Sentences with phrase «in humans living»

See the article The Important Role of Nutritional Magnesium and Calcium Balance in Humans Living with Stress for more detail.
... In these studies, an increase in mean or maximal lifespan is reported, relative to short - lived controls, and claimed to be informative about the universal, degenerative aging process and the prospects for extending healthy life in humans living in the developed world.
This extends to the spread of disease in humans living in an increasingly crowded and connected world.
The first of those is the cost of the change in human lives.
Apparently, it's possible to analogize a business startup to nearly every stage in the human life cycle: There's an article «Starting A Business Is Like Asking Out A Girl For The First Time» and a line in another post declares, «Starting a business is like falling in love.»
«I can see no cosmic or ultimate meaning in human life
Everything in human life is subject to change, to qualification, to loss: «What profit have we from all the toil which we toil at under the sun?»
Your question is obviously biased towards there being more than 3 basic events in a human life; birth, life, death.
He criticizes textualism (a mode of judicial interpretation) by citing the author's attempt to «show how lawmakers are engaged in the creative work of ensuring that natural law... is given effect in our human living
The great tragedy in human life is that after experiencing the great love and mercies of God we become indifferent to God.
It has been an attempt to suggest that the Western novel is haunted by the story of Jesus, in the sense that like the hiddenness of God in that human life, the image of human life in the Western novel is one in which human beings grapple with the transcendent through the inexorable limitations of historical existence.
It is the manifestation of the divine in a human life.
One can still find this emphasis on divine immanence in writers formed by Pentecostalism like James Baldwin, who equated it with the outworking of love in human life.
It is not possible now to say whether or not the value of community will exert a more powerful persuasion in human life than other seemingly opposed values.
In face of this strictly «pagan» materialism and naturalism it becomes a pressing duty to remind ourselves once again that, if the laws of biogenesis of their nature suppose and effectively bring about an economic improvement in human living - conditions, it is not any question of well - being, it is solely a thirst for greater being that by psychological necessity can save the thinking world from the taedium vitae.
They have been led by experience to conclude that the only power in human life able to counterbalance the dark and divisive faiths of our time is a still stronger faith, a faith concerned with Reality rather than human wishes.
It is his personal disclosure in human life which establishes our knowledge of him and of ourselves.
The supernatural element in human life, whether it comes to us through conscience as human beings or through the Spirit as believers, is not to be located externally in the world of nature and social institutions (as for Taylor and MacIntyre), nor internally (as for the Romantics), but in the interaction of the individual with his world.
I offer five assertions about the place of sexuality in human life.
He recognized that the tendency, especially among Christian thinkers of the past, has been to deny these factors in human life.
Here, then, is special providence, par excellence; and it is special not by its being removed from all relationship to God's more general providence in ordering, controlling, and caring for nature and history and the lives of men, but by the heightening and focussing in that one moment in history or in human life of what God everywhere and always is «up to.»
For others, the gospel is the assurance of meaning and purpose in human life and action.
But we could too easily replace this shallowness by another, cruel as sentimental attitudes inevitably are, which leaves out of account the presence in human life of the sheerly irrevocable, of that which has been done, and it is now too late to undo, of the damage inflicted on others that can not be put right and that no interpretation can possible render edifying.
There is a reflection of the incarnation of the «Word» in all human living.
To participate in the being of Jesus is to be free, and thus transcendence is experienced in human life as liberation.
The glory of God is seen in human life when we are being what we were created to be.
The basic measure of value, he asserted, is qualitative meaning in human life.
Religious inquiry seeks to know what operates in human life here and now to save from stagnation, perversion, and destruction, and to transform toward the best to be attained.
For here it is a matter of the application of the ultimate fundamental attitudes and doctrines of the Gospel to the unimaginable multiplicity of situations in human life which, moreover, are involved in a perpetual historical flux and change.
My graduate studies had sparked my interest in human life as a relational matrix in which God is born.
There is no doubt that some decisions in human life can not wholly be made available to explicit reflection as regards their moral significance.
Christians often argue that, as in human life the most adequate form of communication is by personal meeting rather than the written word, so God's fullest revelation also needed to be a human life.
Thus far we have been speaking of God as most intimately involved in human life.
Moreover, it has almost changed its nature today because in human life it has widened so enormously, whereas the Church, being simply the teacher of the universal natural law and of apostolic tradition, can not do more than proclaim general principles.
Value is related to change as a kind of dynamic element or tension in human life.
Here in Christ is a focal manifestation in human life of God the creative reality, a manifestation in terms of action — and that action is on our human plane and in our human situation, speaking to our human condition.
Religion in human life is the voice which expresses that image of God in us.
Jesus is the logos not as some cosmic abstract principle, but in his human life as Israel's Messiah and as the one who brings the proper relationship of the creature to the Creator.
Are they really intent on proving that there is no point in human life?
An irreverent spirituality insists that all aspects of a religion — all forms of prayer, devotion and ascetical practices — must be judged as means to prepare one to listen and to ask the hard questions of God's existence, God's qualities, God's presence in human life.
In human life such breadth and intensity are the root dimensions of value experiences.
Sin is an ugly word that many persons do not like to speak, but it symbolizes a persistent tendency in human life.
Yet another suggestion of the total image concerns the way in which living and non-living realities are to be joined in human life and for human salvation.
He quotes Whitehead, for example, in support of the thesis that God participates actively in human life and that we human beings in turn contribute to the Trinitarian life of God (CG 255).
As a fusion of physical and conceptual feelings, religious experience represents an emergent factor in human life.
Not in my lifetime, not in yours, and not in any human life that will ever come after we die, will that ever happen.
People who lay claim to the word Christian should be those who are affirming uniqueness in every human life so that all of us human beings may eventually discover that we are all chosen people.
And when women, dancing Sarah's circle, affirm the importance of relationships in human life, they are doing more than reflecting women's psychology; they are showing all Christians what it means to be created in God's image.
In every human life made in the image of God, however defaced by sin that image may be, the Word is present and active as the ground and linking of humanity with God (spermatikos).
Yet even in its crude and cruel forms religion has been doing humanity this service: it has kept alive the consciousness of something in human life which must not be violated.
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