesaurus of English, a large database in which each of a word's many senses is marked for its date of emergence into theHistorical Thesaurus of English, a large database in which each of a word's many senses is marked for its date of emergence into the language.
The researchers behind a new study in The Condor: Ornithological Applications analyzed samples from condor museum specimens dating back to the 1820s and found that the historical population was surprisingly diverse, but that a substantial amount of that diversity was lost in the last two centuries.
They presented historical examples of scientists helping to bring nations together dating back to the establishment of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, which was established in 1954 after World War II, and, more recently, SESAME, a major research project in the Middle East that involves scientists from nations still engaged in conflict.
The latter were deduced from spikes in sulphate contamination in ice cores taken from Greenland and Antarctica, while dating of the uprisings came from historical accounts.
The team deduced previously unknown volcanic eruptions from spikes in sulphate contamination in ice cores taken from Greenland and Antarctica, and dated the uprisings from historical accounts.
(Official weather records in Greenland only date to 1958, and historical records indicate that on June 23, 1915, the temperature may have reached 86 degrees (30.1 C) in Ivigtut.)
Annual variations in visible dust layers, oxygen isotopes, microparticle concentrations, conductivity, and identification of the historical (A.D. 1600) Huaynaputina ash permit accurate dating and time - scale verification.
Documented historical use of honey dates back thousands of years to Ancient Egypt and honey's medicinal properties for wounds are documented in ancient Chinese medicine, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and in the Bible.
Historical accounts of Black Seed use date back as far as the times of King Tut in Ancient Egypt.
The first mention of raspberries in literature or historical records was found in an English book based on herbal medicine that was dated in 1548.
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