Sentences with phrase «in history class»

I guess my love for historic places ties hand in hand with my love for all things vintage, which is strange as i never did pay much attention in history class.
I know there are a lot of things I was taught in history class as a young child that the school «left out» very important facts.
I think I learned in history class that the majority of humans used to believe that the world was flat... be careful of what the majority believes, sometimes they are wrong.
So I collaborated with math teachers to develop ways for me to help the students in my history class use and review the concepts they're learning in math class.
I guess your half a brain wasn't in history class that day.
He was asked to comment on civil rights in a history class in which he's the only black student.
But I'm positive it will be viewed in history classes for years to come.
The truth: I was a freshman in high school and I wanted to keep my options open, including the option to date the cute guy in my history class.
This is a movie that could be show in history classes to show the students this integral moment in history.
Three weeks into the year, I gave a geography quiz in my history class.
So how does the six - word memoir make sense in a history class?
I learned about the fluid nature of French politics in the early 1800s in history class, but I'd never thought about what it meant for the average citizen.
These objects will make you think twice about what you learned in history class.
«Each year I tell the students in my history classes that they will eventually grow up and forget all the details of what I'm telling them,» he says.
After reading your letter, it reminds me of the time in history class when we discussed the strange fascination people from your time had with computer models that were simply unable to really understand what was happening with the climate.
Attends parent / teacher conferences to speak with parents about how well their children do in their history classes
Let it be clear in all our teaching and preaching about the Catholic School, that we are not asking for them to «keep the children safe» from other faiths, nor to be sure that they will always hear a Catholic rejoinder in the history class.
No... I actually began questioning Christianity and all religions when I was in elementary school and in history class while learning about the greek gods and their myths thought «Well... let's see... these people really believed in these gods and those stories... thought they really happened... but there was no evidence they did and we all know they're not real now... so what's different between that and Christianity and other religions?»
People need to stop falling asleep in history class, Chrisitanity only produces wars in government and more ancient armies were gay.
if anything religion should be taught in history class because it has had such a large impact on human civilization.
So a student can, in math class, be really perseverant and really stick with problems and, you know, in the same day in history class, they don't persevere at all.
«Dialing a phone will be a concept learned only in history classes.
«I want to get buff so this hot woman in History class will date me».
I immediately identified with the film's protagonist, solid A student Leigh Ann Watson (Katie Holmes), who, in an early scene, presents a much - worked - on project in her history class, only to have her presentation abruptly cut short by vicious barbs hurled by the class's instructor, Mrs. Eve Tingle (Helen Mirren).
After all, we were being brainwashed in history class to believe that the indigenous tribes deserved to be pushed off their land by any means necessary, since they were «standing in the way of progress.»
Better Off Dead, an early John Cusack movie, paints itself into a world that we might have conjured up, daydreaming in history class.
«People used catapults up until World War I — which the kids were studying in their history class — when it was a tool for trench warfare.»
While calculus or physics might not have much relationship to demographics of the students, clearly the choice of texts to read in a history class, or a literature or sociology or urban studies class, might evolve over time to reflect changing demographics.
For example, as students study the Korean and Vietnam Wars in history class, a teacher will have them review the causes of the previous wars they have studied that year to find points of intersection and departure.
Design thinking methodology could be the perfect way to tackle specific classroom issues such as student memory lapses in history class, boredom with routine exercises in mathematics, or apathy in physical education.
And those multiple viewpoints may help engage students who might feel otherwise unrepresented in a history class, such as females and students of color.
«We're doing more reading in my physics class and we're doing more analysis in my history class,» says Maddi, a senior.
Back at Sturgis — where 12 percent of students are from disadvantaged backgrounds and 11 percent have learning disabilities — students are considering the creation of the national bank from different perspectives in history class, analyzing E. B. White's essays in English class, developing environmental impact assessments in science class, and reflecting on how they know what they know in theory of knowledge class.
An example of a Close Reading lesson would be reading a primary source document in a history class and later answering short - answer questions.
A student was stabbed and killed in history class in a New York school where teachers reported a dramatic drop in discipline.
As someone who'd always struggled in history class (all those names and dates to memorize) I'd never imagined that my first novel would be HF.
Started as a tutor who worked with students independently to improve their performance in history classes
But — ultimately — it's a win / lose kind of issue, because one person will get those sleepy nights, putting your kid to bed — the hanging out — with him doing homework, and you chopping veggies for salad — the watching tv together — even the hectic mornings, rushing around getting breakfast, showered, dressed — when you hear those random questions about life, when you hear about her dream, when he tells you what happened in history class.
When students design their own projects, do their own research, and make in their history classes, they use material from all disciplines, and employ a wide range of skills.
Seriously, CNN, a little more fact checking by someone who paid attention in history class is called for in these articles.
Kermit... well, it is pretty obvious that the secular law can be changed to conform to the religious nuts, so again, why is the bible not taught in history classes?
RH: Last fall, a student from one of your schools was charged with manslaughter for stabbing another student in history class, while two teachers allegedly did nothing.
«So many times in history classes, great emphasis is put on learning dates and places of important events, but many times we lose the personal side of what happened,» teacher Mike Winters told Education World.
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