Sentences with phrase «in kind of»

I left Methodism upon graduation from high school, concluding that while the community had nurtured me all my life, I could not accept all of the teachings in any kind of literal way.
Often times, if they were fighting in grass, the grass would maybe have some dew on it if the battle was going on in the morning, or it would be wet from rain if they were fighting in the rain, or — as frequently happened in this kind of battle, the ground would become slick with blood.
In the hierarchy of being, this assumes, there is a direct relation between the kind of power present in any kind of being, and the value or degree of perfection present at that level.
In America, for the first time, Christianity and democratic self - government launched themselves together in a kind of double - stranded helix spiraling through time.
I, like most other persons who attempt to engage in some kind of ojbective reasoning process, have great doubt about the «mystical» elements of all religion.
Even if you don't specifically believe in God or go to church every sunday, there is nothing wrong in believing in some kind of «greater being» that you can rely on and that will guide you down the right path.
Ethics are the rules which we create to live together in some kind of harmony.
Our leaders and founders aren't worshiped or venerated or held in any kind of esteem — what kind of enlightened fellow would do that?
Rather, he chose to speak his eternal word this way, in historically particular circumstances in every kind of literary genre.
The same theory suggests that particles can flit in and out of existence in a kind of formless matter, even in empty space.
This is not to exclude inspiration and revelation from the task, but this part of the prophetic function, the speech of invective, certainly does not have its origin in any kind of ecstasy.
For me, it has made me pro-choice, because I would never want people in that kind of situation to be without the option my parents had.
I think that's really helpful in this kind of conversation.
In this kind of theodicy Gethesemane, the cross, and the resurrection are important foci for understanding the depths of God's love, who, in creating an unimaginatively complex matrix of matter eventuating finally in persons able to choose to go against God's intentions, nonetheless grieves for and suffers with this beloved creation, both in the pain its natural course brings all its creatures and in the evil that its human creatures inflict upon it.
So my journey to calling myself a feminist and standing up for women is sort of roundabout — all of the reading of feminist theory came afterward, and I started in a kind of funky place (Adrienne Rich isn't necessarily the best introduction).
LOL wow you really do fail massively in any kind of intelligent conversation.
But is this not our age - old desire to possess God, to capture God in some kind of man - made cage (or statue, or book) to guarantee our security?
The crucial issue is identified in «the question as to the continuity of the gospel in the discontinuity of the times and the variation of the kerygma», i.e. whether the proclamation of the exalted Lord through the Church is in some kind of recognizable continuity with the preaching of the historical Jesus, and consequently whether the exalted Lord is in continuity with Jesus of Nazareth.
But life in this kind of bubble is soul - killing.
We are very much interested in the kind of person he was, in whom all generations of Christians have seen a revelation of God.
Suppose, in a kind of contented abstinence, we were to refrain from trying to understand more of the landscape before us than the landscape cared to display for us, that we were willing to follow the bend of bough and straggle of gravel and tilt of pole wherever the bend and the straggle and the tilt chanced to take us, that we concerned ourselves not with pattern or profit or even pleasure but merely with watching like a token sentinel in safe country, that we gave our eyes a quiet carte blanche and permitted our minds to play at liberty over the face of an untouched terrain?
blind rage... I grew up in that kind of environment... but no excuse to do it)... I admire people that never have a moment of rage....
I disagree, I think that Evangelical can live in any kind of America that they want to.
These were customarily cast in a kind of «motherhood» language that made them very hard for nice people to resist.
I'm not Catholic so I really don't have a say on who should or shouldn't serve in that kind of role.
Stripped of any belief in the kind of higher consolation that makes sense of life's inevitable injustices and humdrum frustrations, the demands that people place on the political system «become as infinite as the infinity they have lost.»
I certainly wouldn't want one of my daughters or anyone else to be in this kind of situation.»
Try to discern where you land and consider how growing in this kind of self - awareness might help you in your life and ministry.
There are the comments that every preacher has heard that communicate in a kind of code.
SNAP gives every appearance of having a relationship with a number of lawyers involved in this kind of litigation.
In this kind of situation, I would encourage you to go to the Psalms.
I felt like i was always in some kind of trouble.
They met in kind of a schoolroom that they had to set up every week.
I have never understood why so many people think it is necessary to believe in some kind of supernatural mumbo jumbo in order to live a moral life.
They all believed in some kind of God.
Then why has this CHRISTIAN nation has led the world in every kind of technological endeavor?
It is a joke to offer any kind of degree in any kind of theological study.
Since cattle require a wide expanse of this barren land in order to be profitable, the colonists indiscriminately cleared forests in every kind of climate, topography, and soil.
Confession can be an acknowledgement of guilt or an exercise in self - justification, the difference being that the latter usually results in a compulsive need to repeat the story over and over in a kind of morose delectation not far removed from today's «tell - all» talk shows.
There is no love in this kind of «charity».
We have been in every kind of small group you can imagine... and there is nothing like corporate worship.
One can certainly say that none of the principles of science, even the proven laws, can be said to be «True» in any kind of absolute sense, but that is not a weakness of science or the discoveries it has made.
Let us read history, our history, as a living account of what we once were, with the double - edged consciousness that all of this has gone forever and that, in spite of everything, that period of youth and every moment of our lives remain mysteriously present at the wellsprings of our soul in a kind of delectable eternity.»
I'm in some kind of awe of myself.
Of course things do not always go well in this kind of personal interaction.
Most of our conscious waking experiences are sunlit, and in some kind of relationship with objects and ideas.
Boring and disinterested in any kind of interesting conversations.
and long, the moonlight showing through as you hold them over the world in a kind of benediction.
They can «study» their religion, but it still comes down to faith in the teachings, and personal experience, neither of which can ever be meaningfully tested true or false in any kind of objective way.
They live in some kind of dream world I guess.
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