Sentences with phrase «in increasing amounts»

In addition, it also helps the conversion of glucose into glycogen, thus increasing its presence in your muscle cells, which results in increased amount of water.
The growing demand for affordable, high quality food has resulted in increasing amounts of employment opportunities for candidates who display the correct characteristics and skills for the job criteria.
These chemicals may mimic or interfere with the normal hormones in the body and they are being found in increasing amounts in the water supply.
Buy a bag of high - quality dry food and make the transition, mixing in increasing amounts of dry while using up the last of the canned food.
If this is the case, introduce the new food slowly by mixing in increasing amounts with some of his old food.
In this case, if your cat has been on all dry food, or only receives canned food as an occasional «treat», start by feeding canned food in increasing amounts.
Unfortunately, debt can not be issued in increasing amounts to eternity.
Moms often find that hand expression is helpful in increasing the amount expressed after pumping.
When you are outside, you are breathing in an increased amount of oxygen.
Trading is one of the few professions where trying too hard and putting in increasing amounts of time and energy can work against you.
Basically you add a bit of raw food to the dog's meals each day, in increasing amounts while decreasing the kibble.
A pregnant female approaching labor should be given the same usual food, just in increased amount or frequency.
Costs to students will be bought down in increasing amounts over time as administrators find ways to pay for tuition by cutting costs and raising money.
This is due to the fact that the money back benefits are paid out in increasing amounts once the policy has completed three years from inception.
Mix in increasing amounts of the adult food with the puppy food over the course of a week while decreasing the amount of puppy food.
Other fluids should be recommended that are frequently given to children in the area, that mothers consider acceptable for children with diarrhoea, and that mothers would be likely to give in increased amounts when advised to do so.
Jill, parent of student Jack at Swanwick Hall, describes the struggles her son faced in carrying out «daunting» new responsibilities such as following timetables and moving from class to class, which caused Jack to exhibit behavioural problems and get in increasing amounts of trouble.
The opiate - like peptide beta - endorphin and adrenocorticotropin are concomitantly secreted in increased amounts by the adenohypophysis in response to acute stress or long - term adrenalectomy as well as in vitro in response to purified corticotropin releasing factor and other secretagogues.
Eat Natural founder Praveen Vijh says: «Consumer trends tell us that people are interested in increasing the amount of natural proteins in their diets — particularly if they enjoy a gently active lifestyle such as jogging, walking, rambling etc..
However, the 29 - year old Serb has brought a calmness and stability to Manchester United which has played a significant role in the increased amount of control that they have had at Old Trafford contributing to a strong run of results at home.
As soon as children are rehydrated, they should be given their usual diet again, possibly in increased amounts.
Landing pages have been shown to be extremely effective in increasing the amount of user engagement on the page (liking, commenting, sharing, going to other pages, etc.) Oh well — under the new layout, landing pages will be no more.
They point out that recent campaign filings show that candidates are taking in increasing amounts of campaign cash through the LLC loophole that allows corporations to flout donation limits by the creation of multiple LLCs.
Hexachlorobenzene and PCBs, the chemicals detected in increasing amounts in Norway and Canada, evaporate more easily than many other POPs, and are harder to dissolve in water.
This tendency becomes apparent not only in the increasing amount of research that is funded by the European Commission but also in the setup of bi - and multilateral collaborations, the stimulation of international exchange of scientists, and the creation of European networks.
Previous studies have identified particular bacteria present in increased amounts in the guts of MS patients.
They found that the turkeys were gobbling crops cultivated by humans such as corn in increasing amounts, particularly in the centuries leading up to Spanish exploration, implying more intensive farming of the birds.
«This «massage» method proved to be at least as effective as a third brushing in increasing the amount of fluoride in the mouth,» Anna Nordström explains.
Many men and women with adrenal fatigue drink coffee in increasing amounts, or other caffeinated or carbonated beverages throughout the day just to stay pepped up and awake.
The family integrated nutrient dense foods like fermented cod liver oil with butter oil, Pure Synergy, desiccated liver, ghee, sprouted nut butters, and gelatin into their diets a few years prior to and in increased amounts during pregnancy.
Though it's unlikely to cause a major shift any time soon, the release of the film Snowpiercer, actually marks a the start of a huge new trend sure to appear in increasing amounts in 2015 and beyond.
According to information from the American Bankers Association, credit card debts have reached their lowest levels in over a decade, with Americans paying off their balances in increasing amounts per month.
The top priority is lactation and puppy growth, and she will deplete her body reserves at the expense of her own health for that purpose, therefore, all nutrients are needed in increased amounts.
Changing to Zeal ® Soft Dry Dog Food should be done gradually, mixing in with your dog's current food type in increasing amounts for the first week.
One of the reasons the Parrish has a treasure trove of artworks to mount exhibitions is the generosity of artists, collectors and artist estates who have been donating works in increasing amounts.
If, as seems likely, the arctic sea ice loss worsens in coming summers, we will get rain in increasing amounts on increasingly large areas of Greenland.
Increased bad weather with larger, more intense storms, and CO2 venting in every increasing amounts upwards, ever upwards, to that ceiling in the sky.
Global average air temperatures have increased relatively slowly since a high point in 1998 caused by the ocean phenomenon El Niño, but observations show that heat is continuing to be trapped in increasing amounts by greenhouse gases, with over 90 % disappearing into the oceans.
On Final Appeal In front of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, the plaintiff made essentially the same arguments as below and convinced the court that the trial judge was proper in increasing the amount of the damages award.
With Spotify Connect being included in an increasing amount of speakers, Tidal users were starting to feel slightly left out when it came to getting their music streaming to speakers around the house.
How many can a CREA CEO last with Millions of dollars being siphoned away from his stock holders in increasing amounts year after year.
This is jaundice and is caused by a normal breakdown of old red blood cells resulting in an increased amount of bilirubin.
B vitamins are often given in increased amounts to these pets as appetite stimulants.
When making the switch to adult food, do it slowly over the course of one to two weeks by gradually mixing in increasing amounts of the adult food with decreasing amounts of her puppy food to minimize gastric upset.
In 2014, colleagues of Leedham Elvidge's at the University of East Anglia warned that three CFCs supposedly banned under the protocol were turning up in increasing amounts in the clean air blowing round the Southern Ocean and captured at Cape Grim in Tasmania.
and how about nasa's recent report of the apparent arctic ocean gyre reversal to clockwise that is underway — that the counterclockwise gyre of the arctic ocean rotation (since 1989) which apparently also been largely responsible for centrifigally pushing arctic ice into warmer waters, speeding melting — should now predictably result in increasing amounts of ice due to the centripetal pull of the ice toward the north pole?
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