Sentences with phrase «in immune system function»

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient well known for its vital role in immune system function.
Unfortunately, because of changes in immune system functioning, many of these microorganisms are overwhelmed by other bacteria that bring disease.
Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient well known for its vital role in immune system function.
To measure the differences in immune system function between the two groups of older mice, the researchers examined the lungs to assess damage, counted the number of bacteria in the lungs, and calculated the number of the white blood cells (neutrophils).
However, research on laboratory mice documents changes in immune system function with pinworm infestation, so a finding of pinworms along with diarrhea, weight loss, unthriftiness or other illness merits treatment.
Probiotics are exceptional when it comes to improving the number of colonies of beneficial bacteria in the dog's gut to effect enhancements not only in the dog's digestion but also in its immune system functioning.
In fact, James Pennebaker, PhD., a psychologist and researcher, has conducted studies that show enhancement in immune system functioning and emotional wellbeing when research participants write about difficult or traumatic events in their lives.
These bacteria play a major role in immune system function and global wellness.
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