Sentences with phrase «in immediate»

In his terms, when we are not grossly deceived, we are having physical feelings or prehensions of the events in the immediate past in the region of space where we locate the patches of color.
Their individual characters, emotionally felt and woven together, form the vital harmony, which is God in his immediate concreteness.
The real interest centers in the immediate, current scene, and past relationships or past events are of only incidental interest.
Briefly, we think getting to know our neighbors (especially those who live nearby, but also those who do not live in our immediate neighborhood) can work at most anytime in our lives.
Drawing on this Pauline thought and vocabulary in the immediate post-apostolic era St. Irenaeus wrote: «Christ recapitulates in himself the orders of the flesh and the spirit.»
His hypothesis is that, in addition to the past actual world, there are also possibilities not realized by that world and yet relevant to the occasion of experience as it constitutes itself in the immediate present.
But it is misguided from the start when Whitehead, because of a hypothetical and procedural assumption, reduces to the concept of multiplicity that which manifests itself, both in immediate relationships and in self - consciousness, as a primordial unity.
That seems likely to remain the case in the immediate future, even though the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision permits state legislatures to enact some modest regulation of abortion practice.
Because there were no high schools in the immediate vicinity of our home village, at age 12 I was sent away to a government boarding school.
This is because they believe that what is given in immediate experience is absolutely certain, and any mode of «knowledge» which departs at all from such immediacy (for instance, an inference from experience) is to some degree doubtful.
This was notoriously evident in the immediate reaction to Humanae Vitae twenty - five years ago when, as is now well known, numerous theologians publicly declared their dissent without having even read the document from which they were presumably dissenting.
I don't see the disease going away any time in the immediate future.
The other variable has to do with the response of the concrescing occasion to this aim at its satisfaction by the occasion in its immediate past.
The presence of the word «Spirit» in one of these passages and in the immediate context of the other suggests the only resolution of this contradiction, if any resolution is possible.
What he is concerned to show Is that since an actual occasion in even the immediate past of a concrescing occasion which it has influenced has already arrived at its term or satisfaction, and hence is no longer concrescing, in principle it makes no difference whether its prehensive objectification in the newly concrescing occasion originates in the immediate or the remote past.
Consequently, just as an actual occasion in the immediate past influences a newly concrescing occasion through its aim at fulfillment for it, God likewise influences individual persons through the particular propositions or aims at fulfillment which he entertains for them in each moment of experience (PPCT 386f.).
You draw your own conclusions on the strength of a fresh, contemplative reading of the four Songs in immediate sequence.
nobody in my immediate family considers themselves catholic anymore.
Origin in immediate intuition; origin in pontifical authority; origin in supernatural revelation, as by vision, hearing, or unaccountable impression; origin in direct possession by a higher spirit, expressing itself in prophecy and warning; origin in automatic utterance generally — these origins have been stock warrants for the truth of one opinion after another which we find represented in religious history.
It does not look to the future; for it finds its own reward in the immediate present.
The adjective «social» refers not just to work done in immediate cooperation with others.
This understanding of the word not only makes more sense in the immediate context, but also fits with the broader context of Scripture.
This somewhat optimistic prediction of things to come may not seem helpful for the here and now, because we live in an era of fear, anxiety, and worry, and our question and our text is how can we adapt now and in the immediate future to this rapid rate of social change.
The soul is, then, in immediate contact with some occasions of experience in the brain and with the mental poles of the experiences of other souls.
All you need to become a poverty elitist is a little more experience with poverty than the people in your immediate vicinity.
He wrote, «We — as enduring objects with personal order — objectify the occasions of our own past with peculiar completeness in our immediate present.»
And Judaism through the remaining pre-Christian centuries, even when the state became strong in Palestine, lived in immediate contact with self - confident heathenism.
These do not yet, therefore stand in immediate and proximate potency to actuation by the spiritual soul.
There were certain great, privileged individuals, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, to whom God spoke in an immediate fashion in days of long ago.
This is not to charge the exponents of this position with lack of love for other persons, for they often demonstrate a sense of urgency not only to win others to Christ but to be very helpful in immediate personal situations.
There is no statement in the immediate context about a second coming of Jesus.
Failing to discover claims of enduring worth upon them, they seek refuge in immediate sense gratification.
The fact that a crucial discontinuity exists between the purely animated envelope of the Earth and its thinking envelope (i.e. between the Biosphere and the Noosphere), which is manifest in the fundamentally different proceedings of Life on either side of this gap between the two layers, naturally does not mean that the Human sprang into existence among the Living in an immediate state of completeness.
In its immediate context it is clear that Jesus is referring to the overthrow of Satan by himself.
Their former emotional or feeling characters are more or less conformally repeated in the immediate occasion, modified only by the relevant, novel potentials of character aimed at by the subject (PR 162/246).
Christian focuses his attention on the simplest case in which one actual entity prehends only one other actual entity in its immediate past by a simple physical feeling.
Their individual characters, emotionally felt and woven together, form the vital harmony, which is God in his immediate concreteness (PR 345/524).
All material things, whether natural or artificial, are holistic unities because they are in an immediate founding relationship with a mind.
«Such options are often neither optimum nor necessarily rights - enhancing, but represent perceptions of what would minimize encroachments and maximize survival whether in the immediate or long run.»
Perhaps it also indicates how absorbed we are in our immediate context, which causes us to think in terms of decline and uncertainty rather than growth.
One answer might be that the experiencing of values first in temporal sequence and then in immediate togetherness adds to the richness of the values experienced.
In its immediate dimension, the resurrection of the body is the soul's act.
D'Angelo had originally planned on releasing the album in early 2015, but he wisely recognized the vitality of his message in the immediate aftermath of the Ferguson protests.
One repeated theme, both of the many vox pop interviews we all sat through in the immediate aftermath of the August...
There are the questions of value in the immediate present and value in the future, the value of my experiences and the value of others.
Not in the way that he had been, but in a real way, in an immediate way, in the constantly forming community of believers reflecting the oneness of Jesus with the Father in their own relationship with Christ.
In the immediate wake of Stewart's announcement, Jessica Williams was the name that got thrown around the most.
That would come as surprising news to the one million strong believers who came to celebrate their faith with Benedict in Milan recently, in the immediate aftermath of the scandals, in a dynamic expression of solidarity.
There remains a powerful tension between what man knows himself to be in his immediate givenness to himself and what he is taught conceptually about himself.
You may recall that in the immediate post-war period, evangelism in the mainline churches could be described as «institutional» evangelism.
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