Sentences with phrase «in joint custody situations»

[FN176] In that event, the District can get some guidance in approaching this issue by looking to what other jurisdictions have done to maintain AFDC benefits in joint custody situations.
As the terms imply, in joint custody situations, parents share responsibilities for the child.
Father involvement hasn't been shown to have effect to correct the statistics in joint custody situations post-divorce, no matter how high that involvement (in fact, the reverse has been correlated.)
Children in joint custody situations did no better than those in sole custody, indicating that parents must be reasonably psychologically healthy for shared parenting to benefit children.
Contrary to the posturing in the last sentence of the pro-joint custody advocates, above, children in the more optimal joint custody situations (the ones that endured) did no better than those in sole custody (a group which commenced containing the most problematic cases and also which accrued those thoroughly impossible joint custody situations that failed), and so, if all ended up «no different,» then those who remained in their joint custody situations were unnecessarily worse off than they had to have been.
Fact: Fewer child support awards are ordered in joint physical custody cases; there is a greater income differential between fathers» households and mothers» households post-divorce in joint custody situations than in sole custody situations; and fathers with joint custody are more likely to have higher incomes relative to their ex-wives than fathers in situations of maternal custody.
In joint custody situations, support may not be ordered at all if the parents have similar incomes and spend an equal amount of time with the child.
In joint custody situations, both parents make major decisions about a minor child's education, health care and religion.
In joint custody situations, the judge could order the sale of the house and require both spouses and children to relocate.
Further, in a joint custody situation, the Courts will often designate one parent the «primary residential» parent.
This is the parent whom the child or children live with the majority the amount of time in a joint custody situation.
For example, in a joint custody situation, a child might spend holidays, occasional weekends and summers with one parent and all weekdays during the school year with the other parent.

Not exact matches

Knowing who claims the child on taxes with joint custody in effect might be a bit more confusing than sole - custody situations.
Like all good dads in a divorce situation, you want what's best for your children, so you decide to try the joint custody route.
While the courts in Iowa do lean toward joint custody or an arrangement that allows generous visitation, there are situations where the court will award sole custody to one parent.
Consequently, we believe that joint custody is, as both parties have asserted, untenable in this situation.
Another potentially problematic situation is when a couple marries after the birth of a child, as in one New York case when the court denied a nonbiological, married but not adoptive mother's petition for joint custody.
In child custody situations, «joint custody» usually refers to one of two possible scenarios: joint legal and physical custody, or joint legal custody.
In most situations, joint physical custody will only be awarded when the parents of the child plan on living relatively close to each other.
However, in a true joint custody situation, both parents split parenting time equally.
Joint custody can be vague in some situations.
Joint and sole custody can be applied in both situations, meaning that these responsibilities can either be split between co-parents or given to only one co-parent.
Because both parents can created a situation of absolute deadlock where joint custody has been awarded, each situation that results in an impasse requires the intervention of the Family Courts.
Joint legal custody of children is normally inappropriate in parallel parenting situations.
In a joint custody arrangement, both parents have the authority and must agree on major decisions relating to their child whereas in a sole custody situation, only one parent has such decision making authoritIn a joint custody arrangement, both parents have the authority and must agree on major decisions relating to their child whereas in a sole custody situation, only one parent has such decision making authoritin a sole custody situation, only one parent has such decision making authority.
We have exempted from the business associate requirement certain situations in which the law has created joint uses or custody over health information, such as when law requires another government agency to determine the eligibility for enrollment in a covered health plan.
Joint Legal Custody: In a situation of joint legal custody, both parents have a say in decisions that impact the cJoint Legal Custody: In a situation of joint legal custody, both parents have a say in decisions that impact theCustody: In a situation of joint legal custody, both parents have a say in decisions that impact the chilIn a situation of joint legal custody, both parents have a say in decisions that impact the cjoint legal custody, both parents have a say in decisions that impact thecustody, both parents have a say in decisions that impact the chilin decisions that impact the child.
Joint and sole custody can be applied in both situations, meaning that these responsibilities can either be split between co-parents or given to only one co-parent.
Changing joint legal custody usually involves proving that your ex doesn't contribute to decision making, even though he has the right to do so, or that his decisions place your children in dangerous situations.
Typically, courts order joint physical care in situations in which the court also orders joint custody.
In most joint custody situations, one parent is designated as the primary residential parent.
In many, if not most, situations, joint custody is preferred since both parents share the rights and responsibility of raising the child.
Contrarily, joint custody or shared custody of a child is a situation in which both parents separately have parental custody of the child, but each take turns being the custodian of the child.
Wallerstein: I can only conclude that joint custody as a legal presumption for all children is a misguided policy... children, especially girls, do very poorly in court ordered joint custody situations.
I grew up in a situation where my parents divorced when I was very young and they had joint custody of me.
My best friend throughout my childhood was in a similar situation where her parents divorced when she was very young, and they wanted joint custody.
In such situations, the father generally must prove his parental rights if the mother contests them, in order to be entitled to a joint custody arrangemenIn such situations, the father generally must prove his parental rights if the mother contests them, in order to be entitled to a joint custody arrangemenin order to be entitled to a joint custody arrangement.
That's where an experienced divorce mediator can help by providing you with sample parenting plans and worksheets to help you determine if joint custody or some other arrangement is practical in your particular situation.
Joint custody may not, however, always be feasible in situations where the welfare of the child is jeopardized with one of the parents.
By developing a parenting plan with your children in mind, you can determine if joint custody or some other form of custody is practical in your particular situation.
In joint physical custody situations, the child usually spends marginally more time with one parent, referred to as the «primary custodial parent.»
In a joint legal custody situation, neither parent can override the other.
Split custody, also referred to as joint custody or shared custody, is a legal term used to describe a situation in which multiple individuals have legal rights to a child.
Fact: «Research indicates that joint physical custody and frequent child - nonresidential parent contact have adverse consequences for children in high - conflict situations.
It is designed to improve the quality of the parental relationship in situations of joint custody, separate maintenance, change of custody, and paternity.
«Having found that [defendant] father and son relationship has been damaged by the alienation of the child toward the defendant, the next logical step is to determine what the court must do to correct the situation... «[Father's motion to modify from joint custody to sole legal custody in his favor, granted; prohibitions of various alienating behaviors on the part of mother and her family; restrictions on mother's attendance at doctor visits and parent - teacher conferences.
In child custody situations, «joint custody» usually refers to one of two possible scenarios: joint legal and physical custody, or joint legal custody.
Every situation is different, so it is possible that parents may be in an arrangement where both parents have joint legal custody, and only one parent is granted sole physical custody (or vice versa).
In situations of joint physical custody it is not unusual for the parents to share all expenses related to child ‑ rearing.
Thus joint custody does appear to protect children from the complete loss of a parent, even in high conflict situations.
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